Chapter Nine

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"My gawd you're an idiot," came a distant voice. I didn't feel like opening my eyes, I didn't care where I was, all I knew is that I had survived, unfortunately. My ears were ringing, but I managed to hear a bit of what the person was saying. "I swear this year was supposed to be a fresh new start, take a year off of school, get a job, then take classes next year, but could that simple wish come true? No, gosh I sound so selfish." My eyes shot open, I knew this voice. I was welcomed by dim lightening, thankful that I didn't have the chance to go blind, I looked over at the blonde haired teen whom sat a few feet away. She looked rough, like she was stressed.
"Hey Blue Eyed Wonder," she weakly greeted. I shook my head at her comment and sat up, my stomach empty but overall I felt okay. "Where am I?" She sighed, "my personal house I suppose, not that my family knows about it." I nodded taking in my surroundings. It was small yet looked like a million bucks. The walls were painted an off-white, a few cedar shelves hung, supporting a few pink mugs and a fake sunflower in one. I was laid in a peach colored couch, a nice dark wood floor beneath it. A white wooden table just inches away, a TV hung from the wall over a white brick fire place in the eye line of the couch. A ceiling fan rested above me, behind the couch was a marble kitchen counter an island behind that, with cedar cabinets. To the left of the couch was a closed door which I assumed led to the bedroom, a bathroom door opened right beside it. To the right of me was a clear glass door leading to a dull but clean garage. The outer door opened due to a packed box in the way.
"Why doesn't your family know?" Presley bit her lip, "I don't want to sound... self-centered, but I don't want them around all the time. This is a place I know I can be left alone without having to worry about a kid barging in uninvited." I nodded, that sounded like a personal heaven to me. "What exactly happened?" She raised an eyebrow at me. I subconsciously looked down at my ankle, it was wrapped in glaze. My eyes snapped to her, "I graduated with an associates degree in nursing. You tore or did whatever to a major artery." Of course I did. I mean, I did say it's my unlucky ankle after all, this just takes the cake. "I hit a rock," wow, she basically stopped me from bleeding out and I give her a concise explanation? Wow, I feel like a jerk right now. "Doing what?" I kept her intense gaze, "tumbling down a hill." "Why?" "Because I tripped over a branch." Okay, that was a partial lie, I'm sure my foot hit a branch at least once falling down the hill.
"How did you trip over a branch?" I shrugged, "I was trying to skip school." Total white lie there, did I feel ashamed after she just saved my butt and I'm deemed a liar? Nah, no attachments means no guilt... probably. "Why were you doing that?" Does this girl only know how to ask questions?? "Because I felt like it." She pursed her lips, "how considerate." "Very," I added in a dull tone. She sighed, she grabbed her keys and swung a bag over her shoulder. "Let's go." I stood, my ankle only a tad sore but I could manage. I followed her to the garage and hopped into her jet black mustang. She rolled the top down and started the engine. "How old are you again?" I plopped myself down in the passenger seat, "fifteen." "Got a permit?" I nodded, I unzipped my backpack and swiftly pulled out the permit. A smirk came over her facade, she got out of the car and walked over to my side. "What the heck are you doing?" She shook her head at me, "get out." I gave her a quizzical expression before I reached to grab my bag, but she stopped me. Shrugging once more I got out and she took my spot. It was then that I connected the pieces.
"Oh heck no," I said loudly, I was not about to drive this expensive car and wish to see another day. "Oh heck yes, either you get your sorry self into the driver seat and drive to Bethany's house, or you can stay locked up in here all day long," she wasn't joking. "Wait- Bethany's house?" The amusement in her blue eyes never faltered, of course she was enjoying this, "sure, Rio seems to have taken a liking to you, Trey doesn't care, Heather wouldn't mind, and you have yet to meet Tina." First, she helps me, then she lets me drive her car, and now she's taking me to their house? There has to be a catch. I sighed, I eased myself into the driver's seat a tingle of nerves ran through the tips of my fingers as soon as they touched the wheel.
She smiled at my actions, "just relax, have you driven before?" I shook my head, "well once, but that was on a bike... right before I crashed it." She chuckled, "motorcycles can be hard to control." I grew a slight red recalling the accident, "it wasn't a motorcycle it was a bicycle.." She gave off a nervous laugh, "Ash if you kill me I will seriously regret helping you." I shot her a look, " thanks, what a vote of confidence." She nodded, within a second she whipped out her phone pointing it at me. "What are you going?" "Videoing you driving for the first time, duhh." I scowled, she opened the garage by the push of a bottom then commanded me to go. My hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, my knuckles turned white from the grip.
I slowly added pressure, the car eased forward at a painfully slow pace. "It's September second, Ash Fault, is driving his first car, well my car. He wrecked a bicycle so I'm kinda nervous, but it should be entertaining," she whispered into the phone. My eyes never left the road as I pulled onto it, "seriously?" She rolled her eyes, "must you complicate everything?" "Yes, actually." A smirk rugged at my lips at her annoyed expression, but I was quick to block it. No emotion, no attachments, no future. My heart broke at my thoughts... why? I used to say those three statements everyday, so why all the sudden am I feeling doubtful? I came to a stop at a red light.
