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• what...

what happened...

roo? •

she sputtered;

tears clawing at her eyes

like they were holding on for dear life.

• i don't know;


i just don't know. •

and as she trembled against my shoulder;

when i buried my swollen eyes in her hair;

i couldn't help but allow

that asshole of a voice in my head to scream

'but you do know;


don't you?'

and maybe i did.

maybe i did know

that he'd been walking home alone;

pulled back by the wind

and the rain

and the possible thought that i would leave

before he got home.

maybe i did know

that what he was holding against his chest

to keep safe from his storm

fell out of reach;

where he knew he could not go.

and maybe i did know

and know now

he just might not come back.

but i don't want to know.

i don't want to know.

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