Chapter 8:Annabeth's POV

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Hey guys! Welcome to the long awaited chapter in Annabeth's POV...and you won't even be finding out a lot...hehehhe...or maybe you just have to stick around, right? But you will definitely get some of the Percabeth you all have been waiting for...

Also, 100 READSSSS! OMG GUYS, THANK YOU SO MUCH! :3 love you guys 

Now, let's get to the story! 

I didn't exactly know what to do. 

Which was what I absolutely despised

We had traced the screaming into the forest, but had found absolutely NO EVIDENCE of where they could've gone. Or rather, what had happened to them. 

The elves had come running into the forest, pale-faced and scared. They searched everywhere, but found nothing. Dex, who had been the first one to come into the forest with them, stepped aside and pulled out a weird device. "I'm calling Mr.Forkle." He said, running to a separate area of the forest. 

"Don't go far." I yelled. "We don't want you to go missing too." Dex turned around and paused, then began to call whoever this "Mr.Forkle" was. I turned back around then and held on to Percy as Biana, Tam, Linh, and Keefe ran towards them. "The Neverseen. It's definitely the Neverseen." Keefe said, beginning to pace. His normal joking personality had disappeared with the harsh situation. Dex came running back. "He's preparing the Black Swan." 

"Ok." Percy said, pausing Keefe's pacing. "What's the Neverseen? Why would they want Sophie and Fitz?" The elves exchanged a look before Biana began. "The Neverseen is a group that wants Sophie. They'll hurt a bunch of people to get what they want, and use elves that are important to Sophie as bait. Fitz...." She trailed off. And apparently that  was the end of the conversation because they didn't say anything else, every elf fidgeting or fingering something. 

I scanned the area one more time for any evidence of where the Neverseen would have gone. "We need to split up." I said once deciding there was no more evidence where we were. Percy nodded, and pointed to the left. "Me and Annabeth-" I cut him off, "Annabeth and I." Percy smirked at me. "Whatever you say, Wise Girl." And began talking again. "Annabeth and I are going to go over there." He pointed to the right. "Biana and....Dex, you can go over there." Both Biana and Dex nodded, exchanging looks. "And Keefe and Tam will go forward." "Ugh, I'm with Bangs Boy?" Keefe complained. Biana shot him a look. "This isn't the time for games, Keefe." Her lip trembled. "Fitz and Sophie are missing, and we don't have time to spare." Dex leaned over and took her hand to calm her down, and she squeezed it. I couldn't help but notice Tam staring at their hands.

Tam turned back around. "Actually, I was wondering if I could stay here and search with my shadowvapor, if that's alright." 

Percy nodded. "Sure. Keefe can keep a lookout near you. No one should go alone."  Keefe started to groan, but mid-groan he paused and glanced over at Biana, who was once again squeezing Dex's hand and glaring at Keefe. 

"Okay guys, let's go." I started my trek to the left along with Percy while everyone else heading to their designated areas. "Okay, so I was thinking that maybe they dropped something, anything, that could tell us where they could have-" and then I tripped. Percy caught me, grinning. "Careful there, Wise Girl." I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, Seaweed Brain." I looked back at the ground again where I had tripped. "Percy, look." I said, being serious again. He looked down to where I was pointing, his grin disappearing. "Whoa." He said, cautiously picking up the object. 

"Be careful!" I scolded. "We don't know what it is. We need to go back-" But Percy had already lifted the shining crystal, and the light reflected on him. I barely managed to grab on to his arm as Percy dropped the crystal way too late, and the crystal teleported us to who knows where. 

And I still had absolutely no idea what to do. 

This one was a shortie! Sorry guys, ANOTHER cliffhanger...MUAHAHAHA, I'm evil and I know it. A huge thank you to all my wiki friends for being supportive on the wiki :D

Honestly, I'm just glad all you guys, my wonderful, incredible readers are here. I never thought we'd reach the place we are in now with this story, and I am forever grateful.

That's enough sappiness for one day, don't you think? 😂 

And make sure to check out my new story, to be published soon, Holding On. It's a story based off of KOTLC and a roleplay on the KOTLC wiki called "Love Octagon", but ended up being just two people's love story cause of all the quitters 😂jk, but it really is super cute and I advise that you check it out! 

Thanks again for reading, and I'll update...hopefully soon, with school and all! Bye! 

-Naomi 🌈

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