She eased the phone a tad bit closer, "how's driving?" I hugged, "nerve-wracking, but I'm thinking of purposely crashing, that way you won't have to deal with me and I won't have to deal with your phone." She glared, "you're not a bother, if anything you're a freaking miracle for my family." I frowned, "What?" I resumed driving once the light turned green. A weak smile took over her once joyful face, "Rio wouldn't talk to hardly anyone even if he did it was always a threat or a rude comment. Heather said she heard you two talking, since then he hasn't made much of a fuss and is actually nice-ish. Maybe you don't want to be alive and feel as if you're pointless, but you're helping my family. Whether you know it or not, it's for the better and I think by God's hand that you and we met each other." I was stunned.
They needed me? It wasn't an act, no catch, no scoreboard? Just conversing? That's not possible, no one has ever given two cents about me, why all the sudden them? I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for them... was it bad that I was thankful? I shook my head, I couldn't think about this. It's not true, it couldn't be. Rio was just a kid who kept up a lot of anger, Heather the silent girl who did her work, Trey one of the most valued football players yet, Presley, a student hoping to get a chill year... and Tina? I've only met her once and as far as I knew she loved pizza. How could that family need me? Better yet, how was I helping them?
"Turn here," Presley's soft voice called to me, pulling me from my never ending thoughts. I slowly turned the wheel left as we pulled into the family's driveway. Rio was outside kicking around a soccer ball. He glanced up as I parked the car, "Fault, finally, where you've been all dang day?" Presley caught my eye, I slightly shook my head, no one had to worry. "Got held up, Skylar needed something," the reply came smoothly off my lip, as if I didn't just lie to one of my only sorta-semi-friend so why did I feel guilty? I gave Presley her keys and got out of the car. "Ah, that sounds boring. Bethany is making some spaghetti, Henry is out back with the rest of the gang swimming," Rio said as he walked up to me. I nodded, Presley gave me a pointed look, I shot her a glare. Rio just proved her point, but that's probably a coincidence.
"Come on," called Presley as she opened the front door. The house was a clean brown and peach brick, the door a dark brown. I followed after Rio, as we entered the house. It had light brown hardwood floors, to the right was the tan tile floor kitchen. To the right was a white carpeted living room. In front of me was a stair case leading up to their rooms I guess. "How about you two go swim?" Bethany called, stirring the pasta in a boiling pan of water. "Is it okay if someone comes over to eat too?" Presley called, Bethany grinned still looking at her work, "of course! I love the company." She finished stirring and looked up over to the three of us. "Ash! What a lovely surprise, it's nice to see you alive and well," came her overly cheery voice. Presley looked at the ground as soon as the words 'alive' and 'well' came out. I gave her a look, what's she doing?? She's going to blow my cover.
"Rio, Pres, why don't you two go get changed, I'm going to talk to Ash for a second." They dashed upstairs, leaving me to the over due interrogation. She walked over to me and passed to the living room. She sat on their white couch which rested on a brightly colored rug. I hesitantly walked over, I sat a few distance away from the woman. "Who's Skylab and Axel?" Of course that question would be asked first. "Skylar I've known since I was nine, she found me one ...eventful... night and helped me out. We just kinda stuck together, she took care of me and I kept her company until I was old enough to help too. Something happened and we had to go our separate ways, but she met Axel over under a bridge. He was just kicked out by his mother and she took him in and as far as I know they've always kept an eye on me and I on them."
She nodded, "who was that man?" Great, these questions keep getting better, "Garrote I think? I didn't get a good look at him, he's in a gang Skylar and I got mixed up in." Her blue orbs held pity and I wanted to walked out right then and there, but I didn't that would just add more questions. "What did you two do?" I tensed, that was something I would never answer and if I did I would be killed as soon as tomorrow. "Can't say," I muttered. She sighed, coming to the fact that was all she was getting from me today. Heather sheepishly came around the corner, "when's dinner going to be ready?" Bethany paused for a moment, "six thirty?" She nodded, and waved at me, "are you swimming?" Gosh no, if someone ever saw my scars, bruises, I-I don't want that to ever happen. That's the past and the last thing I would want someone to remember me by. The look of pity would never disappear, as if I was a wounds Giselle trapped in a hole, in the middle of a drought.
I shook my head, a look of disappointment flashed in her eyes, "but I might sit out there." Why the heck did I just say that?? She perked up, "see you outside Fault!" She dashed around the corner in full-bound. Come to find Rio was already outside, but Presley came down to get me and pushed me outside. I sat in the shade of a tree who's leaves barely covered half the cobblestone path. Tina was on Trey's shoulders, Heather on Presley's both competing fiercely in a chicken fight. I felt careless once again in good company. They played, splashed, laughed, and carried out with a joyous explosion of games. The tree was rough against my back, but I didn't mind. I didn't see Henry however, he must have just gotten out.
