T w e n t y s e v e n

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(Song: Bitches Broken Hearts - Billie Eilish)
(Sam's POV)

"Do you want me to kill him? Because I will, I don't care if he's my friend," Brennen storms back in the room eating the popcorn from last night. He got here early the morning to check up on us.

"No definitely don't do that. Actually not trying to be mean but can I just be alone for awhile." I ask Brennen and Aryia. Aryia nods coming over and hugging me saying goodbye and to call him if I need anything and then he's out the door.

Brennen groans. "Fine, but I'm coming back over tonight you have no say in that," He then walks out the room putting up a peace sign.

"I can still stay though right?" Devyn asks looking at me worried. I know she wants to be with her best friend right now. She might be stronger than me but I can clearly see she's hurting.

"Of course." I throw a pillow at her saying duh.

"Okay I was like I know this boy is not kicking me out."

"Oh my god never. Anyways we should go out. Maybe tea then shopping?"

"Yeah that's sounds fun."

She jumps up to put on her shoes me following. We walk out the door and that's when we realize neither of us have a car since she drove with Aryia. "Welp... Down for a walk?"

She laughs and shakes her head but still starts walking.

We get to the tea/coffee shop about an hour later heading to our usually table. A waitress comes over and we order our usual. "So how are you? You and Xepher were closer than me and Colby so I can imagine how hard this is." When I was trying to sleep I thought about everything and calmed down a lot getting in the right mind state so all I'm worried about right now is her.

"First just because we expressed that we liked each other more doesn't mean we were closer, you guys were a power couple without being a couple and I'm fine." I slap the back of her head.

"Don't give me that. How are you actually?" She rolls her eyes about to start talking when a guy walks over.

"Hi, um this is weird but I was going to be pissed at my self if I didn't come talk to you." He says looking at me nervously. He has ebony wavey hair that goes a little over his ears, tan to light skin and black glasses. He's also pretty tall.. Well everyone is tall compared to me.

"Hey," I say awkwardly not knowing what to say.

"Could I maybe get your number? I would love to take you out to dinner sometime..." He is so stressed about this in a way it's kinda flattering.

"Yes! He would love that here," she starts writing my number down on a napkin. "Here, make sure to call. His name is Sam by the way," she smiles at him.

"I'm Ethan. Yeah I definitely will um it was nice meeting you both." He gives me a small smile and walks out the door meeting his friends that were waiting for him. I watch him walk away with wide shocked eyes.

"Why would you do that?!?" I whisper yell at her.

"What? He was super cute." I just stare at her. Okay something is definitely wrong this isn't something she would do.

"Oh god don't tell me you wouldn't give it because of Cole? He left Sam, left you crying over him alone get over it."

My eyebrows scrunch together giving her a weird look. "Who are we talking about here? Me or you?" I ask offended.

"You! You need to see that he's gone I'm trying to do you a favor. The chances of him coming back are so low and you need to realize that he left knowing that this was probably the end, and he still walked away..." her eyes start to water her voice breaking close to the end.

I get up hugging her knowing she was talking about Xepher rather than Colby. "She'll be back Dev give her some time.. I mean it's been one day." I grab her face looking in her eyes. "If she doesn't you will still be the most fabulous sweet person I know. You will be fine without her but let's be honest she was head over heels she'll be calling any minute."

Devyn try's to smile nodding. "Okay." She wipes her eyes. "Thank you. If that guy calls we'll just tell him it's not you acting like we gave him the wrong number. I'm sorry for that and what I said by the way."

"It's fine I get it also you weren't wrong sooo." We laugh turning it into a joke.

A few hours later we're shopping when her phone goes off. "One sec!" She stops pulling the phone from her pocket. She looks up at me smiling once she sees who it is. I cross my arms giving her the 'I told you so' look.

She laughs hitting answer and walks away to probably here Xepher confess her love. I smile and go back to looking at some cute crop tops happy for my friend.

She comes over a half an hour later when I'm checking out. "Sam! You were so right. At first I was kinda pissed at her but now oh my god I'm so in love." I laugh smiling.

"That's amazing Dev."

"Yeah... he'll come around too Sammy." I give her a small smile and just grab my bags not knowing if she's right but hoping.

We get home a little bit later putting away all of our new stuff since we're at each other's houses so much we both have a part in each other's closet to put our stuff in so she just keeps it all here.

I crash into the bed next to Brennen Devyn doing the same. "Oh my god!" Brennen picks up my phone showing a not programmed number calling.

"Shit! It's tea shop guy!" Devyn yells sitting up.

"What do we do?!?" I ask never been in this situation before. Brennen hits  answer putting it on speaker.

"Hello?" Brennen asks in a intimidating deep tone. Devyn shoves her head in a pillow trying not to laugh.

"Um hi? Is Sam there?" Awe I feel bad for the poor guy he seems so nice.

"Oh no honey you must have got the wrong number but if you're looking for a good time I can definitely help." His tone turning dark and creepy. I choke now joining Devyn trying to not bust up.

"Oh! Uh no- no thank you. Sorry for the mistake!" He hangs up and we all laugh so hard the neighbors probably heard.

That's how it leads to us prank calling a bunch of people having a night full of laughs, funny voices and confused people.

Lots of love- B🖤
(Word count: 1168)

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