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• roo! •

he yelled behind me

so loud

that the kids in the sand pit

stopped and stared.

• how dare you? •

i was running by then.

running from his footprints in the sand

and events that would surely occur

when they caught up to my own.

and as my arms pumped

back and forth

i caught sight of the lines on my arm

in black ink.

• come back here!

stop! •

but i didn't

of course.

because running is what i'm good at

not facing.

and then

my fears of pausing my strides

became inevitable.

i felt the streak of ink

slide down the calf if my leg

before i could scream.

i slowed my pace

to counterattack

but when i turned

he couldn't be seen.

• hayden? •

i whispered;

wavering under a tree

knowing that surely

and certainly

he'd jump out at any moment

allowing a chocolate like substance

to collide with the fabric of my pants.

• who's the smart one now? •

he laughed;

but his face i could not see.

and then the pen landed on my arm

and i looked up.

• hayden! •

• you look like you're covered

in stray tattoos •

• no more than you do •

i laughed;

my neck craning

to see his eyes up in the tree.

but all i could see

was fairy lights

and feathers

entwined upon the leaves.

• welcome to wonderland. •

he whispered.

and i didn't doubt it.

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