Chapter 5

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Enjoy! (This is probably the most lovey-dovey chapter :D)


I hear Hagrid whistle, so I quickly clutch Buckbeak again, and he lands, then runs over to Hagrid. He stops abruptly and carries me off, everyone clapping and whistling. Hagrid congratulates me and places me down on the floor.

"How am I doin' on me firs' day?" Hagrid whispers to me as I pat my robes down. I smile up at him and hug my arms, "Excellent...Professor."

"Yeah. You're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute." I hear Malfoy's snide voice walk up to us and Buckbeak begins getting defensive, spreading his wings and flapping them madly.

"Malfoy!-" Hagrid and I yell as Buckbeak screeches and mildly scratches Malfoy's deflecting left arm. He hits the ground and starts rolling on the floor, his scratched elbow clutched in his other hand.

"Oh, It's killed's killed me..." Malfoy mutters, his eyes tightly shut. Hagrid stands between them and calms Buckbeak down, throwing him another rat. I've pressed myself against the nearest tree and clutched my arms.

"Calm down..! Calm down, it's only a scratch..!" Hagrid tries to comply with him, then Hermione trudges up and tells Hagrid that he's got to be taken to the hospital wing.

"Well, I'm the teacher, I'll do it." Hagrid then picks up a whimpering Malfoy off the floor and the class gets dismissed. I stay in my position near the tree and Buckbeak comes near me, rubbing my face with his beak. I pet the side of his face and he turns around again, facing Hagrid's back.

My shoulders slouch and I hear someone running up to me. I ignore it until they sling their arm across my shoulders. I jump and immediately look up and see the same styled red hair as before. "Ron...I-"

"Y/n, are you okay..? You- You kind of, uhm, seemed uneasy..." Ron calmly interrupts me. I take his hand, the one slung across my shoulders, and hold it, "Ron, I'm fine...I'm perfectly fine. If anything, I should be asking if you were okay while I was up there..." I squeeze his hand lightly and look up at him again, his face even redder now. I smile, and remove his arm from my shoulder. I take his other hand in mine and put both of our clasped hands between us.

"I-I was...j-just worried for you, t-that's all." He says, trying to blow it off. I tilt my head and out of the corner of my eye, I see Harry and Hermione waving for us to leave.

"Ron, I think we should get going." I say, gesturing my head to Harry and Hermione. He nods and we finally begin walking to them, our hands still intertwined behind my robes. I go to grab the things I left on the rock, then a hand tugs on my sleeve. I turn around and see Ron, tugging on my sleeve again.

"What's wrong, Ron?" I ask, placing the book and my quill into my bag. "Y/n, we're going to be late for lunchhh..." Ron elongates the end of his sentence and I let out a small laugh. "You can go ahead without me if you want to get to lunch so bad." I continue packing my bag and I glance back to see him shaking his head vigorously. I laugh and he stops, looking at me with a slight blush and a smile.

"Let's go." I grab my bag and sling it across my shoulder. We're about to start walking and a warm hand clutches mine. My face begins heating up and I look at Ron's hand holding mine. I move my hand so our fingers are intertwined and I glance up to see Ron looking at me, his face pink. We continue up to the castle, Ron convincing me to stop at the common room to grab his robes, and make it to the Great Hall. We walk in and see Hermione and Harry sitting beside each other. I begin hearing people from different tables pointing and giggling- not knowing whether it's good or bad.

I slip my hand out of Ron's and fiddle with the hem of my shirt sleeve, knowing that it had to be that they were giggling at. We sit across from Harry and Hermione, listening to what Malfoy has to say about his 'injury.'

The Red Head Who Stole My Heart ~•Ron Weasley x Reader•~ (Book 3; Year 3)Where stories live. Discover now