Chapter XVIII

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May 19

Their love was at an all time high as they prepped for their child's arrival. It was almost time for her to find out what she was having and majority of her time she spent it at Bricks penthouse, practically moving in. She didn't neglect her home, Bricks and herself had just become so inseparable. They were in the honeymoon phase and they hadn't even jumped the broom yet. They enjoyed each other's company, Bricks was finally getting out of that black hole he'd been in since the loss of Jayceon.


Leena drove through downtown New York with a mystery woman in her Mercedes Benz CLA-Class. Leena was still on a mission, even while she was out of state she tried her best to make their lives a living hell, at first it was working but it was like Sai'Yanna knew what to do or say to make things right again. But Leena had the ultimate bomb dropper that was going to stop her good and leave her crumbling to her knees. She hated seeing Sai'Yanna so happy, it made her soul cringe. She had so much hate and envy on her heart for her. Leena wanted to kill her and everything around her slowly and indeed she was.
   Her arrival in the city wasn't made known, she wanted to keep it discrete as possible. "This shit is finally almost over. I can't wait to see her sheisty ass crumble." The mystery woman said in excitement. "The timing gotta be right though you know that, we need to find Desiree. Call her up." Leena instructed. The woman did as she was told but Desiree didn't answer. It made Leena frustrated, she needed Desiree she was the glue that held the plan together.

   "What you want to do now?" The woman asked. "Nothing we just gone have to wait it out, cause if we do it now she'll make it disappear or find a gateway out." The woman shook her head in agreement. All Leena could think about was the tape and how she was going to end her perfect little fairytale.
Pulling up to her old condo, Leena and the woman crept their way up to the top floor. Entering the penthouse, she locked the door behind them. "Damn girl you been living like this and didn't tell me?" The woman asked. Leena laughed throwing her keys on the counter and made herself comfortable. "We been apart for too long Leena and you of all people know that." "I know that LaShon. You think I wanted us to be apart for this long?" Leena sighed.
"I'm just saying Leena. You been living the high life while I'm back home living yo damn life. I'm ready for this shit to be over. I don't know how much longer I can take this shit. Every other week, we trading places it's to keep shit under wraps. It's been time." Leena knew shit was above her head now and LaShon just wanted her to do what she had to do so things could back to how they were. Fiddling with the manila envelope, Leena knew the tape that was inside was going to do all the damage she needed, she just needed Desiree to come through on her end.

Being that no one had heard from Desiree in almost six months but her mother made things off balance for Leena. It was like De was hiding out from Leena and the world. She started something she couldn't keep up with and it must've took a toll on her.

   Bricks rubbed Sai'Yanna's stomach as she slept peacefully on the living room couch. He was listening to every motion that was happening inside of her. Nothing could explain how happy he was. He got to come home to Sai'Yanna and her big belly every other night instead of coming back and forth to her place.
   Sai'Yanna moved around, trying to get out of Bricks grasp but he wasn't letting go. "Bricks, baby move", she groaned. "No I'm listening to my baby kick and shit." "I'm bout to kick you if you don't move and don't be cursing round my daughter." She finally woke up, rubbing his head. "That's a boy, ma ion know what you talkin bout." Sai'Yanna sat up causing Bricks to do the same. "Boy this is a girl and you know it. My breast been getting  huge off this baby. It's a girl." "And so has yo ass so that's a boy like I said." "It's a girl the end." Sai'Yanna got up, turning her ass towards him. He smacked it hard causing her to jump. "OUCH! Damn Adryn!" She yelled. "I thought you said no cursing round the baby", he laughed. Sai playfully punched him in the gut running into their bedroom, flopping onto the bed. Bricks cane in behind her, climbing on top of her. "Move boy", she laughed. "Give me some love ma." He bit down on his bottom lip, sending her head spinning. She loved when he did that, it made her weak ready to have another baby and she hadn't even had the first one yet. She sat up, grabbing the back of his neck, kissing him passionately. They were in paradise together, everything felt so right that nothing in the world mattered.

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