°50° Do you and Lianna partake in a BDSM lifestyle?

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This Chapter is dedicated to charlie1991puth.

The Next Day

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The Next Day

"Tell me what brings you here today."

If you're wondering yes this is my intake appointment. It just started. Already the therapist is getting on my nerves.

"I did something recently to my girlfriend I regret."

"Can you elaborate?"

"Her ex boyfriend wanted to talk, in hopes Lianna would take him back. She wanted to but I didn't like the idea. One thing led to another and I blew up at her. My anger towards him got the best of me."

She listens taking notes in a thin note pad. I don't get why she's writing any of this down.

"I take it Lianna's your girlfriend. How exactly did you blow up at her? What did you do?"

Why does she keep asking me something then answering with a question?

Must be therapist talk. She's the best in the area so I guess it works.

"I spanked Lianna because she wanted to talk with Jason even after I told her I didn't want her anywhere near him. I've never gone so far before any other time I spanked Lianna. Technically she didn't do anything wrong. So what I did was for no reason."

"I see. Do you and Lianna partake in a BDSM lifestyle?"

"No I'm not a dominant at least I don't think I am. Sometimes we do things which are slightly BDSM in nature. Like spanking."

The doctor takes more notes. She's writing like it's very important to get everything.

"Can I ask you some personal questions about your relationship?"

I only nod.

"Was spanking introduced at the very beginning of the relationship?"

"It started when I wanted to break Lianna from doing a begavior. I first met Lianna as a new patient and from the first encounter I noticed she never looks at me longer than 5 seconds. After we started dating I learned the reason Lianna did this is she believed anyone who looks at her is thinking thoughts of disgust about her acne. To prevent this Lianna stopped looking people in the eye. So I used spanking as a way to punish her whenever she did this in hope's she wouldn't anymore. It worked by the way."

"Did Lianna find pleasure whenever you punished her? If so what was different this time around?"

The answer is simple.

"Whenever I spanked Lianna in the past it was for doing something wrong. This time there's wasn't. I'm sure Lianna felt I was using it to control her into doing what I want her to to do."

"Alezorio it seems your aware how your actions made Lianna feel. How did you feel after the fact?"

I'm not sure if we're getting anywhere with this but who am I to know. I'm a dermatologist not a psychologist.

"I felt like I betrayed her trust and I took advantage of her. Lianna is not responsible for who wants to communicate with her. Just the same I'm not responsible for who she communicates with. I have to allow her to have a life outside of our relationship even if I don't want her to."

"You've made a really good point. Trying to dictate who your partner is allowed and not allowed to talk to, isn't healthy. This kind of control over someone can create tension with the other individual. Which may lead to feeling stifled and controlled by their significant other. I'm happy you're aware of this was affecting you both. Alezorio I want you to leave today's session contemplating ways you could have reacted differently towards Lianna. How could you have expressed your feelings in a more positive way without letting anger get in the way? We'll discuss this more next week."

"I will. Thank you Dr. Nagler."

"You're welcome. This was a great start. See you next week."

I left the therapy office feeling good but at the same time thinking I hope this works. The last portion felt like she was trying to make be think in circles until I eventually end up where she wants me to. Even so, I might not have come to this point if I was puzzling it out by myself. I guess that's what therapy is for.


Lianna was busy concentrating on her course work when I go through the dinning room into the kitchen. I'm starving I didn't get to eat lunch before seeing the doctor. Quickly I scrape togther a PB and J sandwich with grape jelly. Lianna likes strawberry jelly more.

She must have noticed me because I hear her come into the kitchen as I cut the sandwich vertically. When I turn around I take in Lianna's body from head to toe. She comfortably dressed in a pair of loose high waisted shorts and matching cropped shirt showing her flat stomach. Lianna walks up to me bear feet and takes a bite out my sandwich.

(Lianna's clothes)

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(Lianna's clothes)

She chews first before asking. "How did it go? Do you like the therapist?"

I swallow chasing with a glass of fruit punch before responding.

"It went okay I suppose. It feel like I was asked a series of questions but other than that she seems okay. I'm going to give it a few more sessions before I decide if I'm wasting my time or not."

"That sounds good. I'm proud of you Ali. I can't wait for gradation. All this work is killing me. I can't wait to finally be done with school for good."

I kissed her forehead then ruffle her blonde curls. I know this last year is stressing her out. The last year is always the most stressful because the end is so close but so far at the same time.

"I know love It'll be over soon, look at the bright side, the first semester's almost finished. We're going on a relaxing gateway over break, then come back in time for Christmas celebrations. You'll get a much needed time off soon. Then you'll have your last semester, then graduation. You're almost there."

"I know. By the way that's a good PB and J but strawberry would make it better."

"Oh really now."

I put down the half I'm holding on a plate then start tickling Lianna. She's very ticklish in her side. She tries to run but I have her tucked under my arm. No where to escape.

"That's for saying strawberry is better."

"It is but whatever you say. I'm going to finish up my homework. Make me one too pleasee, but with strawberry instead."

As Lianna walks off I lightly tap her ass that's basically falling out the shorts. She turns around and smiles at me before leaving the room. For a second there my heart dropped because I swear she would be upset since I hit her a**.

That was a close call. 

Koi soups a short filler chapter. It's sad to say but I'm going to slowly start wrapping up this book. I don't want to post chapters for chapters sake. I think the story is coming to end with everything so there's a few chapters left. I'm not sure how much.

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