
100 13 6

• what did tiffany want? •

the basket tapped against leg

as we wandered into the musty

and chlorine infested atmosphere.

• nothing much.

just wanted to share some poetry

with me. •

• oh. •

he was quiet that day.

it wasn't odd.

just comfortable;

i guess.

• it's so hot

i muttered;

and he stroked his face all cocky.

• can we have the picnic at the local pools? •

he screwed up his nose

but noted my disappointment.

• only for you;

my lady. •

as we strolled through the sliding doors

into the land of excited children

he winced.

• scared of a little water? •

he glared.


sorry hayden.

i didn't know. •

• can we just eat?

i'm starving. •

the food was great

(except the chocolate)

but the cool of the water

was staring at me in the face.

• you have your bathers? •

• always with me

just incase •

• aren't you a strange little bird? •

i winked at him.

• you're definitely not coming in? •

he didn't answer.

my toes tickled the cool surface

of the water;

and suddenly my whole body

was surrounded by it

all at once.

• hayden! •

• you called? •

he crouched down

at the edge of the tilled pool

smirking cheekily

as i floated


before him.

• that's it. •

i said;

and tugged on his skinny arms

for him to fall in beside me.

he squawked when the water replaced the air

around his body

and yet i treaded water;

holding his hands.

• can't swim! •

he coughed;

and i placed his hands on my shoulders.

• thank you •

he muttered.

• you're welcome •

i began to say;

but water interrupted the words forming

in my mouth.

he splashed me?


A/N Hey guys!!! Okay, so I'm in class and I should be doing my science work, but I just had to update because YOU GUYS HAVE GOTTEN ME TO #132 IN POETRY FOR THIS BOOK!!! (Even though this ain't as poetic as I first thought it would be, but anyway...) And this is just the biggest surprise seeing as I haven't updated in years!!!

Haha aaaand this chapter doesn't have a proper title again... Sorry, I left my chapter names at home XD

I love you all xx

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