T w e n t y t w o

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(Song: (Please listen to this song it's sooo good) Remember When - Wallows)
(Cole's POV (Same day just night))

Now that is what we call a hectic day... I go to lay on my couch once I get home. "What happened?" Rojo asks flying in the room since he didn't want to go to the water park.

"Honestly I don't even know." I grab a blanket and throw it over my whole body .

"Well does he hate you?"

"Definitely not..." he gasps and moves so he's standing on my leg.

"I know that tone! Tell me right now or I'm gonna peck your eye out bish." Wow that's very violent. I take the blanket off my head so I can see him.

"We kissed." Might as well rip the bandaid off. He acts like he's choking being the over dramatic bird he is.

"You did what?! Who kissed who? How long did it last? What did you say after? Why isn't he here then?"

"I'm going to sleep." I get up fast causing him to fall he squaks and then fly's up the stairs to meet me up there.

I get into bed and lay down just starting at the ceiling. "Sam and Colby sitting in a tree K I S S I N G," he laughs.

"Just know if I wasn't being lazy I would so kill you right now."

"Jesus I thought you would be over the moon right now, Sam is the only person you've showed any type of attraction to since Frank (Yes Crankthatfrank the emo GOD) and now Sam likes you obviously so what's wrong?" I sigh.

"Honestly I'm so fucking scared Rojo. I don't know what to do. I like him, okay there I admit it but I just haven't processed everything and it's a lot. I want to keep him safe from this side of the world and I don't ever want to hurt him in any way but I don't know how much longer I can keep pushing away," at this point my eyes are watering my brain going through everything.

I look over to him my face kinda scrunched, he just gives me a reassuring look. "C you need to stop, you've always done this. You care too much for people you like and it's a good quality to have but you hurt yourself and make yourself a monster in the process. I think that's because that's what you see yourself as but I don't understand what you see in that mirror but let me tell you no one else sees it Cole, you're a good guy believe it or not and Sam sees it. Let yourself go with someone easily stop fighting it..."

"It's not that easy I just can't." I turn back to the ceiling a few tears going down my face.

"Go to bed C okay? You need it." I harshly breath out and nod turning away from him half of my face in the pillow. I force my eyes shut pushing myself to sleep.

I look over to my phone since it keeps ringing.

"Um excuse me where the hell are you? It's lunch and no one has seen you all day," Mike says on the phone.

"To be honest I robbed a bank stole three kids and now I'm on the run," I say bored. I take a bite of my jerky pulling the needle off the record I had playing.

"Haha real funny now where are you? Don't leave me alone with these psychos I might die."

"He's at home being annoying save me!" Rojo yells into the phone.

"Why did you stay home?" He asks. I don't know maybe because I didn't want to go to school???

"Don't know. Wow would you look at that I gotta go!" I take the phone away from my ear hanging up.

I see Rojo from the corner of my eyes shaking his head. "We're here bitch!" Someone I'm guessing Cassie yells from the door. I roll my eyes walking over.

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