Chapter Seventeen

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(Back to Ash!!)

I was so not ready for the park. I didn't even want to go, well I did, but I couldn't. Instead I leaned back on the couch and waiting for everyone so I could leave. Bethany was washing up, so I didn't have to worry about being pestered to go. At least, that's what I thought. Henry came around the corner to go upstairs, but paused once he saw me. He in turn, walked over with a small smile, "you going to go?" I shook my head, "I have to get back I guess." He shook his head and knelt down in front of me, "kid, you don't have to go anywhere we both know that. Aren't both Lanson and Grayson graduated to college now in a whole other state?" That was true, Grayson left just a few days ago. I knew he wouldn't come back, not for a long time.
"Yeah," said I. He placed his hand gently on my shoulder. I was able to breathe, to relax, and he was touching me. He seemed to notice this too and his small smile stretched, "what's the real reason you aren't going? I know you want too." I sighed, he wasn't going to let this go until I finally told him. "I have scars and everything... I- swimming just-" My voice went out, I felt weird to talk to someone other than Skylar like this. It was a good kind of weird though. "If you pay attention, so does everyone here. Presley, Trey, Heather, Tina, Rio, everyone. They've all been through a rough hand in their lives just like you. If you're self-conscious about it ask them, they've all been down this road before. If you don't want to go, then I won't force you, but I do want you to think about it, okay?" A small nod from me and he returned to get ready, but I didn't move. His words seemed to weigh me down, ask them was all that repeated in my head.
What if they said no? What if they wanted me to tel my story and the full version? I couldn't do that. Not now, not ever. Henry went up the stairs in a bliss, yet I was stuck. My mind twirled around in curiosity of them. What happened to them? He came back down and looked at me, "whatever you decide, no pressure at all, but let it be what you truly want to do." With that, he left to go into his room. My heart was beating faster than I thought possible. I turned my head to the sound of someone coming from the stairs. I saw Presley with a tank top on and jean shorts, "come here." I was hesitant for a moment, but stood and followed her back up the stairs. We walked into a descent sized room that everyone was in. I frowned a little confused.
"What-" Heather was quick to interrupt me, "let us talk." I didn't say anything further, they seemed serious about this. Presley went beside Heather and spoke first, "I told you my half-sister was a druggy." I nodded. "Well the supplier was my mom and her boyfriend. They were drug dealers and went they would get high I would generally be the penyata. I was about six at the time when I was forced to try cocaine, after that I came to school with the powder on my face and was reported to the police, and they gladly took me from my family. After that I jumped around to two different foster homes, this being one and was later adopted by Bethany and Henry when I turned seven." She moved a bit of hair from her eyes, she looked confident and strong about her past.
Trey was the next to speak up, "for me it was my dad and my step-mother who dealt with me. My step-mom was rough, she had a mental illness that my dad hated. When she would 'blank out' as I called it, my dad became abusive. It sucked... a lot, but it only lasted for a few. One day my neighbor came in claiming to have heard yelling, called the cops, and I was fostered here for a year before being adopted by Bethany and Henry." He licked his lips with a look of understanding pointed at me. I shifted uncomfortable with the stories. They not only made me remember they made me get in my head. All the memories and thoughts came rushing in, my breath hitched in my throat.
Rio smiled at he took his turn, "bro, I was livin' on the streets since I was five. My padre was shot and my madre couldn't support us. She left to get some food or somethin' and never came back. I was found wonderin' by some school and went through five foster homes before I landed here. Hopefully this'll be my last stop." There were several relatable stories, but non exactly like the other. "I was left at a hospital when I turned one, my mommy hasn't come back yet. I think she will though. Momma and Poppa adopted me three years ago!" Came Tina's short yet happy reply. As interesting as all the stories were I was dying to know Heather's.
"My mom worked as a pole dancer at some strip club... my dad I never met, I didn't know him, and I don't think I ever will. My mom would bring home guys left and right, she always seemed too busy for me. I started to cut around four... it wasn't my best moment. Eventually the kids at school took notice and told a teacher, I was taken from my mom, and skipped around to a few foster families before I turned six and Bethany found me and soon convinced Henry to adopt me." Her eyes were glossy, she was struggling to keep her composure. For the first time after my mom died, I felt bad, really bad for them. For everything they've had to go through. I licked my lips taking everything in and processing it.
Rio let out a breath, "so, what's your story?" My head shot up to meet him. No, there's no way they would ever find out or I would tell them. "My dad, you all know the rest." I tried to play off, but Heather saw right through me. "That's not the only thing, is it? Henry helped you, Axel helped you, yet they were sent out when you and Skylar and Base were in the captain's office at the police station. Why?" Her tone was light, but her words bitter. I didn't want him to know, them to know. That's- that's a burden I will take to my grave. Presley grabbed Tina and left the room with Rio and Trey. Heather stayed, shut the door, and turned to me.
"Ash, we're trying to help you. What are you so scared of? So what if we find out, who cares? We won't judge you or look at you any different." "Look, this is something I've never told anyone. Skylar found out by accident, she did all the talking in the station, not me. This isn't something I'm proud of or just want to tell you." She huffed and took a step toward me, "why not? I've tried to be there for you, can you not trust me? Is there something I'm doing wrong?" My chest heaved up and down, I couldn't focus. I was panicking. "I know you've cut, your mom died of cancer, your dad was abusive, you don't like getting close to people, you like Shaung, Yoongi, Reina, and Ivan; you're not as tough as you pretend to be, you were apart of a gang who's leader was destined to kill you. Out of all that, I still see you as you. You're a nice guy Ash, and you care for people whether you want to admit it or not. That's what I know about you, that's all you've let me know about you. Guess what? I'm still your friend, so why are you afraid to talk to me?" Deep down I wanted to tell her, but I knew I couldn't.
"I'm not afraid." She took another step, "then tell me." I calmed my breathing despite still inwardly freaking out, "I can't." She took one final step toward we were only a few shot inches apart. I could feel my body heat up with nerves. I didn't feel safe. "I've told you everything about my past life, yet you won't tell me a single thing about yours. I found out by my dad, mom, at the hospital, and watching events unfold. Why don't you trust me?" My heart ached at her words, trust was something I didn't give out, trust belonged to one person, Skylar. "If I tell you, you would leave." She frowned at this, "Ash Fault, whatever happened in the past is gone. I wouldn't leave over something that is no longer present." I felt her hand brush against mine. I looked at her as she slipped her hand in mine. I was confused at this action, but for an odd reason it felt nice.
"Assuming has never been a friend to anyone, don't make it yours. Go get ready," She then let go of my hand and left the room without a word. I stood there, like an idiot, dumbfounded.


Back to my boy's POV!!😜 He's such a character! What do y'all think of the stories? What do you think Ash's is?

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