O n e

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(Song: Wires - The Neighborhood(All the songs are some of my favorites that I highly recommend))
(Cole's POV)

I slip on my black boots, pausing in front of the mirror, fixing my hair for a few minutes; trying to be satisfied with my appearance but I just end up groaning in failure.

I jog downstairs, in no hurry even though school would be starting any minute. Rojo is whispering to himself about God knows what downstairs; I don't even question it, I'm so used to it by now.

"I'm leaving so c'mon or get left." He flies over to my shoulder, his nails gripping harshly into my skin. I keep a straight face at the pain, grabbing my stuff and make my way to the door. I walk down the steps of my large, lonely house and out through the gate. I pass my car and continue walking, putting my hands in my pockets.

"What are you doing? Why are we walking? It's too hot for this!" Rojo yells.

"Oh shut up. It's not far." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Cole if I start to sweat it is all your fault!"
I pull out of my headphones as he continues rambling on about school and the heat. I push them into my ears to drown him out. I couldn't care less about the heat: or about school, for a matter of fact.

I finally reach the grand school and push through the giant wooden doors. I look at my watch and I'm barely on time. Everyone stops what they're doing and looks at me. I roll my eyes and walk to my locker. I hear whispers about me as I go but I keep a plain face as I continue.

I open my locker and hear footsteps approaching from behind me. I sigh and turn around, being met with Shea's icy eyes.

"Well, would you look at what the witch dragged in." Rojo says in my ear. I smirk at that. I give her an unimpressed look and lean against my locker.

"Hey babe," She says brushing back my hair. I slightly grimace as she pulls me into a hug.

"Hey," Is all I say as she pulls back and gives me a peck on the lips.

The bell rings and she takes my hand, leading me in the opposite direction.
"Sheaaa, my class is the other way," I groan, getting a little bit annoyed.

"Yeah but mine is this way." She says looking back at me with a grin.
I sigh but continue to let her drag me until we're at her class. She tries to give me a goodbye kiss but I just turn my head, her kiss landing on my cheek

"I'll see you later." I say and turn around to continue walking not sparing her another look.

I arrive at class a few minutes later and walk in. I go straight to the back, wondering where Jake is. I know he had this class first too. I shrug it off, knowing he probably just skipped.

I look around the room to see who else is in this class- oh great, they're all a bunch of goody two shoes. The door quietly opens and everyone looks up to see who the first late student of the year is.

I smirk as I see Xepher walk in. "Thank god," I mumble under my breath.
She sees me and instantly smiles, moving over here to sit with me seeing as obviously no one else is.

I hear Rojo whispering some nonsense about her to me. I just give him a look making him shut up. Xepher sits down and pretty much throws her bag to the floor.

"Where's Jake?" She asks

"No ide-" on cue the door comes swinging open.

"It's okay you can all breathe now, the party has arrived!" Jake yells with his signature grin. Xepher and I look to each other trying to hold back a smile because you just can't help it when it comes to Jake. He runs to jump in the seat to my right.

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