Chapter Six

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{questions and answers}

Taehyung was pulled from his trance as soon as the the front door of the small cottage was slammed open, wood almost falling from its hinges as Jin stormed inside, a girl cradled limply in his arms. The male's exertion brought on breathlessness, like the air around him was devoid of oxygen. His lungs heaved up and down as he stumbled tiredly inside, speckles of blood cast over his heated skin as he turned to his cousin in plea. "Clear the m-medical room," Jin gasped, struggling with the weight of the girl in his hold, "she needs attention." he commanded. 

Taehyung froze for a brief moment, warm chocolate brown eyes landing over the petite girl. Her short, shoulder length black hair was a tousled mess of dried blood trailing slowly down her heated forehead. Her loosely fit shirt was torn at the side, tainted with deep red blood flourishing slowly out from the wound on her side. But that wasn't the worst of it. Taehyung's eyes flickered down to the large gash against her lower leg, deep claw marks engraved around the irritated skin, suggesting that a monster was to blame. She was slowly bleeding out, "Follow me." Taehyung spoke, a hint of nervousness laced throughout his deep and commanding tone as he led Jin down the tight hall of the cottage. Quickly bringing a hand to the door, Taehyung wrapped his fingers tightly around the metal handle, swinging open the wood before quickly ushering Jin inside. 

The brunette fumbled with the frail girl in his arms before moving to the side of the room, quickly but gently laying the girl against the single bed by the window. The soft rays of the setting sun filtered through the slightly open blinds, casting their golden glow against the female's sickly pale skin. Her thick lashes were closed peacefully over her eyes, but the heavy rise and fall of her chest suggested otherwise. Inflating her lungs felt like pushing up a lead weight on her chest. She sucked in the air as if it were treacle, even though the cool breeze from the open window provided fresh air. She just couldn't breathe. 

Taehyung didn't fail to notice the girl's laboured breaths as he rummaged around the room, trying to locate all the emergency medical equipment he owned. The room had been fully equiped with his science equipment, but some of the medical supplies still remained scattered around the house. Running a stressful hand through his choppy brunette hair, Taehyung sprint back over to the bedroom door, leaning a hand against the wooden doorframe before calling out down the hallway, "I need medical supplies!" he bellowed, hoping that at least someone was still inside, "It's an emergency!" he finished, heart pounding against his chest. Their was a moment of stone cold silence... a moment of collectively shared fear between Jin and Taehyung as they waited for any sort of response. 

The two male's thankfully didn't have to wait long, the sound of shuffling and cluttering sounding out from the direction of the kitchen. Before long, a familiar blue haired male quickly raced down the hall, dressed in nothing but a loosely fit shirt and track pants as he sprint into the bedroom, a medical kit clasped tightly in his grasp. Yoongi's eye's widened as he lay his eyes on the mystery girl laying on the make-shift infirmary bed. He stumbled to the bedroom wall, leaning up against the concrete as he stayed clear out of Taehyung's way. He gulped, "What happened here?" The male felt a shiver run up his spine as he assessed the female's wounds from afar, gaze then turning to Jin for answers. 

Jin grimly shook his head at the blue haired male, "To be completely honest... I have no idea." he sighed, placing his head in the palms of his hand. "She was just there? Like out of nowhere I found her being attacked by a horde." he let out a shaky breath as he recalled the gruesome scene, the fight the girl had put up before she'd collapsed, "She's strong."

Strong? Just how strong could a girl be? Yoongi's mouth opened to ask further questions, but he was abruptly cut off by Taehyung's worried banter, "She's lost too much blood," he muttered, taking a bowl of warm water and salt into his hands before shuffling over to the bedside, placing the bowl at his feet before taking a cloth into his hands, "She'll need a blood transfusion, or she's a goner." he stated in an almost emotionless tone, no hint of nervousness in his voice as the stern side of him took complete control. Taehyung found it was a good thing to let go of remorse in these situations. It allowed him to stay focused. "Seeing as we don't know her blood type, we need to be careful." he explained, soaking the cloth into the warm bowl of salt and water, "Blood type O is the only type of blood that can be donated across all people. I'm AB... so I can't give her any." he explained, wringing out the soaked cloth before bringing it to the girl's pale skin. The mud and grit had become enmeshed with raw pink flesh, spotted with blood. One thing Taehyung knew for sure was that it was going to be very painful to clean, so it was a good thing the female was knocked out cold. 

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