dull silver

97 14 5

• are you coming to the end of year thingy? •

he asked

sparking the conversation between us

as i marched in the direction

of the shopping center.

• nope. •

• ugh roo

you're no fun. •

i snorted.

• so your idea of fun is going to class

rather than protesting about the importance

of books in society? •

• okay fine.

you can be fun.

sometimes. •

i took his hand 

and we crossed the road.

• safety first... •

i whispered;

although saftey

was never a priority of mine.

• so what are we doing? •

he asked.

• we? •

• we. •

• well

i need to go shopping

for my mum... •

• no;

w e

need to go shopping for your mum •

• okay hayden. •

• okay roo. •

i think he made me smile too much.


• i wonder if these musili bars 

contain trans-fats instead of palm oil... •


• what - •

i should have known better

than to turn my back on him

next to a pile of chocolate bars.

• please roo? •

• hayden!

palm oil! •

• what the orangutans don't know

won't kill them •

• dude;

every bite of that chocolate bar

you chow down;

results in an unexpecting 


to lose their home! •

it was like i was now the child

in the seat of the trolley 

throwing a temper tantrum.

• you're cute when you go all

environmental nerd. •

he said;


and my cheeks heated up.

and that was when that girl he liked

from detention

walked down the isle casually;

only pausing to chat to him

about how she was forced to buy groceries

for the parents that she hated.

and i regret to admit something;

he smiled the whole way home.

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