Chapter Five

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I woke up to my ears ringing, my head pounded, my whole body searing with pain. I looked up at the ceiling, my ceiling wasn't white. I looked to my right to find an ivy linked into my arm and a heart monitor. My vision cleared, I froze, a hospital? The heart monitor started beating hastily, what happened? My core tore in me as I sat up with wide eyes. Yep, this was differently a hospital.
Then realization hit. I had tried to kill myself, yet an unsuccessful attempt, crap! They would know, the bruises, cuts, everything! This was not good, it was terrible. I cringed at the counseling I'd have to endure for the next year or more, but that means Mike was caught, then where would I live? "Fault, is it?" A soothing voice called. I looked towards the door to find a blonde haired woman smiling at me. A glare took ahold of my face. She sighed, walking in slowly, "how are you feeling?"
I didn't speak, no thanks to you stranger, but I don't know you. Her blue eyes held sympathy, she whispered to someone outside the door. I frowned, what was that about? A second later and a raven haired girl walked in with a slight smile. "Hey," she softly spoke. You've got to be kidding me. The woman walked out, but I knew she didn't go far. "You okay?" I shrugged, "I'm in a hospital bed, so I guess." She folded her arms, "want to talk about it?" As much as I'd like to decline I didn't know how I got here and that was something I needed to figure out.
I nodded, she walked over and sat down on the bed. "We found you when we were coming home after my mom picked me up," she explained as if she already knew my question. "Oh," I answered. "What do they want from me?" Her ice blue eyes found my electric ones, "A confession to being abused basically, as well as agreeing to therapy, foster home, and answers." I groaned, looking back at the ground.
"Is that why you wore your jacket all the time because you were hiding the truth?" I nodded, biting my bottom lip. "Still up for the track team?" She grinned. I chuckled silently, "oh yeah, I'll be there in spirit." She giggled, "I'll get your school work for you, also what do you want to eat? You've been asleep for two days." Geez, guess I really needed the extra hours. "Pizza sounds like heaven," I admitted. "It always does," she smirked. True.
The woman walked back in, her eyes twinkled at the sight of us. What was she on about? "What would you like to eat Ash?" Okay, a little creeped out by her knowing my name without my consent. I looked expectantly at Heather who rolled her eyes at my plea, "pizza," she responded. "Can you talk okay?" The woman inquired. I started fake coughing, shaking my head. Her brow furrowed in utter concern, as Heather just scowled in my direction.
She went to hit my shoulder, but instantly stopped remembering I'm not a fan of touching. Her hand fell awkwardly from the air, "no, Mom, he's just a drama queen." Ah, so this was her mother or adoptive mother. I stopped my acting and shot her a nice glare that made her mother's smile falter slightly. An officer came in and I sighed at the fact of the various questions coming my way.
"You feel up to answering a few things?" I nodded, not really caring to try and attempt to get out of this dreadful situation. "Mike Fault was your abuser correct?" I scoffed, he sounded like a freaking interrogator, "yep," I said popping the 'p' while fiddling my fingers. "How long has this been going on?" Gosh, I wasn't an open book type person, but this was just cruel. "Eight years, so since I turned eight," my voice held no emotion, my eyes dark and unreadable, my posture relaxed and composed. No one was going to read me more than I would allow them too.
He gave me a sad look before continuing, "before I continue you understand you will he submitted weekly to a therapist and a full time foster home until adopted out?" I rolled my eyes giving the man my deadliest look, he sunk back just a tad at my glare. I did not like the idea of therapy especially a foster home, no thank you. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Heather's mom in deep thought. Heather flashed me a light grin, her eyes full of kindness. I felt my mood slightly change from raging to annoyed. I nodded to the man as he continued to ask me a butt load of questions.
Two hours went past when he finally left, I was exhausted both physically and mentally. A few times I was inches away from having panic attacks, but somehow a look at Heather made me calm down a bit. "I'm Bethany Talon, but you can call me Beth. I know it's hard for you to understand and process what's going on and what will eventually happen, but I'm always here if you need to talk sweetie," Heather's mom chirped. I recoiled at the word 'sweetie' gross, I'm fifteen not three. Heather laughed at me, knowing how much I didn't appreciate that name.
"I know how this goes. Once a day every week for however long I have to go to an hour long therapy session, go to a stranger's house until another stranger adopts me out of it and just live out my life. It's not hard to understand and I'm not confused," I snapped at the woman. "Ash, that's my mother, quit being so you," Heather scolded in a rude tone. I sneered at her annoying voice over her completely, "yeah, well not everyone was raised with etiquette." I knew what it was, but people had to earn respect from me, it was never given. "You're telling the wrong person that," she spat in hostility. I rolled my eyes, "really? Let's see, you've been at a group home for most of your life. How would I know you ask? You knew so much about the other four cases yet that information wouldn't be revealed to you unless you were apart of the discussion. Beth, here seems to be an okay mother, and I'm sure whoever the father is, is also quite the gentleman. Based on how you act, grades, your so called siblings, I'd say yes, I am talking to the right person."
