Chapter 10

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I look up to see what Sirius is yelling at and an entire swarm of Dementors is flying back and forth over us. I draw my wand and point it up, glancing at Sirius every other time one flies by and sucks a bit of his soul. I drop my wand and put my hands on Sirius' chest, shaking him. I see another one pass by but this time it starts weakening me. I fall into a sitting position and another two pass by, taking each it's toll on Sirius and I. I see a small ball of white light float out of Sirius' mouth and I try to lift my wand up, but fail miserably, dropping it again.

My vision begins to blur and I see a man standing behind a silvery stag-looking patronus. My eyes widen as I see the man behind it looks almost exactly like my dad. The bright light begins to pulse and most of the dementors flee one by one. When the last of them flew away and the light faded, the small white light floated back into his mouth and he shudders, breathing rapidly. I pant, and as my vision starts to fade in and out, my body falls against the rocky ground.

I wake up on a hospital bed, Hermione by my side. "I saw my dad." I say, Hermione standing up and touching my arm, "What?" She asks. "He sent the dementors away, I saw him on the other side of the lake-" I get cut off by Hermione telling me that they've captured Sirius and that they're about to perform the kiss on him. I immediately sit up and grab my glasses. "They're gonna kill him?!" I ask, looking up at her through my glasses. "No..It's worse. Much worse. They're going to suck out his soul.." The hospital wing doors open with a bang and Hermione whips around.

"Headmaster, you've got to stop them! They've got the wrong man!" Hermione walks up to him and I walk behind her, "It's true, sir. Sirius is innocent!"

"It's Scabbers who did it." Ron bursts out, laying on a hospital bed with Y/n sitting on the side of his bed. "Scabbers?" Dumbledore questions. "He's my rat, sir. He's not really a rat. Um, but he was a rat, my brother Percy's rat. Then he got an owl, and I got..-" Ron was cut off by Hermione, "Point is, we know the truth. Please believe us..." She stands back in front of Dumbledore, basically begging him.

"I do, Miss Granger, but I'm sorry to say, the word of four 13 year-old wizards will convince few others." Dumbledore looks between the four of us. He walks over to Ron and Y/n, standing at the foot of Ron's bed saying, "A child's voice, however honest and true, is meaningless.." He places his hand on Ron's elevated foot and continues to pat it, Ron looking like he's in a lot of pain. " those who have forgotten how to listen." He stops and looks out at presumably nothing, continuing, "Mysterious thing, time. Powerful. And when meddled with, dangerous..Sirius Black is in the topmost cell in the Dark Tower. You know the laws, Miss Granger," Dumbledore whisks back, "You must not be seen. And you would do well, I feel, to return before the last chime. If not, the consequences are too ghastly to discuss. If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life will be spared. Three turns should do it, I think." He makes a small turning motion and walks out the door.

Before it closes, however, he turns around and says, "Oh, by the way, I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin. Good luck." He smiles and shuts the door, leaving the four of us in the hospital wing. "What the bloody hell was that all about?" Ron asks, sitting up.

"Sorry, Ron, but seeing as you can't walk..." Hermione takes out a long golden chain and wraps it around herself and I, "Y/n, you don't mind staying here with Ron, do you?" She shakes her head and smiles, "We'll be fine, you two go and do whatever Dumbledore was on about." I nod and Hermione starts fiddling with a small circular object and I reach over to touch it, but end up getting my hand smacked away. I look back at Y/n and Ron as the circular thing spins and there are multiple blurry figures walking by and the sun comes up.


Harry and Hermione disappear from the middle of the room, just to reappear walking through the doors. "How did you get there? You were...We were just talking to you there?" Ron asks, pointing at the two spots that they vanished and reappeared from. "What's he talking about, Harry?" Hermione turns to face Harry. "I dunno. Honestly, Ron, how could someone be in two places at once?" They both start giggling and Ron and I just look at each other, confused as ever.


The next morning, at breakfast, Harry hadn't come down with the three of us so, we just went down by ourselves. A large package had arrived for Harry and Ron was left looking after it. Fred and George sat in front of us, pressing Ron to open it, that Harry would be okay with it. Ron eventually took a peek and the whole thing came undone. My eyes widened at the sight of a Firebolt laid upon the Gryffindor table.

Harry eventually strode in, everyone asking questions when he hasn't even seen it yet. Ron apologizes for opening it, but also blaming it on the twins which denied completely. Harry didn't care, picking it up and dashing outside immediately with everyone right after him. Ron limped behind him as I walked the same pace as him then Harry stopped and hopped on. He kicked off and zoomed out of the courtyard. I look up and loose sight if him almost immediately. I feel a soft tap on my shoulder, and I turn to face whoever tapped me. Ron was the face I met and I smiled at him, tilting my head, "You tapped me?" He nods and goes all pink. "I wanted to give you this for, uh, defending me...i-in the Shrieking Shack, I-I mean..." He opens his hand as he leans against the crutch he was given and I see a little red handmade bracelet. I smile at him and pick it up, slipping it on my wrist. "I-It's not much, bu-but-" He goes all red again and I hug him by the neck. I feel his free arm wrap around my waist and I say, "It's perfect, Ron. Thank you.." I let go and put the wrist with his bracelet up, "It's a perfect fit, too."

He smiles, as do I. "You didn't have to, Ron, I was just looking out for you." I say, shaking my head a little. "I wanted to. It's... just a little something to say thanks.." I nod and look down at it, fiddling with little tassels on the end of it.

Hey everyone!! I honestly thought this book would be longer than the other ones, but it turned out to be the same length. I'm going to put up the next book soon, but meanwhile, I'll be at school and learning useless crap! See ya next book!

Word Count: 1234

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