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Flashback When Ash Was Eight

My stomach growled as I sat hunched against a trash can. The sun's intense heat drained every and any amount of energy left in my body. I didn't have the strength to rise, I was done. My breathing grew shallow as I took in my final breaths attempting to cut my life short. The pain from my stomach sent searing pain throughout my bones, I groaned in agony as another wave of pain fluttered over my body careless of the damage it caused. My eyes were nearly shut, the amount of energy it took to open them was too much for me to hold onto. I felt myself slipping away and blacked out awaiting my inevitable death.

Four Days Later

I awoke with a startle as cold liquid ran down my sweaty, pale face. I winced as I came face to face with a teenager, a girl I had never seen. She had long brown locks of hair reaching her hips, her brown eyes pierced the shade as she studied me, "you safe kid?" I didn't answer, I looked around observing the room. I noticed then that we were under a bridge; I looked to her as she watched me. The girl before me looked no other than fifteen, "here, I brought you some water." Her hands were shaky as she held up an opened jar. I accepted the offering and drank nearly half the supply. "I'm Skylar, I don't really have a place to take you since I'm homeless... but I'm sure the foster house could take you or somethin'. What's your name?" Her voice was light and welcoming almost as if she was happy to be speaking with me. "Ash Fault, I don't want to go to a foster home... my dad would get mad at me," My bottom lip quivered as I recalled the memory days before I ran.
She looked at me with sympathy, "surely he's looking for his son. No body wants me, my parents died a long time ago." That broke me, "my mommy's in the hospital and my dad hits me. I-I don't want to go back." She watched as tears rolled down my cheeks, it wasn't but a few seconds before she wrapped me in a hug, "I'll protect you." It was the first time in a long time, I felt safe, wanted, and secure in a relationship.

