T w e n t y t h r e e

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(Song: Boys Will Be Bugs - Cavetown)
(Cole's POV)

I hear my phone blasting causing me to wake up. I reach for it eyes still closed. "Hello?" I ask having no idea who's calling since I didn't look.

"Just a heads up me and Jake are coming over since you're trying to abandon us!" Mike yells into the phone in a fake hurt voice.

"I'm not abandoning you I'm just taking some alone time." I cuddle further into the pillow.

"Nope don't lie to me, you are probably hanging out with a new me right now, if I didn't call you would have completely forgot I even existed. Just be honest with me it's over isn't it?" He sucks in a deep breath. This dramatic hoe I swear.

"Yes his name is Ricco and we are happy just stop calling it's getting embarrassing at this point..." Mike makes a sound like he's crying. I hear him whispering tiny 'I knew it''s.

"You're so dumb just get over here already I miss my bestiesss," I whine sitting up stretching.

"No forget you go be with Ricco bish." And then the line goes silent. I take the phone away from my ear looking at the screen confused. Did he really just hang up on me?? I drop the phone staring at the wall making my 'Wtf' face.

"Ugh whatever." I roll out of the bed falling on the floor. I just lay there deciding this is my new home.

Ten minutes later I hear the door opening. I don't move already knowing who it is. "Get the hell up!" Jake yells like a parent waking there kid up for the first day of school. He then walks through the door. Yes he knew I was laying dead without seeing me because we are just cool like that.

He looks at me on the floor shaking his head. "You will get up get dressed and leave this fucking house even if I have to shower dress you and then carry you out." I just respond with a simple glare.

"Up!" And there's Mike. Unlike Jake he doesn't give me time to answer. He comes over and grabs my arms pulling me to my feet, he then proceeds to drag me into the bathroom shutting the door once I'm in there. They act as if I haven't left the house in months. I mean it's happened before so they're probably trying to avoid old times...

I run down the stairs now ready. "So where we heading?"

"I was thinking we should go to LipSmack?" Mike asks. LipSmack okay so that's our old hangout we used to go every single day. It's pretty much like if you took a garage hang out and times it by 10 and made it an actual place. It's really cool and chill in there. Why it's called that I have no idea but they always have good music and snacks.

"That sounds good."

"Great let's go!" Jake yells getting up running to the door.

We get to the place typing in the pass code since you need it to get in. "Wow look whos here! Welcome back boys," The owner of this place says with a friendly smile. He always sits at the front to welcome people. We all say hi to him and catch up for a little bit before going into the actual hangout.

"Don't look now 11 a clock." How can you say that and really expect me not to look. I look over to Jake like he's stupid for even saying that, I roll my eyes and look where he told me not to-

"Is that?"

"Yep..." The mother fucker who started it all wow... He lifts his head looking over to us probably feeling all the eyes on him. He looks at me and tilts his head confused and surprised.

"Well you have to go over there now," Jake whispers to me. I nod and start walking over to him.

"Wow it's been a long time C," he says and chuckles. Not a mad chuckle like I said before just surprised.

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