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It had been a week after I was released from the hospital and kept a close eye on. Apparently once you try to kill yourself, they refuse to leave you alone. By they, I meant my foster family. It sucked, a lot, okay that's an understatement, it was a living Hell in there. They were all in it for the money and had two kids who were so freaking irritating!
Clare Keystone, forty-three, curly black hair, brown eyes, and as pale as paper. She was crazy strict, 'don't do this!' 'Don't touch that!' 'Get your dirty self in the shower!' was about all that came from her mouth. I really hated her, but not as much as her sons. They were the reason I wanted to leave so bad.
Timothy Keystone, six-one, slick gray hair, dull brown eyes, and couldn't care less about the world. He was only married because of his wealth; he had absolutely no personality. He would slouch all day, sigh, look depressed, even when his wife kissed him (gross I know) his expression never changed. He was like a walking gravestone, old, dull, and rough.
Grayson Keystone, a jerk of a son, might I add. He treated his mother like she was a piece of garbage, I didn't appreciate that at all... at first I did do something about it, but quickly learned my ankle wasn't fond of being fractured. He was a ginger, pale as an LED light, a bully, and stocky. He was the varsity Quarterback, he's eighteen I think, number four.
Lanson Keystone, the 'I'm going to make your social life miserable' guy. I've flipped him off several times at his name calling in public, he eventually only called me out when we were in a private place. I still couldn't stand him though, the brown haired kid drove me nuts! He was nineteen and in college, yet still lived at home and didn't help with the bills or get a job.
I felt a soft tap on my shoulder, I jumped, wide eyed at the action. "Sorry, I thought you were asleep. You know you're allowed to sleep now?" Heather grinned at my tired figure. No, I did not. My freaking foster family were a bunch of cheap (despite being wealthy) pack of pigs. "Uh, yeah, just bored," I cooly played off. She scoffed, reading me once again like an open book. "You've been tired everyday this week, falling asleep in several classes, and forget what you're doing nearly daily."
I struggled to suppress a yawn, but failed miserably. "I'm not allowed to be tired?" I shot her a glare, my jaw clenched. "Not everyday, Fault, how's the FH?" That was our code word for Foster Home. I rather have people not know about my predicament. I shrugged, "fine. Quarterback's a jerk along with the other idiot known as well, Idiot." She giggled at my nickname.
"It'll take time for them to get used to you, it's normal. We're still getting used to Rio, who has yet to have a friendly conversation with anyone," she sighed, jotting down notes the teacher wrote. Time, right... something I'm forced to have... for now. The bell rang, ending school, Heather walked out with me to the front of the school, waiting for Trey. She excused herself going to the bathroom.
I leaned against the brick wall as Rio strolled out of school with a scowl on his face. I smirked, walking along beside him. "Whatcha listening to?" I asked, keeping my focus in front of me. He shrugged, "music." My eyes rolled, "I know that, I'm not some idiot." His brow knitted together with irritation, "and all this time I thought you were." Okay, that's gone too far. I sped in front of him and turned sharply, he almost ran into me. My eyes found his in a heated motion
"I'm not an idiot, you're the idiot. You have a great family or whatever the crap you want to call them, you treat them like trash, so what? They can kiss up to you all they want, wipe your dang shoes for you for all I care, but I'm not gonna suck up to anyone especially not someone who can't get out of their own freaking head and look what's in front of them." My voice was filled with hostility, my glare could kill.
He stayed silent for a long time I was just about to turn and leave when, "Skillet." I looked at him, perplexed. "What I'm listening to its Skillet." I nodded at his words, licking my chapped lips. "You know, you're the first person to talk crap to me since I was placed into that circus," he paused, "thanks." I faltered, thanks? I've never been thanked before, it was something that sounded foreign. As if someone was speaking French to me, I was all around English, no other language needed nor wanted. "See you around, Fault," and with that he walked passed me into Trey's olive green F-150 truck.
Heather appeared seconds later, a smile stretched brightly across her rosy face, "that's the most he's talked!" I gave her a look, "stalkier much?" She grinned sheepishly, "I saw you both having a stare down, so I wanted to see what it was about." Amusement filled my eyes at her comment. She waved 'bye' and hopped into the passenger seat. I watched as the truck drove off and disappeared onto the highway.
"Fault, looking like trash today I see," Came a very amused voice. Great, Mr. Super Star is here. I swiftly turned around to face Grayson, "didn't realize I was a mirror." He clenched his teeth at my witty remark. He had a few of his buds with him, but they were too cowardly to start something in public. He leaned dangerously close to my ear, "just wait till' I get you alone." I stepped back, "geez, your breath isn't treating you well." In all honestly I didn't like how close he had gotten to me, but I wouldn't admit that out loud.