Present Day

"I still don't know why you called me out of practice for this," Trey complained, giving Henry his hardest glare. "To play and eat ice cream!" Tina's eager self answered, her smile bright and wide. "I had a buyer lined up and everything for a car I stole," groaned Rio. I relaxed a bit to his sarcasm. Bethany shot him a look, "you do that under my roof and we will turn you over." Trey smirked at Rio's still figure as he looked down at his hands with a smile he tried to keep hidden. Presley was scrolling on her phone with air pods in for music. She looked fairly comfortable.
Heather sat beside her in the back seat, she however drew in a journal. Trey and Tina sat upfront, Rio and I in the middle, Bethany in passenger, and Henry in driver's seat. The car eventually stopped and we all got out. No one was particularly happy about this arrangement other than Tina. That little girl lived in an illusion of sunshine; mine was realistic and logical no sun just dark. Henry got a basket out of the trunk as Bethany grabbed a clean firm blanket. Grayson had gone to sleep at a friend's house leaving me with Lanson, Timothy, and Clare Keystone. Clare had just been released from the hospital not too long ago making her a living nightmare. She had to have everything clean, if it had dust and you owned it said object better be clean or no dinner for you. Timothy was just as blank as ever, I swear I haven't even heard the man speak. Lanson had laid off of me for a bit, but still dropped comments every now and then.
When Presley had invited me over I would have been a fool to decline. Now had I known this 'invitation' consisted of going to the park and being social I would have probably declined... grumpy home life or not. We walked over to a small grass hill, a giant shade tree sat atop it, and a large lake rested at the bottom of the hill. Bethany laid the blanket out under the shade tree's colossal leaves. Henry sat the basket down with ease as if rehearsed. Tina jumped onto Trey's back without any warning, he nearly toppled over but managed to straighten himself. She tucked her tiny legs over his arms, "go horsey!" He shook his head before he started jogging. Rio listed off things he could be doing rather than watching the siblings to me, I stayed quiet though. Heather and Presley were in some deep conversation each heavily invested on what the other had to add to the matter.
I plopped myself down on the grass as Rio ventured off out of sight. Trey followed him with his eyes, but didn't go after him. I felt the need to follow, but complied against it; that was his business not mine. I watched countless people run by, throw frisbees, studying, and enjoying a snack they brought. As much as I hated to admit it, this wasn't turning to be all that bad. I was enjoying myself in the company of quite the only people I cared for. It's been awhile since I had suicidal thoughts. I couldn't remember the last time I did and I was glad for it. Killing my self didn't have the same meaning as it used too. Now I knew people would be hurt if I left, I wouldn't get to see the Talon family (even though the kids have different last names) grow up. Skylar appeared in my mind, she was always there for me even if I couldn't see her.
My mind lead me back to the skateboard she got me... which I have yet to actually ride. It was nice now, not perfect, but nice. I peered at a small child seemingly walking in my direction, but I couldn't see who. I knew Tina was off messing around with Trey so it couldn't have been her. A ghost of a smile tugged on my lips as I recognized the girl. Yoongi was half way to me when I felt someone else's eyes on me. I glanced to my right without turning my head to see Bethany watching wearily. What? Like I'm going to snap at a kid? My attention went back to Yoongi as she reached me, "Ash!" I almost laughed at Bethany's confused look; that's what she gets for judging me. I waved at the grinning girl who started to jog. Oh gosh, I got to my feet not wanting to be trampled incase her brakes were rusty. Her black hair shined in the sun then she leaped. Crap, I leaned forward to catch her and as I did so she began to laugh hysterically.
I shook my head at her joyful behavior and sat her down. "You caught me! I almost felt flat on my face, I could have died!" Her laughter only increased to this sentence. A smile graced my face as I crouched to her eye level. "Aren't you just a ball of sunshine?" She nodded, "since I've been at my momma's house!" She was referring to Tonya, I briefly wondered what her life before Tonya had been. "What are you doing her kiddo?" She looked back at a bench and I saw Tonya sitting their with a wide smile. I gave her a wave which she returned only hers more excited. "My momma decides to take us to the park!" She screeched. It took everything in me not to shrink back from her high voice. "That's awesome, where are you brothers and sister?" She looked around the park and pointed each out. I had only begun to talk with her when I found the three other siblings making their way over with wide spread smiles.
"Yoongi why didn't you call us over!" Reina scolded her sister. Yoongi shrugged not really bothered by it. "Ash, we have cookies if you want some," came Ivaan's cheery voice. I politely declined. They chatted amongst themselves while I listened to crazy stories of their imagination. I talked with them for about twenty minutes before some of my friends grew curious by the sight and came up. "I'm Tina," she looked at Reina with excited eyes as Reina introduced herself. I sat down and perched myself up with my arms. Heather sat down beside me watching the kids. I wasn't sure why, but I felt so calm with them there. I found Trey and Presley walking over. They introduced themselves as well did the kids. "I know, we should play freeze tag!" Yoongi announced with way too much happiness.
I stifled a groan not wanting to play another game. "That's a great idea, Yoongi," Heather encouraged as the kids shouted forms of agreements. "I'll explain. There is one tagger, everyone else runs from them. If the tagger tags you then you have to stay still, other people that aren't tagged can touch the still person and they can run again. Make sense?" Shaung informed. We nodded as Tina begged to be it first. We spread out as Tina began to search for anyone. She found and tagged Heather by the bench and proceeded a ways away chasing after Ivaan. I smirked and strolled over to the now frozen black haired blue eyed girl. "Oh good, here tag my hand," She looked at me, but frowned once I didn't make a move to do so. "What? She said you don't technically have to unfreeze someone. I'm enjoying this," was my witty remark. She scowled, but the smile she tried to hide wasn't helping her case.
I looked over as Tina started to run back, I stood still, "watch this." Heather rolled her eyes as Tina ran right in between us. Ah, too easy. Once Tina tagged Ivaan she took off after Trey. "You're so mean, she's a kid," Heather's tone betrayed her as it was light and humorous. "Mmm, such a monster," I gave her a teasing look before finally tapping her hand. She smiled, but proceeded to hit me on the shoulder. I focused on the amused look in her eyes, if I were to look at what she was in the process of doing I might have had a panic attack and I do not want that. The hit was merely a tap, but she did shove me over a little. My heart skipped a beat and my surroundings began to fuzz, but I shook my head and looked to her blue eyes. Once I did everything stopped. We were the only two in motion everything else was background music. My stomach flipped and my heart beated like never before.
Little by little we slowly closed the space between us. No attachments, no connections, no relationships. Yet, I didn't pay a heap of attention to that. She glanced down to my lips, but a sound behind her cleared my fogged attention. She turned her head to it as well, I listened once more to the voice before I took off. My legs had made up their mind without my consent. I crossed the road and went around the building. What I found made my blood run cold, my body freeze, and my heart stop.


Clip hanger, you're welcome! I just realized the dark skinned snail from Turbo is Nick Fury's (Samuel J. Jaxson) voice from Avengers!

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