°55° She is my wife.

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Dedicated to JanineSheenaNuwegeld. Koi soups I hope you guys like this chapter.

Here goes nothing

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Here goes nothing.

Mom and I hold hands as we walk down the aisle. It made the most sense to have her walk me to Alezorio because I don't really have a father figure to choose from. She was so delighted when I asked her if she would. I love making mom happy, she's my favorite person in the world other than Alezorio of course.

My ankles feel frail like they'll snap like overcooked ramen noodles if I move too fast. The days before the wedding I wasn't nervous at all. I never understood the whole feeling cold feet people talk about before their wedding. I didn't have that but now the day of, I feel like a nervous reck. I guess from the built up anticipation the night before.

Alezorio and I didn't spend the night together. We wanted to try and uphold as many traditions as possible. As we're almost at the end of the aisle I stare at the flower petals scattered around. My chest tightened as I think about looking up to see my soon to be husband in front me. An overwhelming sense of deja vu slapped me in the face. Like the first day I met Alezorio I couldn't meet his eyes because I was too scared then of his expression. I was scared what I'd sew if I looked him in the eye.

"Anna we're almost there. I know your nervous but you'll be next to him soon."

What? I'm not nervous because Alezorio isn't next to me. Its because I'm getting closer to where he is.

What if he doesn't like my dress?

It's a lost of stress because he hasn't seen it. Another tradition we paid tribute to. Mom pat my back in an effort to calm me. Suddenly her hand holding mine leaves and another larger hand takes its place.

The first thing I notice about him is he smells good. Stepping closer I breathe him in and just like that my nerves start to settle. Mom must have known once I'm beside Alezorio I'd be fine. Sometimes I swear she has some kind of six sense about me. I know it's a mom thing.

"You look exquisite Lianna."

Alezorio leans over to whisper so only I can hear. The next words he says makes heat surfaces down below.

"I can't wait to take you out this dress later. Daddy's gonna take his time ravishing his woman or should I day his wife."

Oh. Let's just say, I do and skip to that part now. I finally pair up at him. In Alezorio hazel green eyes I depict a hunger like I've never witnessed before. His pupils are so dilated and he's licking his lips in a suggestive way. I know exactly what it means. It meant I'm going to be devoured later. I'd be sore for days after tonight.

Lord please help me tonight.


Lianna seems taken aback by my previous sentiment

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Lianna seems taken aback by my previous sentiment. I meant every word. The dress she has on is like gasoline to a fire, it create a larger one that's more difficult to put out. That's what's happening to me as I stand next to my love watching her out the corner of my eyes. The way the front is cut so low but not to where its scandalous expose the right about of cleavage and the bright flowers etch all over matched perfectly with Lianna's style. It makes her look delicate but also sexy at the same time.

I'm literally eye rapping my soon to be wife, to the point I have no idea what the officiator is saying. The whole time I just conjure up ways to explore Lianna's body tonight. I can't wait.

Before you know it its time to say my vows. I had tried memorizing them but now that I'm here I can't remember the first line. Guess I'm going to have to wing it.

"Lianna when I first met you my first thought is she's exquisite. Even if its wrong I want you. Right from the start my whole world revolved around you. You became the sun and I was the earth. I didn't think I would ever find love again, but even with doubt I made a promise to myself the next woman I love would be the last. Unknownly before we met Lianna, I promised myself to you. I am thankful for your patience even when my possessiveness gets the best of me. Grateful for everything that makes you who you are. Right here in this moment on this day, I promise to be by your side for the rest of our lives, support your dreams and goals, take care of you when when your sick or feeling low inside, make you laugh when your having a bad day. I promise to be faithful and love only you, uphold our love each an everyday, and spend the rest of my life with you until death due us part. I love you Lianna Wilson."

Once I started talking the words came freely. I think its longer than what I originally planned. I look to Lianna. She has tears under her eyed. They make her silver depts sparkle brighter. I use my thumbs to gently wipe them away to not mess up her make up.

"Lianna would you please share your vows."

For her turn she was smarter than me. Lianna usually is. Lianna pulls out a piece of paper. She must have written her vows on for today. I know she'll be nervous because there's a group listening so I go to rub her back. I feel skin under my hand and realize the dress is backless.

F*ck she's trying to kill me. Her delicate flesh aroused me down low. Now is not the time Alezorio. Focus on Lianna.

"Alezorio to this day sometimes it still baffles me we're together. Before you came into my life I was lonely and maybe even depressed. I didn't have fun, I only focused on school, work, then went home to cry myself to sleep. I remember thinking to myself the night we met how someone like you, would never love someone like me. Well obviously I was wrong. Alezorio you did love me, even before I loved myself, maybe even before you realized you did. From that love so pure and innocent you taught me many things about myself. Lessons I couldn't learns from others around me before you. The most important thing you taught me is, I am worthy, I am beautiful, I am capable of being loved. For that I will forever be grateful. Today I promise to you and myself, to love you honestly and respectfully. I promise I will appreciate the ups and downs along the way and be grateful you'll always be by my side. I promise to care for you as I would myself, and never take your love for granted. This is my promise to you Alezorio Di Stefano my unwavering love."

I heard everything Lianna said and more. She stared up at me with all the love she felt pouring out her eyes. I felt myself tear up too but I didn't let them fall. I know though they're happy tears.

We turn back to the officiator. He went about asking us both those questions I'm sure everyone is familiar with. My answer.

"I do."

Lianna's answer.

"I do."

"Then by the power vested in me you are now pronounced husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

He didn't have to tell me twice.

I quickly uncovered Lianna's face and pulled her in to the most sweet kiss we've ever shared. Her soft plump lips encased mine as I kissed her deeply. My chest tightened because I knew she's mine forever now. Lianna tasted heavenly as I stroke my tongue with her own tasting inside her mouth. I nearly lost it. I only remember we aren't alone when I hear someone scream 'get a room you too.'

When I pull away Lianna is breathing heavily. I smile and peck her lips again then face the crowd. Happy familiar faces beam with smiles back at us. Lianna has the brightest smile of them all. She's made my heart skip.

What would I ever do with out her? Now I won't have to find out, Lianna is now Lianna Wilson-Di Stefano. She is my wife.

Koi soups I can't believe His Insecure Beauty is at 12k. Thanks guys. My goal is for one day to get 1M. I know it'll happen one day. Thank you for your support. I couldn't have done it without any of you. The next chapter is the EPILOGUE.

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