S i x t e e n

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(Song: Bittersweet Love by Blanks)
(Sam's POV)
We pull up to the guy's house and we all are fast to get out of the car excited to see our friends for the first time since school started. I subconsciously go behind Brennen so they don't notice me first. He pounds on the door like a police guard.

"Knock like that one more time and I'll have you in a headlock," Elton says as he opens the door. Contradictory to his words he has a huge smile on opening the door wide for us.

"Brother!" Brennen yells and 'bro hugs' Elton. Where did that 'Brother' thing even come from?

"Oh my God Sammy work that god damn runway king," Elton says looking me up and down while clapping with an impressed look.

I just blush and smile at him. "Told you," Devyn whispers in my ear when Brennen and Elton start talking.

"I'm gonna go grab a drink," I tell her and walk to the kitchen. Do you have that friend's house that you went to so much it pretty much became yours too? Because this is my house too as far as I'm concerned.

I get to the kitchen and see Kevin and Aryia talking. "Hey guys!" I say happily.

"Holy shi-" Kevin grabs the counter for support once he sees me. "Samual I don't know what you're trying to pull in that but you're killing it," Kevin says.

I giggle "Thank you?" I say in a questionable tone.

"This has to be against some law I will not allow my innocent son to go out looking that good," Aryia says and slams his hand on the counter. I love my friends so flipping much it's not even funny... Okay time to get in character.

"Dad! Come on its just one party I don't even think there's going to be boys there!" I whine but keep my smile not being able to drop it.

"Nope I don't care teenage boys are gross! You have no business being around them," Aryia turns around as if saying end of conversation. I burst out laughing grabbing the counter.

"We should honestly make a movie we would kill it," Aryia laughs.

"Okay but on a real note you look absolutely stunning," He says smiling.


After that we all go into the living room and catch up on everything. Lots of laughing and gasping happened mostly coming from Corey who got there about an hour later.

By the time we're all caught up we are now in a more serious conversation about everything. "I don't know sometimes it just feels like I don't really belong in any friend group like I know I have you guys whenever I need you but it kinda just feels like it's not my friend group you know. That sounds so dumb I'm sorry I don't know how to explain it," Corey says quietly.

"Hey no it's not dumb Corey, don't ever say that. Your feelings are always valid do you understand me?" Elton says, who's sitting next to Corey.


"Okay good. Now I know that this won't help much but when I say that you are one of the first people that pop into my mind when I think of all of us I'm not lying, Corey you are so important to this friend group it would not be the same without you. Hell most of us wouldn't even know each other since you're the person who introduced us all," Elton smiles at him. We all nod completely agreeing.

"Yeah I know I just overthink things," Corey says looking down.

"Well stop because we love you so god damn much," Elton says and tackles him. We all laugh and join laying on top of him.

"Guys! If you love me this is a weird way of showing it!" Corey gasps for air.

"Okay okay we're done," Elton says and gets off of him as do the rest of us.

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