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Welcome to this journey. Again, I advise that you read the first book of this little series thing before you read this one, thankyou. I'll give you a bit of a background picture. Thomas hasn't been seen since that time on the space ship. Mia and Mike met up with Eva, Zac, Leo and Taylor shortly after the crash landing, to tell them the importance of the key that Leo held. (The one he picked up on the ship, in the hanger) above all! EVA AND LEO HAD A CHILD! I need name ideas...it's a girl btw.....I won't start the story until I have a name for the child! I'm also going to do character profiles/back stories for a lot of the last 20. Btw...for like, lack of confusion, there is still twenty people in the apocalypse. I know that Taylor's brother died, but the child will be his replacement. Anyways...get ready for the journey of the last 20 people left on earth, and what they will do, to stay alive.

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