Some of his pals snickered as his face grew red with both embarrassment and fury, "I'm going to kill you." I laughed dryly, "please do, I've been trying since I got here." His hard exterior softened for a spit second as I said those words, right before I was shoved into Grayson. Serious, they never can wait for a fight.
Before Grayson had time to react I swiveled from his arms, landing a hard punch to my 'pusher'. Aiden Benign, could have guessed. He was the 'bad boy' for the football team, quite the dumb guy though. I turned just in time to avoid a hit from Grayson. Oh, so we're just doing this in the front lot of school? Okay...
My foot collided with his, sending him toppling over. He had five guys behind him, ready to kill me. I took my shot; my legs sprinted away from the scene. The linebacker and receiver right on my tail, curse them. I dashed around buildings, in streets, and leaped over cars before I had finally lost them. I was breathing rapidly, my side aching to my sudden bolts. "Yo, Fault." I tensed, I recognized the voice as a used to be friend, she wasn't as much as a thought in my head anymore.
The alley I felt trapped in seemed to close in on me, but I willed myself calm. Weaknesses had no room to show. I turned, eyeing Skylar and Axel blocking my escape route. "Chill, I got news for you. Base has been lookin' for you ever since Mike went to prison. It ain't good kid, just watch yah back," Skylar's gang accent echoed in the shady alley. I froze, Base wasn't a guy to mess with, he was the leader of multiple games and a popular drug dealer. I knew him all too well as he did me.
"Sorry 'bout what happened though dude, I heard of what that douche bag did to ya'," Came Axel's tired voice. They were probably up all night stealing. I shrugged it off, not really wanting to bring up the topic. Skylar nodded to me, "if you need us, set a house on fire." I rolled my eyes at her, "or I'll just show up to your base." She smirked, "yeah, you could do that too. Stay sharp kid." With that, they left into the shadows.
Skylar was a hardcore roughly twenty year old, I had met her when I was nine. She was fifteen and taught me to skateboard. It was nice, but we got mixed up into a gang... met Base, and things didn't turn out so swell. It was enough for her and I to vow never to help one another, but every now and then that vow as broken by her or I. Yeah, we weren't too committed to the vow.
I was just about to leave when Skylar reappeared, "almost forgot, I got you this thing." She threw a sack at me, from which I swiftly caught. It wasn't light, but it wasn't too heavy. I gave her a quizzical look, she just smirked, "ya' gonna open it or give me a stupid look?" I gave her a bored stare, "both actually." She shook her head, "gawd it's been awhile since I've talked to you." My eyes softened a tad at her words, the last time I had seen her wasn't under the best circumstances.
"You still sharp?" I asked her. Sharp basically meant okay. She sighed, "as sharp as I can get right now. He's askin' a lot of money that I don't have." My blood boiled, of course he would, "I can grab somethin' from this place I'm livin' at. They're a weather family so they shouldn't miss it." She gave me a thankful look, "nah, it's my turn to pay ya' back after what happened last time. I'll make my own, you watch your back. I haven't seen Base since the word got around, but no doubt he's lookin' for you. Open the note first, my handwriting sucks, but so does yours. Catch ya' later kiddo." I nodded, as she left once more.
Worry crept over me, she was in danger, yet not enough to break the vow. Not like last time. I sat down the sack and slowly opened it. Inside laid the skateboard she first gave me. It was solid black to keep from being seen at night, the edges were worn down, the wheels still as smooth as ever. On the center of the top rested the letters 'SHARP' our made up word. A ghost of a smile lit my features as I saw the last item.
A nutty candy bar laid in new packaging, wrapped by a bracelet I knew all too well. The bracelet itself was in a braid like formation, navy blue material on the left, jet black on the right, and white threading down the center. It was something her and I had first made when we met. I had tripped over a bunch of junk near a dumpster when I was just ten, she scrambled to help me eventually finding whatever my foot was snagged on, being the materials. We took them and made a bracelet for each of us.
I had to 'lose' mine when we made the vow, but it was more of 'dropping it accidentally by the abandoned house' happened. I slipped the bracelet on my untouched wrist, grabbed the skateboard, and rode it to my apparent home. Maybe life wasn't too bad, but it wasn't sharp either.


So he does have a 'friend' Ladies and gents welcome Skylar! I'm super excited to have a character of her personal here, she's going to play a BIG role in the future even though she doesn't show up much. Truly one of my favorites!

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