T w e n t y e i g h t

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(Song: Girls/Girls/Boys - Panic! At The Disco (This Song goes for only the first half of the chapter))
(Cole's POV)
(Flashback to three years ago so Colby is 13)

"Mikey!" I jump on Mike's back. He grabs the bar in front of him almost losing balance.

"God you scared me C!" He laughs sitting me down.

"Cole!" My eyes widen.

"It's Rojo he's mad at me hurry hide us!" Mike's eyes glow green for a second causing us to turn translucent well to us at least no one else can see or hear us right now.

"Your powers are soooo cool." I giggle looking to Rojo who's looking everywhere for me.

"You'll get yours soon too and they'll probably be better than mine."

"Yeah if my dad ever chooses to let me have them." I roll my eyes but still keep on a small smile that never seems to leave my face.

Rojo flies over to some boy with bright blue hair and asks him if he's seen me. (Since Cole didn't have his powers here everyone can understand Rojo) We're at a park so he probably saw everything I just hope he doesn't rat me out.

Rojo nods since he said no and heads into the woods probably thinking I'm hiding in there. Mike laughs coving his mouth and stops the spell.

"That was quite the show to just hide from some bird," the blue headed boy says from the tree he's sitting under with a playful smile.

"Eh magic is fun why not use it as much possible. Hey I gotta go C or my mom is going to have my head, literally." He laughs pulling me into a hug.

"Okay see you later love you."

"Love you too!" He runs off going home. I turn back to the boy seeing him gently flip through what looks to be a spell book. I walk over there and sit next to him.

"Hi! My names Cole but you can call me C everyone does." I give him a friendly smile as he looks over to me. He puts a book mark in the book setting it down.

"Nice to meet you I'm Frank." He puts out his hand for me to shake which I do happily thinking I made a new friend.

"Who is your parent?" I ask curious since I've never seen him here.

"Evil queen, yours?" I look at him kinda shocked since no one really personally knows her.

"Jafar," I state proudly.

"Oh wow! That's amazing I heard he's one of the very powerful ones."

"He definitely is! Anyways are you new over here?"

For the rest of the day we talk under that tree learning everything there is to know about the other some of the things I learned were that him and his mom were in hiding, he has a cat named apple and he loves making cool potions.

Then Rojo found me and yelled at me until I went home...

It's been like two months and Frank is literally the only person I've been hanging out with. I feel bad and miss my friends but everything about him is so interesting and don't even get me started on his mom's castle because wow. Not to mention I also think I have a crush on him.... but we don't have to talk about that part.

I feel a pillow hit my leg causing me to look up at Frank who laying upside down on his bed. "What you doing?" He asks.

"Um.." my cheeks get hot. I look down grabbing one of his many spell books on the floor in front of me. "Reading." I put it up to my face slouching down.

The book slips out of my hand and flies to him covered in a purple glow that leads to his open hand. He looks at the page I opened. "Oh, a love spell?? You trying to enchant me little one?" He laughs looking at me.

Me face completely flushes and I shake my head. "Hey calm down I was just messing with you. Not that I'd mind if you did though." I look at him confused.

"What? You wouldn't mind?"

"Why would I? You are beautiful and sweet I would be flattered if you did maybe it would make me less nervous to do this," he gets up sitting in front of me. "Would you want to go on a date with me?"

I smile over the moon happy since no one has ever asked me out before especially someone I liked. "I would love to my blue headed boy." He glares at me playfully hating when I call him that.

We talk for about another hour before I have to go home. I walk into my house and run up the stairs to my dads study so excited to tell him everything.

"Dad!" I walk in sitting in the chair in front of his desk. "Hey kid, what's got you so excited?" He smiles at me putting down his pen. "You know my friend Frank?"

"Of course you talk about him enough," he laughs.

"Okay so we were hanging out and he asked me on a date! I'm so happy but also kinda nervous because I've never been on one of those and I don't want to mess it up since I really like him." His face changes into one I've never seen before.

I walk into my room slowly closing the door, I stumble into the bathroom. I gasp seeing the handprint bruising on my cheek. I'm so confused I thought he would be happy for me, I didn't know how wrong it was or I would have never done it. I never want him to not be happy with me but I never ever thought he would hit me. He could have just told me and I would have told Frank no that this was disgusting and wrong. I just didn't know...

I put my hand over the print and whimper in pain because how hard the slap was. I wipe the tear off my face since dad said it made me look weak when I started crying down there.

I turn off the light and make my way over to my bench I have in front of my window. I lean my head against the cold glass and just stare out it kinda feeling numb.

I flinch backwards when Scotty's figure appears in front of the window. He has a big smile but when we make eye contact it slowly fades away and he lightly taps on the glass telling me to let him in.

I open the window he flies in and sits right in front of me. "You okay? Oh my! Your face, what happened?!" His eyes go wide lightly cupping my jaw looking at my cheek.

I tell him every detail and I end up in his lap as he rocks us slightly telling me my dad's the one that's wrong and lots of other things. I don't really listen and just cuddle further into him drifting off to sleep emotionally exhausted.

Am I crying just from writing this? Tbh yes a little sorry I didn't write out the seen and all the things he said to Colby honestly I just don't like writing parts like that.
Lots of love- B🖤
(Word count: 1232)

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