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I jerked awake at the sound of a distant shout. The sudden light burned my eyes as I blinked profusely. My ankle felt so weak, I, myself, didn't feel much stronger. I was in the exact position I had been before I drifted off to sleep. Gosh that was such an idiot move.
I looked to find kids were outside practicing on the field, I was quite a distance away. I easily spotted Grayson tackling a poor ninety grader, that guy had some serious issues. Trey was out there too, but he was passing the football with one of the team's defenders. I went to stand, but instantly stopped. My stomach ached from my previous fall today... that hill really did a number on me.
Now that the soreness had settled in, I didn't plan on moving anytime soon. I tugged on my bracelet restlessly, boredom taking over. "Yo," called a voice I only recently came to know. I glanced up to Rio strolling up to me at a slow pace. I shot him a look not wanting him around. He gave me an amused look, plopping himself right next to me but kept a bit of distance. "You tell me you're not dealing with my crap, so I ain't gonna deal with yours." Really starting to regret snapping at him.
"How's the ankle?" I glared at him, but answered anyway, "don't know, haven't tried it out." He smacked his lips, "wanna get a taco? They've got free ones inside, somethin' about the principal's birthday." I shook my head, sure I was starving, but I didn't need his company. Without warning he snatched my jacket, pulling a smug look. My eyes ignited with irritation, "give it back." He looked up at the sky, pretending to be on deep concentration before, "meh, that's a lot of effort."
I knew what he was doing, but I put aside my screaming body and slowly tried to get up. I did my best to make it look painless, but I couldn't stop the slight wince that came from my mouth. "You've has it worse, so have I, come on Fault," he dangled my jacket teasingly in front of me. I rolled my eyes, tearing it from his grasp. I followed after him as he started off to the lunch room.
When we got there, many of the kids weren't inside. Most were in practice or had gone home... yeah I slept for quite a bit. I didn't miss the smug look Rio gave me when I snatched a taco he didn't question me about it though. We sat in a table near the back of the cafeteria. I devoured the taco, it was one of my favorite things aside from hamburgers. My mouth watered and I swear every cell in my body multiplied from it.
My stomach sung at the satisfaction the taco had given me. "Heard Coach Brown is making you do track, how's it been?" By now we had been long past firsts. "Getting up early sucks, but I get away from the house. Not a fan of it, but no matter how slow I run he hasn't cut me yet." I had purposely been slacking, finishing last, and complaining to try and get off the team. I couldn't have that on my concubines consciousness right now, with Grayson and his jerky brother, Clare and her stone husband, Base and his gang, I didn't need track to worry about.
"Yeah, running sucks. How's the FH?" I shrugged, "not a fan, rather be a runaway but can't have everything." He nodded, "I feel you there, everyone at home is always prying in my business, kissin' up to me, and don't even get me started on the 'you forgot this' or 'you didn't do that' not to mention the 'you don't know what he's been through' crap." I smirked, "your impression of Bethany, sucks." He rolled his eyes, "well your impression of life sucks." My jaw clenched at his comment, sure it was true, but I didn't need to hear it from him.
We ate in silence for fifteen minutes before we were both finished with his seventh and my third. My stomach couldn't handle the big amount of food, I usually had little to nothing... I just hoped it would stay down. As I went to stand the world became dizzy, my eyes couldn't focus, my head pounded. Before I knew it my balance had done and I quickly sat myself back down, closing my eyes to try and resist the pain.
Once I reopened my eyes I found Rio looking at me expectantly, an eyebrow arched at my actions. I shook it off, standing once more this time succeeding. My head pounded, but my vision stayed clear at least. I carried my empty plate to the trash and threw it away. I could feel Rio's eyes on me, I knew what he was looking for, for me to stumble or wobble. He was trying to see if I was normal, even though I felt anything but I kept myself upright.
A risked a look at my ankle to find it was still bleeding, ah well that explains the dizziness. I mentally cursed, if I hit an artery I was screwed inside and out. I sat back down across from Rio, who was just about to ask me a question when his phone rang. He answered it, "yeah?" A few moments passed, "Okay." He had an annoyed expression, "Trey's down with practice, Mr. Drill Sargent calling me to his guacamole vehicle." I nodded as he stood and left without another word.
I sighed, I suppose my walk home would be interesting. I stood up and reached my bag, waves of exhaustion hitting me like a freight train. I refrained from faltering, instead kept pushing on. My stomach became increasingly upset with the amount of food I had eaten, only making my travel conditions worse.
I was only twelve minutes in when waves of nauseousness hit me. I came to a stop, my breath hitched. My whole world spun, my stomach lurched, and my ankle only worsened. I forced myself to walk again, I needed to get back, I had to get back. My throat stung as my gag reflect kicked in, I bent over on the grass and threw up my lunch and dinner. My throat burned, I wiped my mouth and once again continued my way.
I felt so sick, the sun heated every cell I possessed, my throat felt as if it was in flames, my now vacant stomach cried for food, my ankle felt like needles with every step, but the headache I had created was really getting to me. My world became blurry, my vision no longer clear, I couldn't force myself to move any further. With one last step, I collapsed on the concrete path and passed out.

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