Chapter Thirteen

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{the cure}

As Yoongi left the medical bay fear travelled through his veins, but never made it to his facial muscles or skin. His complexion remained pale and matt, his eyes just as steady. He let out an understated sigh as he turned out into the hall, showing he wasn't afraid of what was to come. 

"Yoongi wait!" a familiar voice called, causing the blue haired male to stop in his tracks. Pivoting on his feet, Yoongi crossed his arms firmly over his body as Hoseok quickly made his way towards him, hands slightly trembling in the pockets of his winter coat. 

Sucking in a sharp breath of air, Hoseok parted his lips to speak, "This is serious." he shuddered, finding it hard to swallow with a dry throat, "If what Vee's saying is true, we aren't safe." he spoke with a stern expression, making sure Yoongi understood just how dire the situation now was. 

Letting his arms fall limply to his side, Yoongi let out a huff, "We're screwed. So utterly and completely done for." he muttered, causing Hoseok to freeze up in place. Yoongi let out a sigh before he continued, "We can't risk making our way back across the city, we've gotta stay here and wait for them to come to us." he explained, pausing before he decided to continue, "We need a plan of action, because as of now Jimin and Taehyung are out of action," he stated. 

Hoseok opened his mouth to speak, but was quickly cut off by Yoongi's words, "You're pretty much out of action too Hoseok." he spoke bluntly, taking the orange haired male aback, "I can tell, that injured shoulder of yours hasn't gotten any better."

Hoseok rolled his eyes, "I can still fight you know." he scoffed, slipping his hands out from his pockets as he crossed his arms over his chest, "I probably just can't last as long as I use to." he explained, earning a nod from Yoongi. 

"I guess this just means that any time the group splits up, we should evenly split ourselves so that we can fight either way." Yoongi suggested, "As of now, the best fighters would consist of myself, Jungkook and Tessa. Jin's not so much of a combat man and Namjoon's more into the technical side of things. That means if we ever need to split up, at least one of us three should remain at the cottage for safety measures." he finished. 

Lips twisting into a frown, Hoseok gave a reluctant nod of agreement, "I agree, it's for the best until Jimin's hands heal up and Taehyung gets back to full strength."


"Kook?" Taehyung rasped, "Jungkook~" he breathed, voice horse and sandpapery as he sat himself up in bed. It had been a solid day of passing and Taehyung had finally managed to slip back into consciousness. He was frazzled as to what had happened, torso aching as he placed a steady hand against it. 

With his other hand, Taehyung placed a hand against Jungkook's back, gently shaking the younger to wake up. Jungkook's breathing came slowly and softly, head rested peacefully against Taehyung's lap as he sat by the injured male's bedside. Smiling to himself, Taehyung began to stroke Jungkook's hair, soft and delicate as it combed through his fingertips. 

It was at this gesture, Jungkook began to stir, eyes slowly opening as his sleep fell away. Raising a hand, Jungkook rubbed at his eyes, letting out a tired yawn before registering that someone was playing with his hair. With wide eyes and a panicked expression, Jungkook turned his attention to the male in the bed, "Taehyung?" he breathed, a glassy layer of tears forming over his eyes. 

Taehyung smirked, "Miss me?" he chuckled lowly, letting out a hoarse cough. Without hesitation, Jungkook leapt from his chair, extending his hands as he wrapped his arms around Taehyung's weaker form. Taehyung gasped as Jungkook practically melted into his form. He could feel his firm torso and the heart beats within. His hands were folded around Taehyung's back, drawing him in closer. 

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