white rose

80 10 6

the seatbelt slammed against my chest

and i winced from the evil

that was the fabric of the lifesaving device;

because it was strangling my boob

and god do i really need to say that it hurt?

• do i know how to drive?

only from what dirt bikes have taught me.

do i wanna kill myself?

not right now.

do i care about hayden so much

my life depends on it?

i damn well hope so. •

my bare feet scraped the acceleration pedal

pressing it down ever so slightly

as the traffic light changed

from red to green.

my phone rumbled.

• hayden! •

i shrieked;

my hand feeling around the passenger's seat

for the device.

as i reached the final traffic light

i took a glance.

{ did hay get home alright?

~ tiffany }

i cursed as an ambulance sped

perpendicular to my little car

in the direction of the park.

• no. •

i typed;

and clicked send.

the famous three shaded circles appeared;

tiffany was typing.

and then a thought forced it's way

into my innocent head.

what if i was wrong about my metaphor.

what if hayden

was not chasing after the second shade;

to destroy it,

but to become intoxicated in it's darkness.

and as i chased after the ambulance

and whatever it would lead me to;

i realised

the thought was true.

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