Chapter 7

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Archie's POV

Jughead took me to his families trailer to see my son and to talk to Jaylynn. I dont know why she ran, but she did.

"Hey Archie. Glad to see your still alive." Gladys says.

"Yeah. Maybe not long though." I say.

"What? You sick?" FP asks.

"No. He is talking about when he speaks to Jaylynn. Where is she anyway?" Jughead asks.

"What do you mean? She was with you?" Gladys says.

"No she ran off. I wanted to talk and she ran." I say.

"Take your son and stay in trailer. FP, Jug, JB, lets go find Jaylynn." Gladys says handing me Jonah.

I went inside the trailer and waited for what felt like forever, but it was like two hours before they all came back.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"Dont know boy. No ones seen her since she ran away from you. This is bad." FP says.

"Is this is my fault?" I question.

Jug and his parents all looked at me and I knew what they were thinking. They were thinking Archie Andrews yes you are to blame.

"No this is Jaylynn's fault. If she would just tell you she loves you then we wouldnt have to deal with this." Jellybean says.

"She what?" I question.

"I heard her say it. She gives herself a pep talk in the mirror before bed. She said and I quote... "Why cant I tell him I love him? Why cant I tell Archie the truth? Oh thats right because the last guy I did that with dumped me. If I would said it to Archie before I got pregnant I might not of have my son. What am I doing? I cant tell him I love him. If it doesnt work out Jonah will be hurt. Yep not telling him instead if it comes up I'll ran the other way." Let me tell you that was the longest one she's ever done." Jellybean says.

"Well she loves him and now she is missing. Where is she?" Gladys questions.

Just then SweetPea walked in and gave me a dirty look and then he handed Jughead a note.

"What id that?" I ask.

"Serpent business." SweetPea says.

"I have a right to know. My son's mother is missing and if this is about her its about us too." I say.

"Its a message from the Ghoulies. They want the serpents the run the ultimate drug run for them or Jaylynn gets it." Jughead reads.

"What?" I question.

"We dont deal drugs. If we get caught no one will trust the serpents ever again." FP says.

I looked at their faces and I knew what Jaylynn would want. I then looked at my son and I knew what to do.

"I do it. I'll make the drug run." I say.

"Archie you cant." Jughead says.

"I have too. Look Jonah needs his mother more then he needs his father. So if I go down so be it as long as she will be safe. I dont want her family and friends to get hurt for her. So I'll do it." I say.

There was no changing my mind and thats a good thing. Because at the end of the day it has to be me. So she can see that Im not like the other guy and that I will never leave her.

A/N: Hey guys do you like it? Let me know. Thanks.

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