Part title

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I was currently walking home from school when I saw a hooded figure leaned up against a store. My eyes squinted his way, I wasn't one to ignore a sketchy character hanging around town after all I use to live with one. I forced myself calm as I went to pass him, his arm reached out to grab me. I immediately whirled around eyeing his every move. The gaunt man looked to be vastly faster than me. His lips curved into a smirk as he lowered his hood. My skin paled, my glare hardened, this wasn't just a man, this was Base. His dark blue eyes studied me with delight, his bald head reflected the sun, he wasn't a character to mess with and I, of all people, knew that.
"Faster reflexes then I thought Fault, still being thrown from place to place?" He took a step only for me to even out the distance taking one back. I had no intention to talk to him. "I heard your old man went to jail, it's a shame really. Risky stunt you pulled that night, not a smart one. I haven't seen Skylar or Axel in a while, but I haven't seen you since you were ten. You've grown up kid, not that bad of a looker, not that you'll be old enough to get married," he stuck a tooth pick through his teeth. "Glad to know we have the same plan," I answered. Yes, I technically did abide the statement I had made just before he spoke, but sarcasm was my defense line. His eyes twinkled with amusement, "good to know your the same spit ball of fire that you've always been." I shrugged, "yeah well, once the flame starts a fire grows." Wise words right there, my mother used to say that.
I rolled my eyes at his smirk, despite my calm and snippy comments my body was burning on the inside in terror. He wasn't a friend to anyone, especially not to me. He reached an arm out nonchalantly waiting for a reaction, I wasn't one to satisfy the devil. I held strong, he dropped his arm with an I impressed look, "nice kid, thought you'd be running off as soon as I lifted s finger." I thought about it, I still did, but like I mentioned Base was anything but slow. He wasn't a good climber though... maybe I could climb from the window seals? I brought my fist back as his eyes zeroed in one it, little did he know I had another trick up my sleeve. As he readied to catch my fist, I flung out my knee and hit him where the sun doesn't shine, he doubled over out of both shock and hurt. Without a moment to spare I dashed to the windowsill. I threw myself on top of it and jumped my finger tips grasping the edge of the next. I pulled myself up and leaped for the next.
A hand snatched around my foot and I came crashing down, my head banged against the concrete and I gasped out in pain. My hands ran up to my head cradling it, I rocked back and forth. My lungs held little air as I struggled to breathe again. I let out a pained cry as I was yanked up by my shirt. My world spun as I fought for consciousness. "Hey!" I heard a voice echo a few feet away from us, I was dropped to the ground a faint pained yelp leaked through my walls as my head broke out into immense pain. "He's gone, can you walk?" The same voice spoke. He jogged over, I barely managed to recognize him. "Fancy meeting you here," he bent down hovering over me. I surpassed a groan, "yeah- what happened?" He frowned, "not sure I just arrived here." I creased my eyebrows, suddenly having no memory of what happened. I didn't even remember getting here, "I- I don't remember." Grayson waved his hand in front of my glazed over eyes. He looked to be worried. Why? We weren't even friends, why's he worried anyway? Worry isn't something that made me feel better especially from someone else.
"If you can walk great, if not I'm going to carry you to the truck... okay?" My breath hitched, I instantly tried to get up but I wasn't even successful in lifting my head. This wasn't good, panic consumed me as Grayson started to ponder over the situation. He sighed, "I'll be right back." Minutes passed and I noticed a tire parked right by my head. He hopped out and walked over to me, "use the rail." I nodded and my arms barely managed to clasp around the truck's rail as I willed myself to stand. My hands gripped the door furiously, I pulled myself into the passengers seat and leaned back in the chair. Grayson bucked me and shut the door. I hated feeling helpless, that was something I despised. He got into the driver's seat and took off backwards. He pulled onto the road and was flying at blazing speed down the highway. My vision began to get fuzzy, "w-here are we goin-g?" My tone was a hushed whisper from both pain and exhaustion.
