Chapter Eleven

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/Warning: Heavy depictions of blood /

{power over empathy}

As morning approached the cottage, the fireplace was nothing but a small flame dancing in the ashes. Through the sheer, tattered curtains, the morning sun crept into the living room, setting it's rays against the couple still sleeping soundly against the lounge. Hoseok had woken up not too long ago, leaving the sleeping couple as he made his way into the kitchen. 

Winter was finally greeting them. The air was frozen lace on the male's skin, delicate and cold. Peering out the window, the sky was washed with grey, watery light illuminating thin patches to brilliance. It had definitely snowed last night, the meadow now covered in a layer of soft snow. The trees swaying gently with the wind looked sugar coated as the atmosphere was nothing but white, grey and blue. It was a gorgeous scene, but winter always came with the most challenges during the apocalypse. They now had one more thing to worry about... staying warm. 

Running a hand through his faded orange locks, Hoseok shuffled over to one of the supply boxes they'd picked up yesterday. Next to the supermarket was an old op shop, so Hoseok had taken it upon himself to collect some of the winter gear they had in stock. 

Placing his hands against the cardboard, Hoseok opened up the box, reaching inside and shuffling through it's contents. He knew he was one of the smaller framed male's so he decided to take out a more fitted coat, sweeping it over himself as he slid his arms through the fabric. His lip ticked up into the smallest of smiles as he immediately felt the warmth of the winter coat engulf him.

"That looks comfy." a female voice spoke up. Turning on his heels, Hoseok's smile fell from his face as he made eye contact with the raven haired female. With a stride in her step, Vee made her way into the kitchen beside Hoseok, reaching up to one of the taller cupboards on her tippy toes as she grabbed a glass. With Hoseok's eyes glued to her petite form, she tucked a loose strand of short hair behind her pierced ear, grabbing a half full water bottle and tipping the water into her glass. "It's pretty nice outside... isn't it." she commented, eyes drifting out to the winter landscape.

Hoseok gulped as he gave a small nod, "Sure is," he sighed, "it'll get pretty cold this month, so you might wanna pick out one of the coats from inside the box." he stated, gesturing towards the open cardboard box at his feet. 

Vee gave a smile of thanks as she bent down to the box, pulling out one of the smaller black coats and wrapping it tightly around her form. Whilst she was turned away, Hoseok was quick to examine the girl. Her limp seemed less pronounced, leg healing up quite well after a couple of days. She was already well dressed for the day, gear on her sides. Hoseok frowned, "Hows your leg holding up?"

She turned towards the male with a blank expression before she began to speak, "Quite well actually... the temporary vaccine works wonders." she commented causing Hoseok to subconsciously rub against his shoulder, the site he had been infected. 

After Hoseok was shot in the shoulder, it never really felt the same. He hadn't had to use his bow and arrow many times since the incident, but he could tell his hold was shaky and the pain was almost like fire every time he pulled back the string. "It does..." he murmured, mustering up the courage to plaster a fake smile across his face, "doesn't it."

Whilst the pair conversed in the kitchen alone, Taehyung and Jungkook began to stir on the living room couch. Taehyung's eyes opened, eyelashes faintly batting against his lids when he blinked. He lay on the couch, snuggly against Jungkook's side as he debated whether or not to get up. His muscles felt weak, just like his energy. 

Taehyung let out an exasperated sigh, groaning as he went to roll off the sofa, only he was caught off guard by a hand grabbing against his collar. Taehyung gasped as he was turned to the side, lips smashing into Jungkook's more plump ones as they shared a morning kiss. "Morning~" Jungkook sung, eyes lidded with sleep as he lay face to face with Taehyung. Their slow breathing filled the silence, noses brushed against one another's as they looked into each others eyes. Taehyung took in the male's appearance from his messy and dishevelled bed hair to his puffier morning face. Taehyung smirked, propping himself up on one arm before swinging himself over Jungkook's form. 

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