Bethany had walked up to us by now, "that's enough Ash." Are you serious?? "You're not my parent, heck you're just a stranger that ruined my life. I would have been dead by now, but you had to come and do your saving crap. Well you didn't save much, just a kid that wants to die, not worth the time or worry to try and help or save," my voice covered in a bitter exterior. I felt like crap talking to them like this, but attachments were bad and wouldn't ever become good. She looked at me with a pity look, ugh that stupid look made me want to jump up and run. "Did your dad say that?" Heather asked out of the blue. I was taken aback by her question, not expecting it.
What? Did my dad tell me I should die, that I'm worthless, that I shouldn't have even existed, that I was the reason my mother died? Yes, but that's because it was all true. I've never been told different so it must of been. I broke eye contact, yeah wimpy move I know, but I couldn't hold such an intense stare down. Not with that topic brought up. They were quiet for a few minutes. I was ready to die all over again, the awkward silence was patronizing. They had gotten their answer, man I need to work on my walls not being so clear.
"Pizza is here," a man's voice boomed as the door swung open hitting the wall, chipping a small bit of the beige paint. The man walked in with four kids at his heels. "Dad, I bought the pizza I should have it," a blonde teenager spoke with magnetic blue eyes. A brown haired teenage boy with green eyes rolled his eyes at her comment, "whatever, Presley, I deserve it. I'm the one that ran four miles today after all!" A smaller girl with dark skin ran up to him, "me! Daddy it's mine! I lost my sixth tooth yesterday, I deserve it mostest!" I almost couldn't stop myself from cracking a sly smile at her high pitched voice. "Give me the freaking pizza, I don't give a care of what you all think you deserve," a Hispanic boy said reaching for the box.
"Now, Rio, that's not how we speak here," Bethany scolded. He groaned, plopping down on the cool tile. I didn't like having a lot of people around, then again I was never a fan of people. Their father which I later found out was called Henry, passed everyone, including me, a slice of cheese pizza. It took me longer to eat it since I wasn't used to this type of food.
To be honest this was the most I've eaten in one sitting since Mom died. Like I've said, potato chips suck. It was different, but a good different. Fifteen minutes had passed and the pizza had been demolished, nothing but grease and crumbs left in the box. I looked at the cultural family. I could easily see mixed races amongst them, but I didn't mind that, it was pleasurable.
Trey, the brown hair, blue eyed, cross country star, was more of a muscular kid. Sure, he didn't have muscles bulging from his slim figure, but he did have them. He was tanned from the sun, but not enough to look dark. He was the first to finish his pizza, glued right to his phone.
Presley, the blonde, blue eyed, fashionista, sat conversing with Bethany. She was lean and tall, the way she held herself made confidence radiate off of her, she had been smiling since she walked through the door. She had a slight British accent obviously worn into the American one as well. She had peach colored skin, light unlike Trey's but not deathly pale like Bethany's.
Rio, the black haired, brown eyed, singer-song writer, was leaned against the corner wall engrossed in his phone mouthing to lyrics his AirPods played. He held slight muscle, not as visible as Trey's but not ruler-straight like mine. He had a rich copper skin tone. I could easily tell he was from Hispanic origin, he toned everyone out avoiding socializing. Geez, he reminds me of me. Based on his posture and the way he carried himself, it wasn't hard to guess he didn't care for anyone's opinions, didn't give a crap about anyone, but still loved to jam to music.
Tina, the black haired, gray eyed, soccer player, twinkled at the center of attention. Her smile lit up the room, her eyes could make even the hardest soul smile. She was a very outgoing little girl, loud, but composed. She gave off the joyful effect, I could see her as one of those sun shiny girls with straight A's, a bubbly personality, but one who won't take crap from anyone. She had dark skin, making her bright pink shirt pop. It took everything in me not to light up at the girl's persona.
Heather, the well-known raven hair, ice, blue eyes, goodie-two shoes. She was a dancer come to find, apparently a quite good one, her mother gloating over her daughter's solo at some state competition. She was the quiet girl, but fiery at heart. She could melt anyone with a smile, her sharp eyes capturing everything in one glance. She was a girl not much got passed by, didn't deal with anyone's horse-play, raved about class interruptions, yet still danced with grace and precision.
They were quite the blended family, Henry himself, having a small percentage of Korean in him. I thought it was a neat factor, at the diversity all living under one roof. My pleasant mood drifted as I recalled having to live with strangers, this was going to be a long year.


There's everyone!!! I LOVE all the diversity! It's one of my absolute favorite things about this book! Here's yet another lovely chapter from Ash's point of view!

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