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there was a game show
i liked to watch
when i was young.
i don't remember the name of the show
just that it revolved around children
racing through the darkest maze
to try to win the ultimate prize.
the prizes were usually sweets
and the show refused to conclude
before an unfortunate child
fell into a trap of slime.
and the host had a pet parrot.
the parrot was silent
for a large majority of the time
but always;
in this particular part of the show
would mutter a complete sentence
of utter gibberish.
i liked that parrot.
i liked the way he grew old
and the producers allowed him to grow old
in a pure and natural way
and each episode
each race through a maze
where children would fall
into gooey messes
and rise to be kings and queens
of candy;
the parrot would become
a little more insane
than that of the last time.
and when he really did lose his head
it wasn't hidden
he wasn't immediately replaced
like the missing whole of hunger
to a wealthy heart.
he simply had muttered
his first comprehensional word
• hello •
(which was an ironic comment)
and dismantled off the host's shoulder
to walk through the door
where each child had entered.
never to be seen again.
i wish my life
was as adorned with that parrot's

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