"Hospital, there's no way we could patch you up at home. Mom's going to be released today finally, Dad's loaded with money so don't worry about the bills, I'll stay there until you wake up," his voice was calm and I felt my respect for Grayson grow more within the second. This was it then, I was going to the hospital and never coming back... Finally, I didn't have to fight with right and wrong. I could just die, like I've wanted since my mother did. "Can you still hear me?" I weakly nodded, my body started to tremble. I was losing the battle I never asked to fight, but had always wanted to surrender in. My eye lids weighed heavily as I struggled to see the road ahead of my blurry vision. Grayson began to panic as he shamelessly exceeded the speed limit in hopes of saving me. Little did he know I had no intention to come back. "Ash, come on, stay awake," his knuckles were white against the steering wheel, he began to let out a line of curse words as a light turned red. Still he ran it, the hospital five minutes away.
I could hear the faint sound of sirens, Grayson didn't bother to pull over he had one thing and one thing only on his mind, getting me to the hospital. I felt a tad guilty, I had judged him as a jerk which he was, but now is breaking the law to save a stranger who has never once cared enough to try to like him? My mind took me back a few weeks ago. "Oh my gawd you're so cold," Henry said as he pulled off his jacket to exchange it with mine. He had saved my life many nights ago. I was taken to Presley who had found me passed out on the sidewalk, she had saved my life. Axel and Skylar flashed through my eyes at the many times they've came to my rescue. Grayson had done the same, minutes ago. Something inside me swelled, I had been saved various times without knowing any of these people excluding Skylar. I knew their names, where they lived, their families, but I did not know many things about them.
It struck me like ice, they had saved me yet I couldn't do as little as to have a friendly conversation? My heart, for the first time in years, ached with fear, fear of losing the only friends I've ever known. Skylar, Axel, Rio, Heather, Presley, Trey, Tina, Henry, Bethany, Grayson, Coach Brown, my mind spun as I recalled the conversation Coach Brown had with me just a week ago. As I reminisced on the counted memories I had with them, a sort of droplet diminished my flame. Maybe death wasn't right, at least, not now. Maybe I was put here for a reason. To help the family, like Presley had said, to do more than I thought I was even worth. With that thought a new one entered, one I hadn't dwelled long on since Rio had spoken with me. Bad people get bad things, good people get good things. Was I wrong? Did bad people get good things too? I didn't think much of the thought, false hope wasn't my friend and it never had been. Heather suddenly appeared, my eyebrows creased in confusion.
I looked around to find myself in a stretcher, Heather and Grayson walking hastily as the doctors pushed the stretcher to an unknown room. Heather had worry imbedded into her usually bright features, tears swelled in her eyes as she struggled to hold her emotions back. Her intense blue eyes looked broken, I frowned. This couldn't have been because of my situation? I had merely known her for two weeks, why did she look so... lost? The Heather I knew was full of smiles, cheers, and most of all joy... this was not the Heather I knew, this was the Heather that was afraid, afraid to lose a friend. Someone who had made quite the impression among the family, that someone was me. I tried speak, to try and reassure her. The thought of someone carrying about me, dampened my fire dim. But, I was too weak and too lifeless to form words.
I did the next best thing, I used all the strength left in me to place my hand on top of hers. Her eyes widened as she glanced down at me, her hand interlocked with mine. She gave me a squeeze of reassurance, I barely managed to give her one back although mine was more of a small, short, pressure. "Squeeze if you can hear me," she spoke softly as we entered a white room. I forced energy to spiral in me once more, I gave her a slight squeeze and her eyes lit up. "He's responding now!" She announced to the doctors. When did I stop responding? I was lifted onto a table and panic erupted from within me as a doctor held a breathing mask to me. I struggled to move not wanting to be touched, Heather rubbed her thumb on the back of my hand and I felt myself slowly relax. The doctor put the mask on and I watched closely as dizziness took over my body. A weight came over my chest as I felt myself slipping from my partly-conscious state. I glanced at Heather one last time before I finally welcomed the darkness. My fire gone and a surge of water took its place.


Okay, did y'all realize that Ash TOUCHED her??😆😆. He did so to COMFORT her too!!!!! Awwwee! And Grayson showing up and becoming a sweet heart in this chapter was just😍. Ash may not be sure a ☄️ in a bit! His will to die was 🔥, but his will to live for his friends was 💧 and the 🔥 is now nothing but 💨🌊


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