Chapter Thirteen

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"What exactly happened?" Henry asked Grayson with a shaky tone. Grayson ran a hand through his fiery red hair, "I was drivin' by and I saw this kid being picked up off the ground. I got out of the truck and walked over, the man saw me and dropped the kid sprinting into a building. I saw Ash all pale and his hands bloody from somthin'." Henry rubbed his eyes as he took in the information. Never had he imagined such a kid as young as him knee deep in so much trouble. They sat in the waiting room, Henry, Grayson, Heather, and Presley. Bethany had to stay to tend to the kids. Presley had tears in her eyes that she refused to let fall, "something needs to change." Heather looked up at her confused, "what?" Presley shook her head, "we keep going in circles with him. After Dad found him he was fine, then a random guy comes out of nowhere and nearly takes the kid, after that it was normal until I found him passed out one day on the sidewalk, he was okay after that, and now this. What's next? I can't stand to stress over it. This isn't right, he's fifteen, a small boy for that matter, he's fighting more struggles than I think I could."
Everyone was shocked silent at her words, they too, knew she spoke truth. "What are you suggesting? Moving him across the country?" Henry looked at his eldest daughter with concerned eyes. He was growing to become quite fond of Ash whether or not he carried for the child. The blonde girl shrugged, "I don't know, yes? No? It just doesn't seem fair either way we play it. He stays here he's in danger of getting hurt, he leaves and we'll probably never see him again." Everyone didn't utter a word, not for a while. Heather, however, didn't agree with her sister. She didn't want Ash to leave, she wanted to get to know him, to learn his favorite color, to be there on his bad and good days, she wanted to become a friend. She was torn between her heart and her brain. He would be safer elsewhere, free of harm, but she wouldn't get to see the dark haired, blue eyed boy she had just recently noticed.
Josh arrived with a young black haired boy Presley had never seen before. Henry grinned as the boy gave him a small smile. "Sorry I'm late, this little guy Shuang wanted to come," Josh apologized, he took a seat next to Henry. "Where's Ash?" Shuang sighed. Josh rubber the boy's back, "he's asleep right now bud, hopefully he'll be okay this afternoon." Shuang nodded, but even he could sense the tension and dread in the room. An hour passed, no one moved, no one spoke, it was still. Henry looked up to see Skylar and Axel walking through the hospital door, confidence radiating off of them. They sat in the plush green chairs, Skylar's face riddled with sorrow. She fiddled with a bracelet, Axel rubber her back whispering comforting words to her. Josh gave the strangers a greeting smile, but neither returned it. They were here for one and one person only.
Henry frowned, he had only seen the boy once under fair conditions. His heart cried for the boy, an overwhelming amount of guilt consumed him. Maybe if I took him in, he would still be here. That one thought, never left. Grayson shook his head, "gawd, I've known that kid for about a week, the most hostile thing I've ever met, yet I'm sitting in a hospital for him." "Never was the friendliest," Henry added on, giving the young man a smile. "Always alert though, he was never fully relaxed with me," Presley sighed, her blue eyes dulled at the memories she had with him. "Don't feel too bad, I don't think he knew he could let his guard down," Josh spoke. Heather looked up at him puzzled, "what do you mean?" He glances at them, fixing his gaze on her, "his father obviously wasn't the kindest so his home wasn't a safe place, didn't talk to anyone at school so he didn't relax there, going home didn't help living in such a rough neighborhood."
Skylar stood, "you talk as if you know him." Henry dared to challenge her, "we don't know much but we do know enough." She shook her head, her eyes rolled, "enough? What exactly do you know about him despite the rough patches? Do you know his favorite movie? His favorite color? Why he stuck around with his dad? Why his dad changed? What his favorite animal is? His favorite food? No, no you don't, none of you do." Grayson rushed to prove her wrong, "it's not like he's the most open person." She scoffed, "have you ever asked? He never shuts up alone with me, he jokes, plays, laughs, smiles, he is the best person I know. Do you expect him to be an open person? After everything he's gone through?" Grayson's mouth snapped shut. They all felt embarrassed at how little they knew about him. "That little spit fire can fight," Axel chuckled as he brought Skylar back into the chair she previously sat in.
Skylar's hard face turned to a weak smile at his attempt to lighten the mood. Shuang was quiet, the air was heavy with regret and tension. He leaned on Josh's side, his eyes slowly closing with exhaustion. Everyone was drained, tired, and slowly growing more and more annoyed. A doctor came to the waiting room, "Henry, Grayson, may I speak with you both privately?" They stood and followed the doctor to a small, vacant office. The doctor sat down in a leather chair, the visitors followed in pursuit. "The damage Ash has endured is minor, a bit of scratches, nothing too serious. However, he took a hard blow to the head that gave him a fairly deep gash, he's been stitched up and bandaged although still asleep. May I ask, what caused of this? I'm deeply concerned due to the boy's physical appearance, not only is he below average with weight, but the many scars along his body makes me uneasy."
