Chapter Seven

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School was more boring than usual, granted I wasn't even half way done with it, but it still wasn't pleased. Finally the lunch bell rang, I gladly scurried out of class. I didn't have any money in my account nor food in my lunch... yeah things were getting rougher at the house. I didn't feel like going to lunch, instead I went outside. I had my third therapy session today, from which I wasn't excited about at all.
I spotted a sturdy tree and climbed up it, sitting on the third to top branch. It felt peaceful. The cool breeze graced my hot skin, the birds sung at an elegant tone, even the sunlight added to the mood. The sky was as blue as the ocean, clouds as white as a pillow, a smile threatened to appear but I kept a straight face. Smiling wasn't my forte, but it never was. The tree supported my back as I leaned, feeling ever so relaxed.
I laid on a thick branch, staring up at the vibrant leaves. My mother's favorite color was always green, she liked how it reminded her of nature and all the beauty it beheld. Overtime it became my favorite color too, but for a different reason. I subconsciously fiddled with my bracelet over my stomach. The door slammed and I shot up, nearly falling from the tree. Heather had a scowl across her face and Rio wasn't too pleased either. I frowned as Trey followed after them... what was this about?
"You can't just beat someone up!" Heather yelled at the two. Now that she said something, I noticed Rio had a few nasty bruises across his jaw line as well as Trey. "He deserved it," Trey spat. She rolled her eyes, "just because someone says something to you that offends you, doesn't mean to go up their head about it!" Rio glowered, "shut up! You don't even know what happened. You just take a guy like that's side, not even bothering to hear the explanation."
Heather let out a groan of aggravation, yikes that wasn't good. Trey crossed his arms, daring Heather to disagree with Rio. Seconds later Bethany walked out of the school glaring at them all. Ah, the mom's here... fantastic. "What the heck were you two boneheads thinking!?!" Everyone turned to look at her with terror written on their faces.
Grayson along with Clare walked out. I couldn't stop the smirk as I saw Grayson's face completely demolished. Serves him right. "Mrs. Talon, this is an outrageous offense. Mr. Kale and Mr. Orlando attacked my beloved boy!" I rolled my eyes, seriously? He treats her like garbage and she's sticking up for him? Oh, please. Bethany's face scrunched in disgust, "He did not attack Mr. Keystone, there was a reason, however I'm unsure of it." Yeah, a reason that he sucks! That seems a well enough reason to beat someone up to me.
Clare shut her mouth, finally she knows she's not the only smart one out here. Gosh I hated that family. Bethany turned to Trey, "why exactly did you punch Mr. Keystone?" He hung his head, thinking through his answer, "he was talking all this nonsense then told me someone should kill them selves and I just snapped." Bethany clung to every word he spoke, reading his emotions like an open book.
Heather rolled her eyes, "you seriously beat up that dimwit because he was talking trash about someone? That's like literally all he knows how to say." Bethany seemed just as disappointed, she shook her head to his words. "I'm not one to easily get into fights, but it struck home," Rio said sounding honest. Bethany turned to him, "who was he on about?" I squinted my eyes as Grayson had a small look of worry wash over his features. Hmm...
What?? My body locked in place, a tall, brown haired, brown eyed, filthy teen walked up to Bethany and Clare. What the heck was Axel doing here? Wait... was Skylar okay? "Yo, so have any of ya' seen this kid. He's got like brown hair, blue eyes I think, kind of snappy, goes by Ash last name Fell?" Wow, he can't even remember my last name.
I jumped from the tree, I was just about to walk over when a hand cover my mouth pushing me up against their body. I was immediately thrown to a panic attack, but kept slight present consciousness. An arm snaked around my waist, I couldn't move. I tried to yell out, but all that came were muffled hums. Fear took over, my arms flew every which way. My elbow met his gut, his grip on my mouth barely loosened, "Axe-" he instantly brought my head against his chest, his arm now over my mouth pressing down remotely hard. He snatched both of my arms and pulled them down taking hold of my waist again.
