Chapter 9

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"Ron! Ron, wait! Come back!" I exclaim as I follow him, extremely closely might I add. He continues following his rat, since he just got Scabbers back. Ron dives and catches him on the ground. I follow closely, squatting down to see Ron's face and Scabbers. "Oh, no.. harry, do you realize what tree this is?" Hermione says, stopping behind Harry and looking back at Ron and I.

"That's not good...Ron, Y/n, RUN!" Harry yells to us, staying exactly where he is. Ron points at Harry and Hermione and I turn my head to them, seeing a great black hound behind them. "HARRY, HERMIONE, RUN!" Ron yells, clutching his rat and pointing frantically behind them. "It's the Grim!" I yell. It jumps right over Harry and Hermione, lunging at Ron and I. It grabs Ron by the leg, dragging him to the trunk of the tree behind us, the Whomping Willow.

I run after him and the dog immediately, but as Ron gets pulled into a hole under the tree, I crawl in after him. Harry and Hermione, being so far behind us, didn't get to make it inside fast enough before getting pulled away by the tree.

Ron reaches out towards me, and I dash after him. The Grim takes him away at full speed and I eventually loose sight of him. I don't stop running, though. "RON?!" I yell, hearing him wail a few feet away. I pick up the pace and run through the deep cavernous hall. I crawl up into a house..

Interesting, I feel like I've seen this house before..

I continue climbing, quietly though, just in case someone's up there. I draw my wand at put it in front of me, climbing the last few stairs. I hear Ron wail once again and I burst into the first door I see, seeing Ron covered in dirt and blood on a bed. "Ron! You're okay!" I hug him by the neck and he begins to stutter, "Y/n, Y/n it's a trap! He's an Animagus!" He points to the corner of the room and I see muddy dog prints on the ground, turning into human steps.

The door closes again and there's Sirius Black. The very same one in the papers. I point my wand at him and stand in front of Ron immediately. I scowl and say in a low tone, "If you want to kill him, you'll have to kill me too." I feel Ron grab the back of my shirt and Harry and Hermione burst into the room, not seeing Black hide behind the door once again. "Y/n, put the wand down, it's only us!" Hermione exclaims. I shake my head and move my hand ever so slightly to gesture behind them. "He's an Animagus." I stand my ground in front of Ron, protecting him with my whole body. Hermione grabs Harry and shoves him behind her. I take a few steps forward and cover all three of them. "If you want to kill any of them, you'll have to go through me first." I say intimidatingly, still pointing my wand at him.

"No. Only one will die tonight." Black steps forward and Harry shoves through me and Hermione, "Then it'll be you!" Harry chokes Black and makes him hit the floor before taking his wand out and pointing it at his neck. I keep my wand pointed at the escaped convict and I stand in front of Ron again.

"Now, now, are you going to kill me, Harry?" Black says with a chuckle as someone bursts in and yells, "EXPELLIARMUS!" I look up at..Lupin? He gestures for Harry to get out of the way and he stands in front of Hermione. "Well, looking rather ragged aren't we, Sirius? Finally the flesh reflects the madness within." Lupin says, casually.

"Well, you'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you, Remus?" Sirius asks, then Lupin, with a smile, helps him up and hugs him. "No! I trusted you! And all this time you've been his friend...He's a werewolf, that's why he's been missing classes!" Hermione blurts to us, standing in the middle of the room now.

I, now keep my wand pointed between Lupin and Sirius. "How long have you known?" Lupin asks, stepping closer to Hermione. "Since Professor Snape set the essay." She answers simply.

The Red Head Who Stole My Heart ~•Ron Weasley x Reader•~ (Book 3; Year 3)Where stories live. Discover now