°43° You're not firing me?

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This chapter is dedicated to SnowFever.


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"Dr. Di Stefano it's good you've come because we have a lot to discuss. Yesterday I learned something I'd like to know if its true or false. Good morning Ms. Wilson."

Does he already know about us? Yesterday?


"The reason I've brought Ms. Wilson, is there's something we want to let you aware of." I start explaining. No point in delaying the inevitable.

Here goes nothing. I'm either gonna be fired, have my license taken away, or both. Lianna's comforting squeeze help settle my nerves about what I'm about to say. We sat next to each other in front the director's desk.

"Lianna and I are in a relationship. We've been seeing each other since she became my patient. Even though I knew it's unethical I pursued her. She's the love of my life, if you decide to fire me or strip me of my license, I'll understand. We are tired of living in fear of a young lady who wants to use this information to hurt me and Lianna."

The director didn't seem suprised. His eyes went back and forth between the two of us. Stacie told him before we could. Well aleast he already knows.

Lianna is holding my arm. She feels so tightly wound up beside me. I know she's afraid of the consequence of our relationship. Lianna feels she's to blame for whatever happens to us. But she's not. How when we're in this together?

I don't want her to feel responsible for anything. I knew the repercussions when I decided to pursue her. Besides I don't regret it. Even if I can't work in a hospital ever again, I still wouldn't do things differently if I had to I'd do it all over again. The only thing is, I wish I knew exactly the twisted b*tch I was sleeping with those months ago from the club. If I knew the kind of person Stacie was I wouldn't have went to her place.

"Dr. Di Stefano, Ms. Wilson I already know. A young lady name Ms. Wheeler came by yesterday and told me everything. Being that I've had a day to process and now I've seen you both I've made my decision on the disciplinary action to take. Di Stefano you will transfer Ms. Wilson to a new doctor immediately and you will be suspended from practice for 1 year. Your other patients will be transferred until further notice."

"You're not firing me?"

"No I'm afraid not. You are one of the best doctors this hospital has to offer and frankly since you've come on board, we've gotten an influx of patients who've followed you from your last workplace. As for not taking away your ability to work in this field, I made this decision because you didn't corherce Lianna into being with you. Plus you both seem to really be in love, and you've serviced her acne concerns.  I felt suspending you for a year would teach you a valuable lesson, not to do this ever again. But if this does happens again know you'll lose your license and no longer be able to practice dermatology here or at any hospital."

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