
130 15 15

i was the first on the bus

per usual.

the bus driver nodded me on;

permitting me to wander on

despite my invalid bus card.

i had resumed my usual spot

staring out the window

to plan my newest rebellion;

when he;


sat next to me

a g a i n .

he didn't say a word

and i didn't either.

i detabated inside my head

whether i should thank him

for standing up for me;

but the bus swerved into the traffic

and i lost my courage.


the bus jolted onto the curb

making my body swing into his

and my face heat up.

- sorry -

i muttered;

but his reply was drowned

as the bus tipped with the weight

of its newest passengers.

my eyes widened as 'security'

trudged on board.

oh crap.

bus cards? •

the men demanded

and one by one

people nervously revealed their cards.

i glanced down to my hands

as my ears captured the sound of a woman

getting to her feet.

'security' immediately turned to her.

• i was the first gal to get on this bus.

i know who does not have a valid card. •

she said;


• well then. •

one of the security guys said.

• save us some time. •

but the lady

- that old pain of a lady;

hadn't waited for a reply.

her finger extended to point in our direction.

• one of them. •

she said simply;

and resumed her seat.

hayden looked at me.

questioning me.

i tried not to look nervous.

• bus cards please? •

security asked us;

and hayden extended his arm out

to reveal his card.


the machine in security's hand remarked.


not only was i in trouble;

he was too.

i held my breath as my card was taken.



it most definitely couldn't be valid.

my eyes were playing up.

but then when hayden was pulled aside;

and i wasn't;

i understood.

damn you hayden

and your freakish ninja moves.

A/N This is a sucky chapter :/

Anyway, I am so sorry, I have had a stack of homework over the past week and this following week should be a nightmare. I think I missed an update a couple of days ago, so I appologise! Nevertheless you guys have been amazing. I love you all xx

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