The Transfer - 4

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Focus on an obsession that makes you feel alive.

Y/n tapped the butt of his pen against his notebook — twip, twip, twip — bored even as the teacher announced a new student. Someone, Y/n embarrassingly enough, didn't even notice; he acknowledged the extra classmate now that he had been pointed out though.

"Please introduce yourself," the teacher cajoled softly. The boy stood up, chair scraping back as he did, and rested the palms of his hands on his desk.

"I'm Takeshi — "

Y/n's eyes disinterestedly slid to watch the birds singing through the window as the introduction continued. He watched a pair of red-colored birds fly side-by-side to another tree branch. The large shadow of a hawk circled on the cement below.

When the class was dismissed for lunch, Y/n was the first to stand, ready to spend lunch on the roof. Y/n pushed past the curious crowd that surrounded the new boy's desk and exited the classroom. As always, he spent lunchtime alone on the roof, chowing down silently on a few homemade wraps. He tipped his head back and stared at the sky. He was doing that a lot more lately. Finding time to be alone and finding time to just be calm.

Akihiko was always stressful; Y/n needed these quiet moments like he needed air.

Of course, right when the last bell rang, Y/n dutifully attached himself to Akihiko's hip; set on accompanying him to basketball practice. Akihiko only accepted his presence with barely a word of acknowledgment.

Saving lives is such a thankless task, Y/n thought with a mental roll of his eyes as basketball practice finished.

Y/n ended up walking Akihiko home that night too.

The next day found a late, harried Y/n rushing to his homeroom. He was panting by the time he found the right hallway. He quickly approached the classroom and whipped the door open — only to find it empty. Y/n mentally face-palmed, suddenly remembering that the teacher said something about spending some class time outside. Y/n turned around ready to sprint outside —

"AHH!" Y/n shouted as he was instantly met with the equally ruffled form of the transfer student. Takeshi is it? Y/n recalled, raising a hand to his chest. "You scared the holy crap out of me."

The brown-haired boy smiled and rubbed the back of his neck, "Sorry. I'm Takeshi."

"I know," Y/n muttered. "God..." his heart was still pumping a mile a minute.

"Um — do you know where everyone is? I was about to give up when I saw you rushing over to the classroom..."

"Oh," Y/n breathed. "Yeah. C'mon. Everyone's probably doing a lesson behind Building A. The teacher always thinks being inside is such a waste so a couple times a year we have a few lessons outside."

Y/n had just inconveniently forgotten today was one of those kinds of teaching days.

Takeshi's worried expression flooded with relief, "Thanks. I thought I was crazy there for a moment."

Y/n snorted, "No worries." He smiled and pointed a thumb at himself, "With me, you'll be fine."

Y/n began walking back down the hallway, heading down the stairs. Takeshi caught up and they made their way to the field behind Building A together.

"That reminds me," Takeshi set friendly brown eyes on Y/n. "What's your name? Everyone else introduced themselves to me at lunch but not you."

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