Rio played the score keeper as the two teams clawed at one another. Heather flung her arms straight at Tina, knocking Tina back. Trey struggled to balance Tina's small figure, but managed. She gave Heather a death glare, Presley giggle but got ready to brace herself as Trey brought Tina near. Tina's young arms met Heather's experienced ones, they battled, pushing against one another to see who would win. Trey smirked as he discreetly threw his leg out, knocking Presley off balance. She wobbled and Heather toppled over, they hit the water in defeat. Tina threw her tiny arms up, "we won!!! I'm the best ever! We won Trey!" He laughed at her, giving Presley a charming look. She shook her head, but failed to hide her amusement. Heather was full of sunshine as usual, her smile stretched broadly across her face.
"TT's the victor!" Rio called out, he had a lope-sided grin plastered on his facade. Trey fell back, causing the two to create a giant splash in the blue water. Tina came up grinning widely as Trey surfaced. I let my mind drift from there, thinking about everything. My mom's death, Mike's sentence, Skylar and Axel's warning, Garrote's mysterious appearance, Base's resurfaced, and these new 'friends' I've seem to become accommodated with. They weren't my type of crowd, but I was never one to enjoy having a crowd. Truth be told, I missed my mom a lot, she was the light of my world. Her baby blue eyes, her forever long blonde curls, her light pink lips, her peachy skin, the light blue dress she always loved to wear, the beach scented perfume she adored. She was everything to me, but once I lost her, I didn't only lose everything, I lost a father figure, a piece of me, a mother, a best friend, I lost Mary Kate Fault, the best creation God had yet to remake.
"Dinner's ready!" Bethany's soothing voice called from inside. Everyone got out of the pool in a split second, drying off as best they could, and stampeding into the house one after another. I was planning on staying still, but a light hand made its way into my view. I looked up a bit nervous at seeing the hand so close to me, "come on," Heather warmly smiled. I held her eye, but all I could think about is her hand. The feeling of another person's skin on mine harmlessly... was hard to imagine. Being touched without being beaten, that wasn't normal. The only two people I willingly let touch me was Skylar and sometimes Axel... but they got it, they understood everything. I couldn't, touching someone I barely knew? No, never. I stood up, a look of hurt flashed in her eyes before she masked it with a fake smile. She walked towards the door and I followed behind her. The second I entered the house it went silent... what? I instantly felt nervous, Why was it silent? Were they talking about me? What's there to talk about?
"Ash, nice to see you up and about," Henry winked, a smile spread on his face showcasing his pearly whites. That means they were talking about me... right? I shrugged at him, was I being unnecessarily rude? Yes, but did I care at this specific moment? No, not even a tiny bit. I was instantly met with a glare from everyone except Bethany, Henry, and Tina. I shot Rio a look, he had no right to judge me when he did the same thing. Heather lead me over to two vacant seats, she sat on the left of me, Henry on the right. The spaghetti was passed out, after grace, everyone began to submerge themselves in the food. Presley caught my eye, 'don't over do it' she mouthed, not wanting another throw up episode... me neither. I subtly nodded, eating slowly and only cleared a small amount off my plate. It was sad I was full, the food was spectacular, but my stomach couldn't hold much.
It wasn't long before everyone else finished, red tomato sauce smeared onto their faces, but some managed to keep clean profiles. Bethany frowned at what I ate, "you should have told me you don't like spaghetti." I froze... I loved it, never had I tasted anything like it before, but I wasn't about to say I could barely eat much because I'm used to small proportions or no dinner at all. Potato chips aren't exactly filling. "He was finishing up his lunch when I picked him up," Presley cooly replied. I nodded, thankful she had a back up story. "Oh okay!" Bethany's grin returned with ease. I looked back at Presley tapping my index finger on my wrist wrist in a 'watch' like fashion. She acknowledged it, "well Ash and I better get going, I have to drop him off." Bethany nodded, she grabbed her plate and took it to the sink to be cleaned.
Henry waved, I returned the gesture slowly but it still happened. "Bye Ash!" Tina beamed. "Hasta luego," Rio nodded. "Bye," Trey called seemingly bored. "Stay safe!" Heather chirped. I stood and nodded toward them before I followed Presley out the door. She let out a breath of air, "if they ever find out what happened today consider me dead and you sent to Hell." I mentally chuckled at her sentence. I got into the driver's seat, Presley hoping into the passengers. I backed out of the driveway and with some help pulled onto the highway. This day wasn't too bad after all.


You've read words!!!!

L O N G chapter I know! You're welcome! We get to meet a little bit more of the family! Ash was obviously sooo thrilled to drive😬. I'm actually working on getting my permit... so yeah, hopefully that goes well!

Hasta Luego: See you later | in Spanish.

Yes, Rio is a Hispanic and a proud one at that! I love the mixed cultures!

Henry is nearly full Korean, Bethany is white, Tina is African American, Trey is Latino, Heather has a small percentage of Native American (but lacks the tan and orange skin). Presley is actually white, but originated from Spain! She was so young she only speaks a tiny bit of Dutch, but she's learning!
Ash is white, but his mother had white and German in her! He sadly knows no German since his mother wasn't able to teach him💔

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