Chapter 7

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The next morning I woke up with a sense of purpose. I was pretty sure Lilly believed me and that itself was a relief. I wanted her to know that I was doing everything I could to be with her and that I wasn't going to give up. I wanted her to know that I would always come for her no matter what insurmountable odds separated us. And really, if I figured out a way to get to her from another world then I sincerely hoped the worst would be behind us.

I stretched and got up from my cot. I expected to see Maggie or maybe even Jude heading my way, but when I pulled aside my flap-door I was alone. I could see other people in the distance of course; some were just exiting their huts like me and some were already running around the village doing God only knew what. I ignored my fellow residents as they ignored me and headed towards the wash houses to take care of necessary things before going in search of food.

As I splashed water in all the expected places and rinsed out my mouth I wondered about the day ahead. Would Jude try to put me in another apprenticeship? I had to assume so. There seemed to be so many kinds of jobs around the village that I was sure I had weeks of shuffling about before I would find my "calling." I had to figure out a way around that. I didn't have time for shuffling.

So the question was, how did I convince Jude to let me apprentice with Danny full time? It was the most logical plan of action, I thought. That way I could ask Danny questions and hopefully convince him to give me weapons training. Besides, I really wanted to avoid plowing and poop shoveling if I could. Jude did say they had been looking for a back-up blacksmith for a while so I was optimistic that I could convince him. I would just have to put on a good show when I praised Danny and confessed my love of metal work.

The walk to the mess hall was pleasant enough (after all it was disturbingly always sunny here) and didn't take me long. When I entered I could see Jude sitting off to one side talking quietly with two people I had never seen before. They were both just as unassuming as Jude first appeared to be. One was a short rotund man with salt and pepper hair and a ridiculous mustache while the other was a nervous looking woman with fluffy brown hair, cocoa colored skin, and large front teeth. She kept darting her eyes around the room as if expecting an attack at any moment. I ignored them and joined the food line.

I was patiently waiting for my turn to grab a plate when I felt eyes on me. I turned my head slightly so that I could see the reserved trio peripherally. They were indeed staring at me, all three of them. I slowly turned back and also tried to ignore the goosebumps that exploded over my arms. It didn't matter why they were looking at me. I was above whatever game Jude was preparing to play. I comforted myself with the knowledge that someday soon I wouldn't even be here anymore.

"You beat me here. Color me surprised."

"Surprise isn't a color."

"You really need to brush up on your idioms Gabe. Especially if we ever make it to Earth."

This time I turned fully around to give Maggie an exasperated look. "Excuse me for having more important things to focus on."

Never mind that I wasn't one hundred percent sure what an idiom was.

She smiled a brittle looking smile. "Ah yes. I'm sure you do. Speaking of, does that mean you've come up with some kind of plan?"

"Would you like it all laid out for you here and now?" I asked, pointedly looking around the room.

She mulled it over for a moment. "No. You're probably right. Besides, the creepy club is staring at you."

"Creepy club?"

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