Chapter 1

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On the train back, I suddenly felt sick. I bit my lip in anticipation and the others began to worry for me. Ron, knowing my current situation, told me that he would ask his mother if I could continue staying over for the summer when we met with her on the platform.

I nod, quickly dismissing myself to the bathroom, Hermione following although I didn't ask her to. Well, I didn't want her to go, yet I also didn't want to explain anything to her this soon. "Y/n? Are you still in here..?" I hear Hermione ask, knocking outside of the bathroom door. I took a deep breath, staring into the mirror, responding with a sound of approval.

"C'mon Y/n...You knew it would happen sooner or later, facing S-M/n again...I'll be strong. I'll show her that she can't force me anymore...I'll show her...I'll show her..."

Hermione busts in and she sees me facing the mirror, my hands on either side of the sink. "Y/n, What's wrong?!" She grabs my shoulders and turns me to face her. She gasps and lets go of my shoulders, her hands flying up to cover her mouth. "Y/n..You're crying! Why? What's wrong?"

She wipes the tears that I didn't know had appeared off my face and hugs me. I don't budge, but I just sink into her hug. She gives great hugs...I sniffle and she asks me again, "What's wrong?"

I shake my head, like I did the day I met Harry. She tilts her head sincerely and sighs, "If you'd like, you can tell me whenever you feel comfortable, okay?" I nod and hug her again.

Eventually, she persuades me to go back to the compartment. Once we enter together, her arm across my shoulder, the boys bombard me with questions. "You okay?" "Y/n, what's wrong?" "What happened?" Hermione cut them off when she saw that I didn't want to talk at the moment. "Ronald, there's nothing wrong. Harry, she's fine. She's just gotten exams next year." She lies.

I'm staring at the floor, nodding quietly. "Well, exams are usually at the end of term. If you're so worried, maybe you and Hermione can study around that time." Harry suggests. I shrug and nod again, then Hermione ushers me to sit. I sit next to Harry and she sits across from me, next to Ron.

Throughout the entire ride home, the boys have been talking and Hermione's been reading. I've been sitting silently and I suppose they bought candy from the trolley witch when I see Ron chomping on a chocolate frog, and Harry with a Bertie Botts box. I sigh and look out the window for the rest of the ride, still not uttering a word.

"Y/n, we're here! Get your bag." I look up to see Hermione shoving her book in her bag. I nod and kneel on the seats, grabbing my bag from the overhead bin. The boys and Hermione walk out, me staggering behind.

Once we get off the train, I notice Mr and Mrs Weasley waving our way. I smile and finally catch up, seeing Hermione go over to her parents. I smile at them and wave to Hermione as she leaves with her parents.

"Mum, can Y/n stay over again for the summer?" Ron asks his mum, the first thing he says to her. "I'm not sure, Ronald...Maybe her family wants to see her again? We can't just keep her from them!" She laughs and the breath in my throat hitches, causing my heart to skip a beat.

"We also have scheduled to go on vacation as well. I'm not sure if she can tag along there either...." She finishes. I nod, understanding and putting on a fake smile, "T-That's fine, Mrs Weasley..." I bite my lip once she turns away and Ron looks at me with a depressed look on his face as the both of us stay far behind his family while talking, "I'm so sorry, Y/n...J-Just try and stay out of your mum's way and d-don't get hurt...Please don't get hurt..." Ron tells me with worry in his voice.

We both stop and I wrap my arms around his neck, dropping my bag on the ground. "Ron...I promise, I'll be fine...I've been living with her my whole life." He wraps his arms around my waist and we both hold each other tight, until I hear Fred's voice loudly at the Platform's exit, "Alright, you two, C' mon, Mum's waiting!" I laugh nervously, and slowly let go of Ron, laying my hands on his shoulders, then picking up my bag quickly, as does he, and we follow Fred out of the Platform and out to the car.

The entire car is squished, with the twins and ginny in the second row, Mr and Mrs Weasley in the front (Obviously) and Harry, Ron, and I all smushed in the third row with our luggage in the trunk.


Sadly, I get dropped off around the corner to my house, not wanting them to see what it actually looks like. Once they actually drive away, I continue walking around the block and make it to the front door of my house.

I peek my head in, as the door is usually unlocked, and I sneak all my luggage (and Venus) up to my room in the attic. Once I do, I walk downstairs again and look around,  not really hearing anyone. I walk to the kitchen, hoping they aren't in there, waiting for me. I open it and a loud creak sounds throughout the house. "CRAP! I forgot this door does that..." I think, sliding into the empty room silently.

I sigh, as there's nothing to eat in the fridge. Well, come to think of it, there never is, so why am I complaining? I turn to exit the room, and there she is, standing there and glaring at me with her snake-like eyes. "Here. Now." She points to the spot right in front of her and I stay where I am, already testing her.

She scowls and approaches me, grabbing my upper arm harshly, most likely leaving a bruise and slapping me right across the face. I take it, wincing only a bit as she drags me over to the back of the house. At this point, I try to resist, knowing what's coming my way.

"You know what, brat? Leaving for 2 years and making me lose my maid, you-" I get slapped again, "aren't-" and again, "allowed," and again, "To leave my sight for the rest of your life...." She slaps me once more, finally making my lip bleed.

I take it, saying nothing once again, and I get shoved into the wall. I stay standing there and she begins to get tired of it. "You're not gonna cry? Scream? Act like a child? Well,...I know what will..." She grips my neck and brings me up the wall a few inches, stepping on one of my ankles, presumably breaking it.

I'm not sure why, but nothing's hurting at the moment. I completely block out S-M/n's voice and she finally throws me into my room and I almost immediately lock myself in. As I walk, my right ankle's KILLING me. I decide to sit down and take a look at what's been done while I've been here.

Bruised arm? Check.
Stinging cheeks? Check.
Broken ankle? Check.
Possible black eye? Check.
Bruised neck? Check.

I've gotten almost everything so far, and only on my first day here.

"This is going to be an impossibly long summer..."

I hope you guys like my first chapter of this book! I don't really have anything else to say, except, the second chapter will be coming soon!

Word Count: 1288

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