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(Song: I'm In Love With My Life - Phases)
(Cole's POV)

I start to walk through an ally when all of a sudden I hear heels running behind me. I stop and sigh, knowing who it is.

"What's up Shea?" I turn around, facing her.

"What, I need a reason to see my boyfriend now?" She asks, sounding offended.

"Awe look, she finally understands," Rojo states. I snicker, knowing she can't understand him.

"No, I guess you don't."

"If you really want to know," she wraps her arms around my neck "I missed you, I haven't seen you since first period." She pouts. Which I guess was supposed to be cute?

"Hm yeah, I guess, doesn't seem like that long," I reply.

"A decade wouldn't be long enough." Rojo adds.

"What the hell are you always squawking about bird!" Shea yells. "I-I mean... what is he trying to tell me, babe?" She tries to correct herself in an obnoxiously sweet voice.

Me and Rojo give her a death glare. Yeah he's a pain in the ass but only people I like are allowed to mention that, she's not one of them.

"Ha, you know what? I gotta go." I say, putting my hands up and walking away. "And no you can't come!"

I'm walking around the big town, trying to explore and learn my way around. Since I'm gonna be here a lot I might wanna know where some things are. I spot a building that looks to be abandoned. Hm, I didn't think there would be a place like this here.

I just continue walking towards it, seeing as I usually go to these types of places in my free time. I quickly kick the door down and rush in, obviously not wanting anyone to see me. As I'm walking through, I hear a hum that sounds to be the melody to some song.

I go and hide behind the first thing I see as Rojo goes to scope it out. He flies back down from the roof where the song was coming from. My mind drifts to the humming sound, it sounds mesmorizing, almost like it's a siren song.

"HELLO!" Rojo screams into my ear.

"What?! You annoying bird," I yell back. Suddenly we look up hearing someone running down the stairs.

"They must have heard us," I whisper, watching the stairs.

"Then what are we doing here? Run dummy," He says just as quiet and flies onto my shoulder.

I run out of the building knowing the person would have been down there at any second.

"Who was up there?" I ask out of breath once we're far enough from the building.

"Well, it was just some small blonde boy, seemed fairly harmless," Rojo tells me. I nod, thank God it was none of the adults.

"Hey, bird boy!" I turn around to see who is yelling, I'm guessing at me from the bird comment.

"Yeah?" I ask the very petite brunette girl in front of me who is breathing like she has been running for a week straight.

"Sorry to bug you but I'm looking for my friend, we made a bet that I couldn't find him within twenty minutes," She takes a break to breathe. "So have you seen him? He's like 5'4, petite, blonde hair, bright blue eyes." (I know Sam isn't 5'4 at all it's for the book just go along with it lol)

"Um," I look to Rojo to see if it's the same boy from the building. He nods knowing my question. "Yeah actually I think I did, I saw a boy with that description go in an abandoned building just down there." I say pointing to where it is. Hey, that was kinda a lie but so? I'm still helping her.

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