°47° I don't want you anywhere near Jason.

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This chapter is dedicated to queenofnightskies.

Two months Later

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Two months Later

"You know you don't have to walk me to class right?"

"I know it's just in case Jason trys to talk to you."

After that day I punched Jason, he though it was a brilliant idea to transfer to Lianna's university. Why I have no idea? Thankfully he's pursuing a different career path from Lianna so they don't cross paths too often. But every once in a while Jason actively seeks out her whereabouts. Thus me walking her to class.

My love doesn't like that Jason is trying to get closer to her. Neither do I. He's a pain in the a**. But at least with all this free time I can escort her to campus.

"I'll see you later. Text me if anything happens."

"I will."


"The mid term exam is next week Wednesday

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"The mid term exam is next week Wednesday. There will be 50 questions, mostly multiple choice, five short answers, and two essay questions. I recommend using the review sheet to guide your study. See you next week."

That conclude theories and methods lecture. I have nothing else for today just work now. Alezorio is probably waiting for me. Since he hasn't been working he use this to take me to class and work. I get why he's doing it because of Jason but its starting to get annoying. I beginning to consider have a chat with Jason. Let him get his closure so he can finally move on so my life can go back to the way it was.

I do love Alezorio being so considerate of my safety but I don't need a body guard. I know he won't like it but I have to talk to Jason because I can't take this anymore.

How do I get in contact with him?

When we broke up I deleted his number and blocked it just in case he ever tried to call me. Alezorio is waiting for me as I knew he would.

The wearing black sweater and pants with a tan collared coat and white and green classic Adidas sneakers. A simple casual look. Alezorio looks comfortable. I walk up to him lean inside the entry way. Its getting colder now so he usually waits inside the the halls for me.

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