Axel just barely glanced my way through the multiple trees and bushes. His eyes widened, he let out a fowl word as he raced towards me. The man behind me spun around and sprinted. I did my very best to try and slow him down, but it wasn't showing much help. I yanked my elbow into his side, but this time he didn't let up. He didn't react, he kept running. I bit him as hard as I could master and his arm flung off of me. I threw my head back hitting his, and wiggled out of his stunned grip.
It took me a second to get up, but a few moments to come tumbling down a hill. Why do forests have hills??? My slim body ached as I hit every tree living in the forest... well not really, but it felt like it. I groaned as my ankle collided with a hard rock. Finally I came to a stop, my injured body curled at the bottom of the hill. A hand was held in front of me, I tensed. Great either it's a beating or my informal kidnapper.
I looked up to see Skylar with a concerted expression, but a smirk still showcased on her lips. I let out a sigh of relief as she yanked me up, letting me lean on her for support due to my ankle. "You never cease to stay out of trouble, but Ash, that ankle is seriously cursed." I nodded at her words slightly amused, "nope, that's too hard. Why'd Axel show?" She shrugged, "I heard about Base sending someone to get you this afternoon, so I sent Axel to keep an eye out. Thank God I did or you would be feeling much worse right now." She traveled slowly as I struggled to follow after her, even with her support.
"As much as you'd like to think you're fine by yourself, you'd be at the bottom of a hill, in a forest, with a bleeding ankle if it weren't for me. I just happened to be watchin' close and when Axel took off, I knew somethin' was up and decided to get in front of ya." I clenched my teeth as I tried to go at a faster pace. She rolled her eyes, "oh stop, I ain't bothered to help ya, I will drag your sorry butt up if you go any faster than you should." She stopped and I nearly fell from the sudden change in speed. My breath hitched at the sudden pain that washed over me.
"Yo, you good?" Came Axel's voice, he jogged down to us. He took my other arm over his shoulder and walked with Skylar most of the way up the hill. I hissed in pain as Skylar grabbed my wrist. She shot me an apologetic look, grabbing my hand instead. "We gonna be questioned once we get up there. Those moms weren't too pleased when I took off after ya'," Axel sighed.
Right, the interrogation. Fun. Skylar shook her head, "oh well, could of lost squirt." I scowled at her nickname, she's used that on me since I was nine. I moved my arms to my side and they gave me an odd look, "I can't show 'em I'm hurt, that family wouldn't want to spend a dime on me and I sure don't want to hear about all the money it would cost them for me to go to a hospital."
"Those folks don't sound too welcoming, I'd leave," Skylar bluntly stated as she walked beside me. Each step felt like a thousand ants biting me, but I had to look like I wasn't injured. "Can't, then the police would track me down and I don't want to be sent off," I replied. We reached the top of the hill, looking at the worried people with the addition of Grayson and Clare who wore tight, fake smiles.
"Ash!" Heather called, looking over my torn clothes. "What was that about?" Bethany spoke in her soft, soothing voice. Skylar gave me a hard stare, but I could easily read her eyes. Don't tell. I nodded, "not sure." She frowned at my answer, "who are they?" Axel gave off a charming smirk, "I'm Axel Benton, friend of Ash Fell." Skylar scowled at him, "Skylar Cannon." She was a person of concise words to people she didn't know. "Who are your parents?" Bethany asked, meaning no offense by it. Skylar and Axel both glared at her.
I would of too, but I was already. "See you around," was Skylar's reply to me before both her and Axel fled the scene. "Good luck with the questions, Fell!" Axel shouted from behind him, before they vanished behind a building. "Ash-" I cut her off, "not in the mood for questions. I'm already late to class." My voice had once again taken over with hostility. I shoved pasted them and into the school, I knew that was disrespectful, but I was done with today. I walked out once more to the athletic field, no one was here.
I finally took my jacket off, tying it tightly around my ankle who had yet to stop bleeding. My tired body sat down against the school's brick walls. My head leaned against it and I fell asleep. So smart, my arms are revealed, I'm in plain sight, I'm at school, I'm bleeding, and I couldn't care less.


Little bit of an eventful chapter, but it's about to get kinda hectic around here. Not too crazy, but Ash is about to wish he would of- nope not saying that... spoiler :)

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