T w e l v e

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(Song: It's Ok, I Wouldn't Remember Me Either by Crywank)
(Cole's POV (Two day time Skip))

I roll over on the couch, looking over to the window and seeing the sun's up. I look over to the clock, 12:33 pm... welp. I roll off the couch on to the floor. "Ugh ow," that hurt and that was dumb.

"God you are a mess." I look up and see Rojo shaking his head. I groan and turn over, shoving my face in the rug.

Okay let me catch you up on what you missed, I skipped school on Friday because.. I didn't want to go, so that's a good enough reason stop questioning me. My phone died Thursday night so since then I've been avoiding all other humans.

"Okay at this point you're making me depressed, open a damn window you sloth," Rojo says. Yeah I'm not going to argue because I really should. I get up and drag my feet to the window, opening the curtains as well.

"I need food," I say and start walking to the kitchen.

"Oh hell no, you are NOT microwaving more pizza rolls. Go get your nasty ass in the shower, get dressed, put some shit on your face, because I'm getting sick of looking at it, it's giving me nightmares you look like a damn ghost. Get your keys and we're going out. In the sun! Ever heard of it??" You know how you have that friend that always drags you out of the house and gets your life together? Yeah well mine never leaves me alone.

"No I haven't, it sounds horrible though." I still go upstairs to get dressed because real food sounds so good.

After I finish putting on concealer and a bit of lipstick because Rojo was right I looked horrible, I leave the bathroom and walk down the stairs. "Fina-fucking-ly someone has been knocking nonstop and I can't exactly open it." I look over to the door walking to it.

"Hello- shit!" I slam the door shut on Devyn and Brennen.

Like I said, I'm avoiding everyone. "Come on Rojo we're going through the back." I grab my keys and start going to the back door, Rojo on my shoulder. I run and jump in my car, starting it immediately.

"Don't you dare leave right now!" I hear Brennen. I pull out and start speeding away. That was a close one...

Where are you going? you might ask, well Jake's house of course. But if you're avoiding people won't he be there? Hell no, he's never at home. His mom probably won't be either but she loves me so it really doesn't matter.

I pull in and park, getting out of my car. I get my key out and unlock the door. "I wanted food, what are we doing here?"

"Calm down, we're just going to hang here for a bit till I know that Brennen and Devyn are gone." I walk into the house, going straight to the couch.

"Why are you even hiding from them? You opened the door genius, they know you're alive and you're going to have to go to school eventually," Rojo says. I look over to the door hearing someone knock. I look at Rojo confused.

"Well, not my house not my problem," I say leaning further into the couch.

The knocking continues getting louder. "Holy hell, okay! I'm coming!" I get up, jogging to the door. I open the door and see Brennen and Devyn standing there with a pissed off look.

"We saw your car, it's very difficult to hide a metallic red car," Brennen says. He puts his hand on the door, walking through. Devyn follows him.

"Okay, okay, what do you guys want?" I ask and close the door.

"What do we want? Do you not realize we're your friends? You went all weird and fuck you all and then you just disappeared!" Devyn yells.

"I did not say 'fuck you all' thank you very much," I say, walking over to the fridge, grabbing a drink.

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