Chapter 3

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The four of us hop onto the train and I squint at Ron. "What? Why're you lookin at me like that?" He asks.

"I feel like you're missing something...-" I gasp loudly, "Scabbers!" His eyes widen and he stops at a window, retrieving him from Mrs Weasley who's trotting along with the train to deliver Ron's rat. I giggle a little and Harry tells us about what happened with him and his aunt over the summer. "I-I didn't mean to blow her up, I just kind of lost control..."

Ron laughs and Hermione starts getting defensive, "Honestly, Ron, it's not funny. Harry was lucky not to be expelled." We follow Harry throughout compartments, looking for one that's empty, and we come across one with a sleeping man. "Come on, everywhere else is full." Hermione opens the door to the compartment and we all step inside.

"Who do you think that is?" Ron asks as we all drop our things and take our seats. "Professor R.J. Lupin," Hermione responds, me sitting between Professor Lupin and Harry, "Do you know everything? How is it she knows everything?"

"It's on his suitcase, Ronald." She points up to the suitcase above the professor. "Oh.." Ron looks flustered and I look at the man sitting beside me. "Do you think he's really asleep?" I ask. "He seems to be. Why?" Hermione asks.

I shrug and Harry stands, shutting the compartment door, "I've got to tell you something."

Harry explains to us, that when Mr Weasley pulled him aside, he told him that Sirius Black is coming after Harry. "Lemme get this straight. Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban to come after you?" Ron asks.

"B-But they'll catch Black...Won't they? I-I mean, everyone's looking for h-him." I ask, looking between Ron and Harry. "Sure. Except no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before, and...he's a murderous, raving lunatic."

"Thanks, Ron." Harry retorts. The train wheezes to a stop and Hermione asks why we've stopped. Harry hops to his feet and swings the door open. He pokes his head out and suddenly gets thrown back into his seat, the whole train rumbling. "What's going on?!" Ron asks, looking around the compartment. "Don't know. Maybe we've broken down." Harry reasons, the lights suddenly shutting off. I look nervously at Professor Lupin again and hear Hermione complain about Ron stepping on her foot.

"There's something moving out there..." Ron says, staring out the window with his hand on the glass as the lights start flickering on and off. "I think...Someone's coming aboard!" Ron says once again, his hand still on the glass. The whole train moves and everything shakes.

It begins to get extremely cold and the window starts freezing. I rub my hands together and the train wobbles again, knocking Ron into his chair, "Bloody hell! What's happening?!"

We all look at the door window as a giant shadowy figure creeps up to the window and a bony hand reaches out to the door and opens it without using the handle. It opens the door fully and I press my back up against the seat, clutching my hands to my chest.

I look to my left and I see something wispy coming from Harry's face and going into the hooded creature's open mouth.

Professor Lupin then stands with his wand out, a bright light coming from the tip of it. The hooded creature begins shrieking and it backs away, Harry falling against the seat beside me.

It takes a bit, yet Harry wakes up and Hermione hands him his glasses as he sits up. I'm sitting beside Ron and Lupin, Lupin handing Harry a small bar of chocolate, "Here, eat this. It'll help. It's alright, it's chocolate."

Harry sits up, taking the chocolate and asking what the hooded creature was. "It was a dementor, one of the guards of Azkaban. It's gone now. It was searching the train for Sirius Black. If you'll excuse me, I need to have a little word with the driver."

The Red Head Who Stole My Heart ~•Ron Weasley x Reader•~ (Book 3; Year 3)Where stories live. Discover now