Chapter XI

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    A couple of days had gone by and Bricks finally gave her room to breath. She was doing better than before and was ready to hit the streets once again. Sai'Yanna sat up in her bed looking at all of the contents that were inside of the manila envelope. "I gotta go see what's here." Sai'Yanna did her original hygiene routine, putting on her Adidas sweatsuit that hugged her pregnant frame, then throwing her curly hair into a messy bun. Grabbing the envelope and her truck keys, Sai left the house on a mission.


      Sai'Yanna pulled up to the address, getting out looking at the run down building. "Who the fuck would wanna live like this?" She said to herself. She made her way to address, bracing herself for what she was really in for. Unlocking the door, Sai'Yanna slipped inside looking at the well decorated interior. It looked nothing like the outside. She was impressed. She scoped the place out looking around for anything that'll at least give her a clue to why she was there. As soon as Sai'Yanna's back was turned someone came strutting out of the bedroom across from the kitchen. Her snooping made her tone death to her surroundings. "Can I help you?" A feminine voice asked her. But Sai'Yanna didn't pay them any attention. "EXCUSE ME!" The voice yelled out causing her to finally become aware. "Why the hell you in my house? Turn around befo' I blow yo damn head off." Sai'Yanna did as she was told, putting her hands in the air. The woman couldn't believe her eyes, it had been so long since she seen Sai'Yanna. "Who you here for lil girl?" She asked taking a seat on her couch. "Anto—". "Antonio. I know where he at. But what you want with him?" The woman tried her best to pretend she was clueless but she knew exactly what was going on. "I'm his daughter and got a lot of shit to catch up on. First starters, he's bout to be a grandfather. Now do you know where he is?"

      "Yeah. I know exactly where the nigga is", the woman got up from the couch, walking to the back of their apartment, parting into one of the bedrooms. Moments later she came back with Antonio trailing closely behind her. Sai'Yanna's mouth dropped open as she seen her father in the flesh. "Antonio. You got some explaining to do baby", the woman said charismatically. "This is between me and Antonio. And I'm not a lil ass girl. Im grown." Sai'Yanna assured the woman. Antonio directed his woman back into the bedroom as he gave his full attention to Sai'Yanna.
"What the hell you doing here?" Antonio asked in irritation. In a sense it was like Antonio knew Sai'Yanna was going to visit him sooner or later. "What? I came to find you. You owe an explanation to why you let me get sucked up into the system and to why all this shit coming out as of now?" Sai'Yanna was angry and it showed. Deep down Antonio thought it was best that she was in a foster home, but from the looks of it, it wasn't. She needed him over the years and now she needed him more than ever. "You wouldn't know the half of what I been through. And now mu'fuckas trying to kill me and my damn friends and on top of that... IM PREGNANT!" Antonio's eyes grew wide as he stood to his feet. "You're what?" "Is that the only thing you heard Antonio? Yeah I'm pregnant but I'm going through other shit too!" Antonio got up and walked into his room. Sai'Yanna called it quits, grabbing her things and headed for the door. It was no point in her to keep trying, it was obvious he didn't want to see her, so maybe the letter was a setup for her to get hurt all over again. Just as one of her feet stepped over the threshold, Antonio came trolling from the back in his dark wash DIESEL jeans, black turtle neck, and black Timberlands. He tucked his .38-caliber pistol on his hip. "Come on. We can't talk here", he said motioning Sai'Yanna out of the door.


Sai'Yanna pulled into her garage, getting out and they made their way inside. Reagan came strutting down stairs in her JUICY COUTURE sweatsuit, showing off her little baby pudge. Antonio made himself at home in the living room as Sai'Yanna pulled Reagan to the side. "I gotta tell him everything that's been going on." "What? Are you crazy? Can you even trust him?" Reagan asked, almost raising her voice. "He probably know what the fuck going on Reagan damn. He probably can help us find Desiree and make sure she's good." "Alright, but I'm sitting in on the conversation." "Whatever." Sai'Yanna sat across from Antonio, tossing him the tan manila envelope. "What's this?" He asked before opening it. "Somebody left it for me." He dumped the contents onto his lap, seeing the letter and pictures of the two he hadn't seen in years.

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