'I want to rip off all your clothes and fuck you until you can't walk'

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Three o'clock in the morning, and she was starring at her computer screen into the chocolate eyes of a boy she'll never meet, Thomas Brodie-Sangster. She had seen him in a couple things before, like Doctor Who, Death of a Superhero, Love Actually, and Nanny McPhee, but ever since she saw The Maze Runner, (Which was an amazing movie but made no since to her at the end,considering she hadn't read the books yet) she had 'fallen' for the amazing actor. Thomas, in her eyes, was adorable; in a "I want to rip off all your clothes and fuck you until you can't walk" kind of way.

Lizzie was a very special girl, she was talented in many aspects and she was three years ahead of where she was supposed to be, but she didn't see anything special about herself. She was always down on herself, thinking she wasn't good enough and no one could ever love her, she didn't even understand why people talked to her. She had many friends, though she preferred to be alone; she was very glad it was winter so she could wear sweaters and not be judged.
After she was done with her liking spree on Thomas' Instagram, she got up for an early morning shower. Twenty minutes later she was clean and fresh and her phone was blowing up with notifications. Thomas had followed her, liked all her photos, and DMed her. She had a heart attack/fangirl moment before she could read it. 

"Thanks for all the likes xD"

"Really, you're not annoyed? I mean it's not like you had enough already."

"But it's not everyday a beautiful, funny, cool girl like you like 'em."
 She couldn't breath. This was not happening, it had to be a dream, but she didn't wake up when she pinched herself on the arm. 

"This is a fake account, isn't it?"

"Haha, no, love. This is the real me."

They talked for hours after that, telling each other their deepest secrets. Well, it was mostly Lizzie doing the talking, but she didn't mind. She was still talking to him, and he was still talking to her. Later, at school, she was as happy as could be and her friends were enjoying every second. It had been a while since Lizzie was this happy and they didn't want to waste any of it. A week and half later and Thomas knew of all Lizzie's problems and did what he could to help. They started using text instead of DM and decided they would meet for dinner that night. She was freaking out. She had nothing to wear in her fully stocked closet, but she eventually picked out a baby-blue dress, leather jacket, and some boots.

By the time she was finished, she only had twenty minutes to get to a place that was thirty minutes away. She jumped in her car and sped off to the Waffle House they were meeting at. She hoped she wasn't too late as she pulled into the parking lot.

Hello lovelys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, even though it was short. 
This story might suck, so I apologize in advance if it does. Anyway, I hope you 
have a wonderful day!=3

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