Grayson looked to Henry panic took over him, but Henry remained calmed, "he's a foster kid, only recently brought into the program. It appears he made friends with the wrong group in his younger ages and an attack had taken place. He had a drunken father, he hasn't had the best life." The doctor's face fell even more if such a thing were possible, his eyes shined as he took in all the information that was known about the fifteen year old boy. "I am so sorry, I would have never asked if it were such. He does have a very harsh concussion, I suggest no school for one to two weeks depending on his condition. We're about to wake him up, once he's responding you both and only you two can come in until he's stable enough for others," the doctor exchanged greeted and left to wake up Ash. Grayson and Henry never moved, both still processing the dire state Ash had been in today and was now.
They were still for ten minutes before the same doctor rushed in, "come please." Grayson frowned as Henry and him followed. The doctor's panicked voice betrayed his calm tone. They walked to the end of the hospital and found Ash sitting up, he looked ready to bolt. Grayson stepped in after Henry; Ash turned and visibly relaxed a small bit at the sight of them. A white bandage was wrapped securely around his head, he though didn't seem to have yet noticed. Henry walked up to the frightened boy, "hey pal, you alright?" The boy's brown hair was glued to his face as sweat shined all over him. "What happened?" His voice was bitter, yet a touch of uneasiness lingered. Henry looked back to Grayson who hadn't left the door. The teen slowly walked over to the bed, "some guy had done a bit of damage to you in an alley." Ash's eyes widened, his body grew tight with fear, "what did he look like?"
"Bald I think, had a dark hoodie on, he was very tall and long limbed though," recalled Grayson. Henry studied Ash closely as Grayson shared the details. He watched how Ash's body locked up, how his eyes went just barely wide, how the hair on the back of his neck stood, how his hands just barely trembled. For the first time, Henry saw Ash scared. He looked like a lost puppy in a city full of giant cars and loud noises. The tough exterior seemed to fade only shortly as Ash tried to hold back emotions. Henry, whom had fostered kids long before he started the group home, knew just what Ash was doing and what he was trying to keep unseen. "May I talk with him alone?" Henry asked the two doctors that stood afar. They nodded and Grayson followed them out. Henry returned his focus to the blue eyed boy, "you be straight up with me, okay?" Ash hesitantly nodded, his face went blank but his shaky breaths still told Henry all he needed. "Who is this man and what does he want with you?"
Ash held Henry's gaze, "I'll tell you a bit, but not everything." He nodded waiting for the boy to continue. "When I was eight Skylar and I met this guy called Base. He took us in off the streets and gave us a home, but we had to join his gang. She was just a young teen then and I was a child, so we agreed even though we weren't in the 'know' of what we would have to do. Skylar eventually became his drug hustler, carrying out his deals and receiving his purchases. I, on the other hand, was used as something else. I did do the hustling from time to time when I was asked, but for the most part I was his. He owned her and I, but after some crazy stuff went down and Skylar found out what he did, we left. Until we were caught again, I was ten I think, Skylar and I became part of the gang once more. I was nearing a breaking point over some of the things he would do, so Skylar and I snuck out. We agreed to never see or help each other again, that way Base could never find either of us. For a while it was like that, but periodically I would help her and she me... and now Base is out again."
Henry's brow creased together as he looked at Ash with a sense of dread. Ash had gone pale, was clearly shaking, and breathing rapidly. Henry, despite being told the story, still had one question that lingered, "what did he have you do?" Ash willed himself to keep Henry's eye, "I- I said a bit, not everything." Henry's frown grew, what had happened for such a strong and stubborn boy refuse to share? Ash's heart rate spiked as a panic attack hit him. Henry instantly spoke calm words to the overwhelmed kid. Ash's panic attack lasted for a few minutes before he came back to realization, his state was clear. Henry has caused painful memories, but one strong enough to trigger an attack despite every effort Ash made to keep it at bay. Something had happened and something big, especially if a boy like Ash, couldn't stop the panic attack from showing his vulnerability. The kid laid down, his breath slowing but still cut short. Henry sighed, "it's okay to be vulnerable; I'll let the topic drop for now, but it won't be the last we speak of this." Ash shot Henry an icy glare, but Henry disregarded it. He knew Ash wasn't a normal kid, but that didn't mean he wasn't willing to try and be like one.
Henry walked over to the corner room and sat in a chair as Ash struggled to stay awake, but eventually slipped into a much needed rest.


Any theories on what he did? Honestly this chapter wasn't one I was dying to finish, but once I got to the part of Ash waking up I could write and write and write.

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