°44° You beat up Stacie?

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Chapter is dedicated to jazz626.

You can pick me up Lianna

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You can pick me up Lianna.

Since today is me last day I had many things to do such as adding to Lianna's file notes. Information to make the transition with her new doctor smoother. Compiling all the files for all my current parients so it can get sent to the department so their new doctors could have access to the information while I'm not here. Also updating those files as well so the notes are current.

It's all tedious work but at least I'll still have my job once the year is up. In the mean time the silver lining is I'd have more time to spend with Lianna now with this abundance of free time.

Once everything is taken care of on my part. I saw all the patients who were scheduled for today. With each person I saw I gave them a heads up on the news, keeping it short. That I'd me off for a year because of personal reasons. Each is sad to hear this but know there's nothing to change this revelation.

At the end of the work day I waited outside for Lianna to arrive. Shortly she did and I get in. It's been a while since I've been in a passenger seat.

"How was your day Lia?"

She pulls off onto the road.

"It was great actually I got an A on my thesis paper and research assignment. Plus I beat up Stacie, I'd say it was a really good day."

Wait a minute beat up Stacie.

"You beat up Stacie?"

"Yeah I saw her today and I gave her two good punches in the face, nearly choked her to death. She won't do anything stupid now hopefully."

Yeah hopefully.

"How was your day Ali?"

"Mine was good too. Even though I'm getting suspended it went okay. I have all this free time now. We can spend more time together especially on your break between fall and spring semester. When will your semester break start?"

"December 12th so in about four months."

"Okay we should go somewhere before the spring semester starts. Celebrate you graduating soon. Maybe go to one of those counties you mentioned before. I'll take care of all the details."

"That sounds fun."

Lianna rolls into the drive way. She shuts off the car and we head out. Going around I take her hand. I can't wait for us to be married one day. I'm hoping someday soon. There's no need to rush though.


"You should have seen her face when I was done."

"Lianna your such a bad girl you know that." I say jokingly. Honestly Stacie's lucky she didn't do worst after all the stress she's put us through with her bullsh*t.

We've already had dinner, showered, currently watching TV. Though neither of us is actually paying attention to it. I'm too busy listening to Lianna recall what happened with Stacie. She's too busy telling me about it. I wish I was there to see it happen. I'm sure Lianna looked sexy and a total bad a**. But that's what to be expected from my girl.

Lianna finished her story so we head upstairs since we aren't watching the show anyway. Lianna is so sexy in her transparent negligee. It's rose gold which looks great on her skin tone. I can easily see her nipples and the cheeky panties underneath. It's all I can focus on when we climb the stairs. How they showcase her a** cheeks.

We get into bed after brushing our teeth. As soon as I lay down I go to set an alarm but remember I won't need one for tomorrow or for a while. Lianna is glued to my side. Pretty soon she'll be on top asleep.

"Love what are your plans after graduation."

I have no idea what Lianna's plans are after getting her degree.


"I'm thinking either work at Children's Village for another year

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"I'm thinking either work at Children's Village for another year. Then venture into maybe a hospital where I'll use my degrees. If not then maybe work as an art therapist somewhere like a school. I have a lot of options once I graduate. Maybe even take time off to relax. You'll still be off work."

"Sounds like you've been figuring it out."

He turned towards me. His hair has gotten a bit longer. The front piece falls into his face now. I hold it back marveling at how thick and soft his wavy locks are. Our children will probably have wavy hair that has a little curl to it.

"We should go to bed I have class early in the morning."

"Goodnight Lianna. I love you."

"I love you Ali."


Went I wake up Alezorio is asleep. On a regular day he'd be up by now. I head to the bathroom first to wash the sleep out my eyes then take a quick 10 minute shower.

I need to remember to wash my hair later.

I get dressed and ready in under 20 mintues. I walk out the closet to Alezorio reading a medical book with his sexy specks on. His hazel green eyes are the most rested I've seen them in awhile. The magic of sleeping in way past the norm.

"Good morning love."

I go over where he is and greet him.

"Morning, mind if I use your car again today?"

He Mark's his page and sets the book down. I'm suddenly pulled onto his lap.

"Of course not love. What's mine is yours."

Alezorio kiss my forehead and then my lips. I lean into him my chest pressed into hard pectorals. Sometimes I still can't believe he's my boyfriend.

"Thank I have three classes today then work. I'll see you later. Text if you get bored baby."

I know he hasn't had this much free time in a long while. He nods then nip my cheek playfully. Alezorio is so childish in nature sometimes but it's another layer that makes him special.

Knowing if I get distracted any further I might be late or never leave this bed. Getting up I run through his hair and rub our foreheads and noses together.

"I love you. Don't get too bored without me."

"Love you too baby I won't. I'll try to keep myself busy. Go to class before you're late."

He sounds bored already but I have to go. I feel sad for him at home with nothing to do nowhere to go. I should have done worst to Stacie, she got off with a light punishment.

Koi soups I hope you're Saturdays are restful. I wish everyone a great day. If there's any confusion please refer to the previous A/N before this chapter. Let me know any thoughts or concerns.

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