Chapter 11: Sophie's POV

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Hello, everyone!

Yes, I know, you may all begin to scream at me for being gone, and anxiously waiting for an update, yadda yadda yadda.

Well, as your holiday gift, I present you ( XD anyone get it? Anyone?) with another chapter! I hope you enjoy it-it's slightly short, but that all I could do with my small time frame-sorry! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and enjoy this chapter :)

Sophie didn't know where she was.

This might not have been a big problem if not for the fact that she couldn't move either.

She attempted to take a look around with the limited movement she had, only for someone's rough hand to shove her head back in place, staring up at a fluorescent white light.

"Don't move, now. It's best for your safety, and-" He pushed her head towards the wall, "his safety". Slumped against the wall, a strong rope tied around his hands and a gag across his mouth, lay Fitz. His eyes were closed and he had dark circles around his eyes.

Sophie began to scream, her voice echoing around the caves. The man slammed his hand over her mouth. "Don't be screaming yer head off here, kid. That one was too loud-we had to gag him." He stuck a thumb out towards Fitz again, causing her heart to crack in half. "Don't be like him-we've been very merciful to you both." He laughed, and swiftly turned and left the room.

Tears poured down Sophie's face. She tried to speak, and her voice came out croaky and unstable. "F-F-Fitz?" She whispered. When there was no answer, she mentally slapped herself. He was obviously in pain and exhausted, and there was no way he could hear her in that state. She debated on trying to reach out to him telepathically, and eventually decided to let him rest.

She suddenly became aware of the huge machine she was connected to and held back a scream. Her arm automatically tried to tug on an eyelash, but was connected firmly to the table by a large chain. It was extremely similar to a doctor's office-yet so, so much worse.

She tried to relax herself, and thought about what Fitz might say to her if he could. You can do it. Take a couple deep breaths and try to think of a solution. A solution. That was what she needed. She had to get back to camp, find the rest of the elves, find Percy, find Annabeth. They could come back, save Fitz, and defeat the Neverseen.

No! Her mind screamed.Don't leave Fitz. Something might happen! She debated with herself, but she knew in her heart she couldn't leave him. Or, rather, she wouldn't leave him.

Who can I call for help? She wondered. I could reach out to Keefe or Biana telepathically..... She squeezed her eyes shut and concentrated, looking for Keefe's mind. They could help her. She knew they could. It wouldn't be long for them to come bust down the walls of the Neverseen hideout. With enough detail, they could figure out where it was. Right? She let her hopes soar for a brief second, a mere moment of hopefulness in the dreary darkness of the cave.

Suddenly, it hit her.

The massive amount of pain, flooding her mind and sleeping into everywhere. Her head throbbed, and she felt her arms and legs tense up. She began to scream, her voice sore and her throat hurting. She could've kept screaming for longer. Until her voice was finally done with the world and ran back into her until it could work again.

But she heard a voice, somehow powerful over her yells, say muffledly,


Her mouth snapped closed, her scream abruptly cut off. "Fitz?!" She said hoarsely, coughing right after the words.

"You're alive!" Fitz said, his voice quite clearly lit with happiness. His words were quite muffled because of the gag, but she could make out what he was saying with a little deciphering.

"How-" She coughed, "How do we get out of here?"

"I reached out to Keefe with my mind for a second. Just a second. He said they were coming and were going to help."

Sophie almost, almost smiled. Help was coming. She shivered, the cold room was getting to her. She hoped they could get here in time. She hoped they would be able to find the place.

"Fitz?" She whispered, wondering if he would hear her.

"Yeah?" His tired voice whispered back.

"I'm glad you're here."

The room was silent.

"I'm glad you're here too."

Did you enjoy it? I hope you did 😁

I'm so glad I have you all as readers, and we have gotten to 570 reads the last time I checked on this book! Wow! That may not be such a big number to some of you writers, to which I applaud you on your successes, but to me this is an amazing number! Thanks to you all!

Next chapter I'm going to have a little surprise I'm sure some of you will enjoy......stay tuned to find out 😏

Wishing you a Merry Christmas (and to those who don't celebrate Christmas, happy holidays) and a Happy New Year,


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