Chapter 15

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The mess hall was an interesting hive of activity when I went searching for Maggie. People were bright-eyed and excitedly talking in groups about the sudden and massive changes the community was about to undergo. I overheard snippets of conversation that ranged in tone from fearful caution to fervent determination. I felt like I was standing on a giant powder keg that would blow at the slightest provocation and my instincts were screaming at me that the time to leave was now. The golden thing in my chest was practically vibrating with the same intensity to get me moving, though it had been like that since taking up residence inside of me and it couldn't be trusted.

I found Maggie sitting alone in the far corner, half-heartedly picking at a few pieces of toast. I approached and sat down across from her, foregoing food entirely. I wasn't sure I could eat anything right now even if I tried; between the meeting this morning and the gross feeling of my golden hitchhiker I wasn't sure I'd ever eat again.

"What are we going to do now?" Maggie spoke quietly to her plate rather than looking up at me.

I nonchalantly looked around to make sure there wasn't anyone close enough to listen in before I answered her. "The only thing we can do. Prepare to leave, immediately if we have to."

"And how are we going to pull that off?"

"Carefully and quickly. We don't have a choice now, we've run out of time."

"And what about the preparations?"

"We have most of the supplies we'll need, and the rest will just have to be dealt with along the way. We've run out of time." I reiterated.

She huffed and finally looked up at me. There was fear in her eyes. "But we don't even-"

I cut her off. "Clive is coming with us. He said he can teach us what we need on the way."

Her jaw snapped shut and she studied my face. "Why is he coming?"

"I imagine for similar reasons that you and I want to leave. And because he's smart enough to see that it's time to get out."

"And what about the patrols? How will we sneak past the new 'Defense Force'?"

"By leaving tonight if we can. Prep time is over."

Maggie looked like she wanted to argue but wisely kept her big mouth shut. After a few seconds she nodded.

"I'm going to find Danny. Get your stuff together and try to hide it on the borders of the village, past the tree line if you can manage. Maybe in the same place where we left the weapons last night. I know it will be difficult but just steer clear of the woods near Bertie's place. After the sighting it will be crawling with Jude and/or his cronies. At full dark, meet me at the river crossing unless I tell you otherwise."

I didn't give her a chance to ask any more questions or to argue with me. Instead I immediately stood and made my way out of the mess hall, ignoring the few questioning stares from the other villagers.

Outside and around the main part of the village it was a sea of nervous energy and confusion. It seemed to me like the best time to make ourselves scarce before the villagers had gotten themselves under control and organized. I could see Jude marching around a few hundred yards away doing his damnedest to jump start that organization so I kept my head down and took a surreptitious route towards Danny's place. If nothing else but to keep up appearances, I had to assume that he would be forced to make the motions of creating weapons full steam now.

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