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After the whole, coach made me freaking do track thing... I decided to avoid Heather. No one in school knows about the situation with Mike, not even close to it. I just barely evaded Coach Brown's phone call, Heather standing right there obviously hearing every word. Don't get me wrong, she seems like a nice girl, but I can't have anyone knowing the truth about Mike and I, that also means no one being suspicious.
I sighed, it was finally last period which meant... going home. I hadn't gotten in trouble today, well yet, which isn't ideal. Most people view detention like a jail sale, you hate it and just want to get away from it. I view detention as a safe haven, sure I have to stay at school for extra hours, but if it meant not seeing Mike I was happy to do whatever it took to get detention. I knew just how to get it too.
Without a second's thought I plopped myself down in the teacher's chair behind his desk. Mr. Ranch, yes like the dip, was a very strict teacher. Late to class? Extra homework. No homework? Principal's office. Now, messing with his stuff? Detention!! I smirked as several kids walked in with crazed faces at my actions. Was I proud of it? No, but I still didn't not want detention.
I saw a familiar raven haired girl walk in with ice blue fear struck eyes. She hesitantly walked over to me, I could see the nerves creeping up her back. "You're going to get detention if you do that!" She whispered in a harsh tone. I shrugged, listening wasn't my strong suit, but neither was talking. "Ash, I'm serious, you'll get into so much trouble!"
I gave her a bored look, I wasn't moving and she knew it. With a huff of frustration she put her stuff down in her assigned desk and walked over to me. I quirked a brow at her action. What was little Ms. Perfect up too? "If you're okay with getting detention fine, but that could go on your permanent record!" I mentally chuckled, there was nothing permanent about my life.
"Please, go back to your desk, Ash. It'll save you a lecture and more of my pleading," her eyes held determination, she was never one for a quitter. "Why do you care?" I spat more hostile than I should have, but I didn't really care. Her eyes flashed an emotion before they returned back to their neutral composure. "Ms. Weston, while I appreciate your efforts into getting Mr. Fault to behave, I'm sure your presents are needed elsewhere," Mr. Ranch spoke, sounding very much like Snape from Harry Potter.
She nodded, immediately going to her seat. A small glint of victory ignited in my eyes, finally he showed up. I looked up at the old man with boredom, he wasn't your prettiest face and lacked all if any personality. "Mr. Fault, I take it I will see you after school?" I gave a slight nod, "wouldn't have it any other way." He scowled at my remark, but made no move to yell at me. I was one of those students teachers hated, sure I kept my grades up or else that would lead to a parent call.
I usually only got detention once a week, but I did get in trouble at least twice everyday. "Mr. Fault, take your seat I'm sure my chair is more than ready for you to leave, as am I," he deadpanned, absolutely no emotion. "Too bad I'm staying for another two painful hours," I replied, slowly getting up with a slight eye roll. I walked as slow to my desk as imaginable, earning a few amused laughs from the students.
I slouched in my chair as another boring lecture took place, I was just glad I didn't have to go home. When I finally woke up the bell had rung and kids were scampering out of the classroom. I never did get much sleep. Yawning, I stretched out my arms, just as Mr. Ranch left the room. It wasn't but a few minutes before two junior walked in annoyed expressions clear as day.
"What?" I all but glowered. I knew how much older they were than me, stronger, mostly, but I was never one to back down... I had to always get up. "Not here to fight Fault, just got detention. Geez, your such a hostile kid," one of them rolled their eyes. They plopped down on the opposite side of the room from me, I was more than okay with that choice. Mrs. Oak came in with a warm smile, "Jaxon, Daniel, come with me." I rolled my eyes as they smirked, probably paid her to bail them out. Both of their parents were super rich, so they basically got away with everything. Both left the room without another word.
Two lovely hours had passed all too quickly, Mr. Ranch was more than delighted to send me on my way. I walked out of the school, the air felt refreshing. About the only refreshing thing in my life. My ankle had finally decided to stop burning, for which I was glad. I tugged at my jacket sleeve, the hot sun burning into me. "Hey," said a high voice behind me.
I snapped around, a short tingle of panic ran through me, recalling all the times I had been jumped or mugged in the street.

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