Chapter 3

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    The first morning waking up in a body was almost as brutal as waking up without one. Almost. I had disobeyed all night long and so I had suffered for it...Lilly was dancing circles in my mind, flowing effortlessly from my dreams into my waking thoughts. A constant balm and torment.

    Outside of my tiny hut I could see the light of day creeping up to meet me. I was relieved to have a reason to get up and see something new, something besides my indulgences. Plus, I was pretty sure I needed to use the bathroom. The constant pressure in my lower gut was uncomfortable and quickly making it's way on to painful. I rose from the small bed, almost a cot really, and stretched on instinct. It felt good.

    I was just pulling back my curtain-like door when I saw Jude heading my way. I wasn't sure I was glad to see the older man. Is it guilt or something else? I wondered.

    "I see I'm not the only early riser!" Jude called pleasantly as he strode the last few dozen feet up to my door.

    I simply frowned and cocked my head. Jude smiled broadly.

    "Rough first night?"

    I didn't think that was a strong enough description but I had no other so I just nodded after a beat.

    "Yeah, they will be for a while. Try not to let them overwhelm you."

    I continued to stare.

    "Ok...well not everybody is chatty in the morning. Let's get you to the wash houses so you can take care of your necessaries. I bet you've gotta piss like a racehorse. Then we'll get some food in you."

    Without further explanation Jude turned and started walking. I followed. I did indeed want to relieve myself. At least I was pretty sure that's what "piss" meant. Though what a horse, racing or not, had to do with it I couldn't say.

     None of the little huts was more than a few hundred yards away from the small river that ran on the outside of the village or the wash houses on it's edge. The walk went fairly quickly. Jude showed me the modified outhouse-like toilets which I used gratefully before re-emerging into the sunlight.

    "Is it always sunny here?" I asked.

    "Usually, although we do get the occasional necessary rain. For the crops you know. But you couldn't ask for better weather in our little section of the universe." Jude winked at me playfully.

    "So there are other sections of the universe?" I asked with genuine interest.

    "Well of course son, you saw some of it on your way in here. Then theres the land of the living of course. Probably a lot of others I'm not privy to. But best not to think about that, they don't really concern us after all. Besides, this place is about as good as it gets, trust me." Jude finished with an air of finality and a benign smile. "Enough philosophy. You must be hungry by now."

    He made a sweeping motion with his hands in the direction of the building he called the mess hall. As I got closer I could smell something that made my stomach rumble. It was a disturbing feeling and I rubbed my hand against my midsection in response.

    Jude laughed. "Yeah I thought so. You are in for a treat. The first meal is unforgettable! Almost makes me wish I could do it all over again..."

    Outside of the building (which was little more than a larger version of the mud-packed huts that we all called home) were several people making their way inside. Though I hadn't thought much about it before I noticed that everyone wore the same simple cotton clothing, including me. It was a living sea in varying shades of brown, grey, and white. My own simple coverings were comfortable if plain, and it looked like there was little variation to the tunic-like shirts and loose trousers that everyone wore. From my forbidden memories I knew that this was much different than the way they did things in the land of the living.

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