Chapter I

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DISCLAIMER: This following story you're about to encounter contains fictional characters that have been thought of and processed by LeighAsia herself.  Some of these places in this book are fictional and does not exist in the states of New York, Georgia , California, or Texas. You MAY NOT steal or recreate any scenarios that have been processed in this damn story or I'll beat yo ass personally.

October 30th 9:55 p.m.
SaiYanna threw her white Duvet covers from off her body, dragging herself into her bathroom, getting into the shower. It was another night at the club, she'd been there for three years and she hated it with a passion. Only reason she stayed so long was because of her best friend Reagan. SaiYanna had been on her own since she was eleven years old, after her mother died she jumped from foster home to foster home. Once she met Reagan at the age of twelve they made it their duty to leave and never look back and that's exactly what they did.

  Ever since then they hustled their way into everything. Even working in the strip club, and no they weren't strippers, they were just bottle girls who'd been mistaken as such.

  Sai'Yanna was deep into her thoughts as she stood remotely still underneath the water. Damn I can't wait until this shit is over, I'm tired of this tired ass club, she thought to herself. She was broken away from her thoughts as she received a call from Reagan.

    "Hello", she yelled over the loud shower. "Yo Yanna where you at? The ballers are out tonight. I'm talking from the top floor to the bottom and if they ain't asking for me they asking for you", Reagan said in an excited tone. "I'm on the way. I hopped in the shower right fast." "Aight girl but you better make it fast because Deedee sholl got her nose all up in yo mix girl." "Yeah yeah yeah, and she knew what was good for her ass she better get the fuck back. AND MAKE SURE YOU TELL THAT HOE WHAT I SAID!"

  Before Reagan could even respond Sai'Yanna hung up in her face, rinsing the soap off of her skin, wrapping herself in her towel, and back into her room. She pulled out her high waisted orange cut-out two piece with her black fishnet tights.

    SaiYanna walked into Cometz with all eyes on her. A huge smile grew upon Reagan's face as she ran from behind the bar taking her hand. "Bitch that nigga right there at the end of the bar has been asking for you for the past hour and a half", Reagan said excitedly pointing her finger at the guy. The guy looked in their direction with a grimace smile growing upon his face. Sai'Yanna got behind the bar walking in his direction.

"I heard you been lookin' for me." "Yeah I have, my boys recommended you", he said pointing upstairs to their V.I.P. section. A sly smirk rose on her face. "Okay what can I do for you?" "Can you bring me and my boys some Moët Rose, two bottles of Patrón, two Hennessy, and three Ace of Spades." Sai'Yanna eyes grew big, nobody had ever ordered so much different shit. "Damn y'all about to be tore up walking out of here", she said ringing him up, "it'll be twenty three hunnid". He pulled out a wad of hundreds putting five thousand dollars on the counter, Sai'Yanna counted it and realized it was more than his total. "Aye this too much money", she yelled out over the loud music. "That's ya tip ma." He disappeared back up the stairs with his people.

Reagan came prancing up behind her snatching the card off of the counter. "You must didn't see this?" "Nah I didn't even pay that no attention", Sai'Yanna replied putting the money into her fanny pack. Reagan read the card aloud regaining Sai'Yanna's attention. The High Society?, she thought to herself. She heard of that place before and she knew what they were about. They were about their paper and so was she & lowkey she wanted to be down and so did Reagan. "Yo Sai do you know what this mean? That nigga got bread and we could get down with they peoples we could have that paper too. They the hottest modeling agency in New York right now, we gotta get down with them." Sai'Yanna wasn't too sure but Reagan did have a point, they were on a paper chase and they needed a newer way to come up and what better way then to be down with The High Society.

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